The Fee is Free Unless We Win

We believe that everyone should have access to high-quality legal representation. That's why the fee is free unless we recover compensation for you. You only pay us if and when we win, and our fee is a percentage of the verdict or settlement we obtain.

Personal Injury Lawyers For The People

Morgan & Morgan is a leading personal injury law firm dedicated to protecting the people, not the powerful. We take pride in the fact that we do not represent insurance companies, hospitals, and other large corporations. We have limited our law practice to the representation of the people, covering a wide range of personal injury and consumer protection cases.

With more than 1,000+ lawyers and a support staff of over 4,000 employees, our firm has helped more than 500,000 clients nationwide. In their efforts to protect the people, not the powerful, our attorneys have established themselves as leading trial lawyers – a reputation defense attorneys and insurance providers are well aware of.

What Is a Contingency Fee?

After an injury, you may find yourself in need of legal representation but without the money to pay for it. The contingency fee arrangement between client and attorney exists for precisely this reason.

In a contingency fee agreement, your personal injury lawyer will get paid only when you recover compensation, whether through a settlement or a verdict at trial. Your attorney will receive a fixed percentage of the compensation you recover, minus any expenses your legal team incurs in order to successfully resolve the case.

Your attorney’s job is to build the best case possible to maximize the compensation you receive. There are some costs associated with building a strong case. Morgan & Morgan attorneys cover these costs and expenses as they arise. They will only be deducted from your share of the settlement or court award after the case is won.