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Slip and Fall Symptoms

When you’re involved in a falling accident, the results can be devastating. In fact, slips and falls are one of the leading causes of injury across the country. 

No matter where a falling accident takes place, the victim may have legal recourse to recover compensation. Victims can file for financial recovery if their slip and fall accident resulted from another party's negligent action or inaction.

Depending on the nature of the accident, the slip and fall symptoms that result may vary. More severe symptoms may suggest a serious injury. 

Contact a legal expert if you or someone you love has been injured in a slip and fall accident. Victims suffering from serious slip and fall symptoms shouldn’t be stuck covering the costs and losses from their accident. 

The accomplished team at Morgan & Morgan has decades of experience representing victims of slip and fall accidents. You deserve justice when someone's careless or reckless behavior causes you to hurt yourself in a fall. 

For more than 30 years, the skilled tort attorneys at Morgan and Morgan have fought for the rights of personal injury victims. When we represent you, we’ll work tirelessly to hold the at-fault party responsible for the harm they’ve caused. 

Fill out our brief online contact form to arrange a free consultation with one of our skilled legal professionals.

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How it works

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The Fee Is Free™. Only pay if we win.

Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.

  • Step 1

    your claim

    With a free case evaluation, submitting your case is easy with Morgan & Morgan.

  • Step 2

    We take

    Our dedicated team gets to work investigating your claim.

  • Step 3

    We fight
    for you

    If we take on the case, our team fights to get you the results you deserve.

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Get answers to commonly asked questions about our legal services and learn how we may assist you with your case.

  • What Are Common Injuries Resulting From Slip and Fall Accidents?

    Many injuries and physical damage can result when a falling accident occurs. 

    Height is one of the determining factors for how severe a falling accident is likely to be. Falling from a significant height makes catastrophic injuries and long-term damage much more likely.

    Every slip and fall accident is unique and involves distinct variables, but some injuries are more common than others following a slip and fall accident. Typical injuries that result from slip and fall accidents include:

    Broken Bones and Fractures

    When a person falls, their bones may be subject to more pressure than they can handle. This can result in cracks or fractures, leading to severe pain and suffering. 

    Elderly individuals are especially susceptible to broken bones during falls. However, victims of any age can sustain fractures or breaks in slip and fall accidents.  

    Fall victims typically land on hard surfaces. These sorts of impacts commonly produce high amounts of force.

    Some of the bones most commonly broken in slip and fall accidents include: 

    • Hip bones
    • Lower leg bones
    • Arms
    • Wrists
    • Shoulder bones
    • Collarbones 

    Many of these injuries require long-term treatment. The medical bills they generate are also usually significant. Slip and fall victims deserve compensation for their losses.

    Broken bones can result in the following slip and fall symptoms: 

    • Visible swelling at the point of injury
    • Bruising, contusions, or bleeding
    • Tingling or numbness in the extremities
    • Decreased range of motion
    • Intense and radiating pain 

    If you’re suffering from any of these slip and fall symptoms, it’s critical to seek medical attention. Getting the care you need is critical for your health, as well as any resulting personal injury claim.

    Spinal Cord Injuries

    When a person falls due to another person’s negligence, spinal cord injuries are a distinct possibility. These injuries can result in long-lasting slip and fall symptoms, requiring extensive medical care and treatment. 

    Some of the most common spinal cord injuries resulting from falling accidents are: 

    • Fractured vertebrae (spinal bones)
    • Herniated or slipped spinal discs
    • Pinched nerves
    • Whiplash  

    Many circumstances can cause victims to fall and sustain a spinal cord injury. If a business or property owner was negligent, you might be owed significant financial compensation for the costs associated with your injury. 

    Some of the slip and fall symptoms associated with spinal damage are: 

    • Extreme pain in the back, neck, or head
    • Lack of coordination or difficulty walking
    • Weakness, difficulty moving, or paralysis in parts of the body
    • Loss of sensation or tingling
    • Loss of bowel or bladder control 

    These symptoms can be debilitating for victims. Contact the dedicated attorneys at Morgan & Morgan if you’ve sustained a spinal injury in a falling accident.

    Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI)

    You may suffer a brain injury if you slip and hit your head on a hard floor or surface. Traumatic brain injuries are a serious form of bodily damage that requires immediate medical attention. 

    When a slip and fall victim’s head contacts the ground, their brain may be jostled inside their skull. The force of a fall can lead to brain damage even if their head doesn’t strike the floor.

    The mildest form of TBI is a concussion. Some of the typical slip and fall symptoms stemming from traumatic brain injuries are: 

    • Confusion
    • Persistent headache
    • Brain fog
    • Dizziness
    • Cognitive difficulties
    • Ringing ears
    • Nausea and vomiting
    • Difficulty speaking 

    Traumatic brain injuries don’t always cause loss of consciousness. That’s why it’s so important to undergo a medical assessment following a head injury of any kind. 

    The accomplished legal professionals at Morgan and Morgan know how to effectively fight for traumatic brain injury victims. These cases often involve complex circumstances with delicate medical conditions and debilitating symptoms.  

    Don’t allow the opposing party to downplay the damage caused by your traumatic brain injury. With our firm representing you, you can be certain your future is in capable hands.

    Joint Injuries

    When falling, the body’s natural reaction is to brace for impact. However, this instinct can lead to a variety of joint-related injuries. 

    Victims often attempt to catch themselves with their hands or arms. Landing on your wrist or elbow can cause significant bodily damage, including muscle strains and sprains, separated joints, and fractured or broken bones.  

    While bracing yourself can lead to broken bones, damage to soft joint tissue may also occur. This includes stretched or torn ligaments, nerves, and tendons. 

    Although minor joint injuries may heal with rest, compression, and elevation, others won’t. Severe joint injuries often require the victim to undergo physical therapy or surgery. 

    Negligent parties should be held legally and financially responsible when they cause another person harm. If you’re facing mounting medical costs from a joint injury, reach out to a Morgan & Morgan attorney. We’ll help you pursue the money to which you’re entitled.

    Cuts and Lacerations

    Many slip and fall accidents happen due to debris being left in walkways. Victims who land on sharp rocks, broken glass, or edged or pointed metal may sustain severe lacerations.

    This kind of injury can require sutures or stitches. In many cases, cuts from a slip and fall accident cause nerve problems and other soft tissue damage.

    Some of the troubling slip and fall symptoms from cuts and lacerations include: 

    • Severe pain
    • Bruising near the cut
    • Bleeding
    • Discolored skin at the injury site
    • Swelling 

    Those who sustain nerve damage from a deep cut may require long-term medical treatment. Speak with a Morgan and Morgan lawyer in the aftermath of a slip and fall laceration to pursue the financial recovery you need. 

  • What Are Typical Causes of Slip and Fall Accidents?

    Slip and fall accidents can happen almost anywhere. Victims may experience these accidents at home, at work, or in a place of business. 

    When an accident occurs because a property owner has been negligent in their duties of care, the victim may be entitled to compensation. Property owners and business operators have an implied legal duty to ensure that their customers and visitors are reasonably safe. 

    Failing to maintain the conditions of a property or engage in reasonable repairs may constitute negligence. The most common causes of slip and fall accidents include: 

    • Recently waxed or mopped floors
    • Loose rugs, mats, or floorboards
    • Loose or broken stairs
    • Uneven floors or surfaces without proper signage
    • Leaks or spills without warning signs
    • Splashed oil or grease
    • Snow or ice on sidewalks
    • Trash, debris, or other objects in walking paths
    • Loose electrical cables and wires
    • Inadequate lighting in dark spaces
    • Lack of handrails on stairs or walkways
    • Cracked sidewalks or floor tiles 

    People who own properties or businesses must ensure that these hazards don’t cause harm to visitors or customers. If a negligent property owner has caused you to suffer a falling accident, don’t wait to take action.

    The sooner you consult with one of the trusted legal professionals at Morgan & Morgan, the sooner you can recover the financial payment you need to move forward. Careless and reckless property owners put others at risk, and they should be held responsible.

  • What Are Typical Damages in Falling Accident Claims?

    The seasoned legal team at Morgan and Morgan has the skills and experience to accurately determine the value of your slip and fall claim. Often, insurance companies fight hard to downplay the policyholder’s liability in falling accident cases. 

    Devaluing filed claims secures the company’s profits and decreases its financial losses. These tactics often leave falling accident victims managing costs for which they’re not responsible. 

    If a negligent person or business has caused you harm, secure the services of an experienced attorney at Morgan & Morgan. Our tort lawyers can recover both economic and non-economic damages for victims in many personal injury cases.

    Economic damages are payments that cover the direct monetary losses the victim has experienced. Some typical examples include payments to compensate for: 

    • Past and current medical bills
    • Lost payments and income from an inability to work
    • Expected costs of future medical care
    • Property damage associated with the accident
    • Loss of future income due to long-term disability 

    However, some of the losses from a slip and fall accident are non-monetary. These costs may be covered through the recovery of non-economic damages. Examples include payments for: 

    • Pain and suffering
    • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
    • Anxiety, panic, and depression
    • Loss of quality of life
    • Loss of consortium or relationship (in wrongful death claims) 

    Determining the full value of your slip and fall case can be challenging. Get legal guidance from a Morgan and Morgan attorney today.

  • What Safety Measures Can Reduce the Likelihood of Slips and Falls?

    Property owners should take several important steps to keep their visitors safe. A few of the most crucial are:

    • Eliminating slippery surfaces
    • Clearing debris from walkways
    • Maintaining adequate lighting
    • Fixing cracks or gaps in flooring
    • Repairing broken stairs 

    Those who fail to adhere to proper safety measures may be responsible for the resulting physical and financial damage.

  • Morgan & Morgan: Experienced Slip and Fall Attorneys

    If you’ve been injured in a slip and fall accident, reach out to Morgan and Morgan today. We have more than 700 attorneys nationwide standing by to help you recover the money you’re due. 

    Schedule a free consultation with one of our knowledgeable legal professionals by completing our simple contact form online. Let us fight for you.

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