Lawyer for Slip and Fall Accidents at Costco

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Lawyer for Slip and Fall Accidents at Costco

When Costco store management cuts corners, unsuspecting customers lose out. Some Costco shoppers may suffer life-changing and debilitating injuries in falls due to short-staffing, lack of maintenance, or untrained store employees.

You could qualify for compensation if you got hurt in a slip and fall in Costco. However, having the right lawyer on your side can be essential when fighting a grocery-chain behemoth like Costco. As the largest personal injury firm in the country, Morgan & Morgan fights hard for the injured. We have the resources, stamina, and determination to hold powerful corporations accountable.

Morgan & Morgan thinks it is wrong that you should bear the financial burden of a Costco mistake. Our lawyers for slip and fall accidents at Costco want to hear from you if you got injured at the wholesale chain. Get in touch now to determine your best next steps in a free and confidential consultation.

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How it works

It's easy to get started.
The Fee Is Free™. Only pay if we win.

Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.

  • Step 1

    your claim

    With a free case evaluation, submitting your case is easy with Morgan & Morgan.

  • Step 2

    We take

    Our dedicated team gets to work investigating your claim.

  • Step 3

    We fight
    for you

    If we take on the case, our team fights to get you the results you deserve.

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Get answers to commonly asked questions about our legal services and learn how we may assist you with your case.

  • What Is Costco?

    According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, Costco is one of the largest retail companies in the world. The Costco Wholesale Corporation operates warehouse discount stores where shoppers can buy merchandise in bulk for discounted prices. However, to shop at Costco, you must be a club member and pay an annual membership fee.

    Costco stores carry grocery-store merchandise and other items stacked high in large warehouse-type buildings. Some Costco stores have associated businesses such as pharmacies, opticians, and gas stations.

  • What are Costco Slip and Fall Accident Causes?

    Vast warehouse-type stores like Costco provide the perfect environment for slips and falls. Wet floors from produce misters, fridge and freezer leaks, or merchandise spillages can be expected. During peak times, with crowds entering and exiting large Costco stores, employees may be too busy to wipe up spills or provide warning signs. Customers may be left to their own devices to navigate potential slip and fall hazards.

    Costco management must keep the store free of hazards to avoid endangering patrons. A slip and fall can occur when a Costco shopper gets hurt due to an avoidable hazard, such as:

    • Boxes left in aisles during operating hours
    • Leaks or blocked sinks causing slippery floors in restrooms
    • Worn or loose mats
    • Uncovered cables on the floor
    • Ice and snow accumulations on walkways and parking lots
    • Missing handrails
    • Defective shopping carts
    • Inadequate lighting in and outside the store
    • Water and debris on floors
    • Lack of warning signs in areas with spills or wet floors
    • Merchandise falling from a great height

    You might assume that getting hurt in Costco was your fault. However, this may not be true. If Costco staff and management ignored dangerous conditions in the store instead of removing or fixing them, and you got hurt, you could qualify for slip and fall compensation. Morgan & Morgan is here for you. Our injury attorneys could help you get the settlement you deserve. 

  • How About Slip and Fall Injuries in Supermarkets?

    For many shoppers, a harmless slip and fall may only lead to bruises or a sprained ankle. However, for some Costco customers, slip and fall injuries can be disabling, chronic, and even deadly. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), older adults are at risk of suffering significant consequences from falls. Common fall injuries can include:

    Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

    TBI can occur due to trauma to the head in a severe fall. Some TBIs are mild and can heal on their own. However, severe TBIs can be life-changing for victims, who may not be able to work again or lead the lifestyle to which they are accustomed. Some TBI patients suffer from devastating cognitive problems and irreversible brain damage, needing round-the-clock care for the rest of their lives.

    Broken Bones

    Common fractures from falls can include the wrists, hip, knees, and ankles. Most individuals try to break their falls by stretching out their arms and hands, resulting in broken wrists in even minor falls. In Costco falls, older adults are more prone to breaking large bones such as the hips, legs, and arms. Complex fractures can result in expensive medical bills and extended recovery and rehabilitation.

    Facial Injuries

    If customers are holding merchandise in their hands while slipping and falling, they may be unable to cushion their fall with their hands. This can result in painful facial and dental injuries, such as chipped or broken teeth. Other facial injuries in falls can include:

    • Broken nose
    • Fractured eye socket
    • Broken jaw
    • Tooth loss
    • Eye injuries
    • Scrapes and cuts

    Facial trauma, if not treated promptly, can cause permanent problems with chewing, swallowing, and speaking.

    Spinal Cord Damage

    A spinal cord injury can arise when an individual experiences a sudden blow to the spine in a fall, fracturing, crushing, or dislocating vertebrae. Spinal cord injuries are typically serious and can cause permanent loss of sensation, strength, and other body functions below the injury site. The most severe spinal cord damage can lead to complete paralysis.  

    Cuts and Lacerations

    Falling on broken glass, hard floors, or debris from merchandise can cause abrasions and lacerations. While minor scrapes and cuts can be harmless, deep wounds typically require medical assistance as they can cause heavy bleeding and damage nerves and muscles.

  • What are Your Next Best Steps After Getting Hurt in Costco?

    After your slip and fall at Costco, your first steps should safeguard your health and legal rights. Taking specific actions can give you the best chance to recover compensation from the grocery chain. Try to:

    • Ask for emergency medical help if required
    • Take photos or videos of the accident scene
    • Get the contact details of eyewitnesses
    • File an official accident report with Costco
    • Gather proof of your medical expenses, such as bills and statements
    • Retain any receipts for out-of-pocket costs from the accident
    • Contact a slip and fall accident lawyer

    Seek medical assistance as soon as possible if you did not receive emergency medical help at the store. You may have delayed injuries, and getting a prompt diagnosis and treatment can be critical for recovery from injuries. Moreover, without comprehensive medical evidence of your injuries, Costco and its insurer might allege that your injuries are exaggerated or happened elsewhere.

    Hire a Lawyer for Slip and Fall Accidents at Costco

    A severe slip and fall injury can affect every aspect of your life. You might experience an injury’s detrimental effects physically, emotionally, and socially. Moreover, the financial toll of a significant fall injury or impairment could cause hardship for you and your family.  

    If you were not responsible for your slip and fall injury at Costco, you could recover compensation from the company. However, recovering what you deserve and need to pay for your injury-related expenses can be more complex than you think, especially if you are standing up against a giant corporation with virtually unlimited resources. Hiring an experienced lawyer can be critical for the successful outcome of your claim.

    How Morgan & Morgan Can Help

    Our Costco slip and fall injury attorneys can be by your side every step of the way, protect your rights, and fight for justice and comprehensive compensation on your behalf. We can:

    • Ensure you receive adequate medical help
    • Assess your legal options and the next best steps
    • Calculate your damages and determine the worth of your case
    • Compile crucial evidence such as witness statements and photographs
    • File a personal injury lawsuit
    • Negotiate with Costco’s insurance company
    • Present your case strongly at trial

    If you are recuperating from a fall injury, the last thing you need is the added stress and frustration of fighting with Costco and its legal teams. Let our attorneys handle it for you while you are healing and recovering.

  • Could Costco Slip and Fall Victims Qualify for Compensation?

    Every slip and fall case is unique. The damages you could recover will depend on the circumstances of your accident, the severity of your injury, and other facts. However, you could receive economic damages, such as:

    • Healthcare costs
    • Future medical expenses
    • Income loss
    • Medical devices
    • A home health aide
    • Modifications of your house and vehicle, if disabled
    • Out-of-pocket costs

    If you were injured severely, you could also qualify for so-called “non-economic damages,” compensating you for the pain and loss of quality of life due to your injuries. Non-economic awards could include:

    • Permanent scarring and disfigurement
    • Physical pain and suffering
    • Emotional anguish
    • Inconvenience
    • Reduced life enjoyment
    • Disability

    Knowing the value of your slip and fall claim is critical for negotiating a fair settlement with Costco and its insurer. Our lawyers for slip and fall accidents at Costco can calculate your economic and non-economic losses and identify the true worth of your case. 

  • What Are My Legal Options as an Injured Costco Employee?

    If you were injured in a slip and fall while working at Costco, you could have various options for recovery. However, in the first instance, you would file a workers’ compensation claim in your state, allowing you to receive wage replacement benefits, medical care, and other financial help for your work-related injury.

    If your slip and fall happened due to a third party’s negligence, such as a contractor working at Costco, you could potentially file a personal injury lawsuit. Filing a legal claim could allow you to recover compensation in addition to your workers’ compensation benefits, such as awards for pain and suffering, emotional trauma, and more. If you are unsure whether you have a personal injury claim, contact our slip and fall accident attorneys, who can assess your case, determine your legal options, and move forward with a claim.

  • What Is the Average Settlement for a Costco Slip and Fall Injury?

    Since every slip and fall claim differs, there is no average settlement amount. What you could recover will depend on the facts of your case, including:

    • The extent and permanence of your injury
    • Your wage losses and future expected losses due to the fall accident
    • Whether you can work again
    • Your medical bills and future anticipated healthcare expenses
    • Your degree of responsibility for the fall
    • The pain and suffering you experienced

    Beware of lowball settlement offers from an insurance company. We understand that agreeing to the first settlement offer may be tempting, especially when you have large medical bills to pay. However, the initial settlement offer from an insurer is usually inadequate and an attempt to settle as quickly and cheaply as possible. You may not even know the full extent of your damages and losses. Therefore, we urge victims to seek legal advice before accepting settlement offers. Once you sign the agreement, you are typically barred from receiving further compensation and filing a lawsuit.

  • Do I Have to Pay a Lawyer for Slip and Fall Accidents at Costco Upfront?

    You do not have to pay Morgan & Morgan a dime to handle your claim. Unlike some law firms, we have the resources to fight your Costco slip and fall case from start to finish without charging any upfront costs such as attorney’s fees or legal expenses. You only pay us if and when we win and recover for you.

  • Morgan & Morgan Fights for the People

    Standing up to a retail giant such as Costco can feel intimidating and overwhelming. Don’t go it alone. As America’s largest personal injury firm, we can level the playing field, hold corporate giants accountable for their mistakes, and fight for what you deserve.

    Morgan & Morgan understands the emotional, physical, and financial implications of a severe fall injury on victims and families. We never settle for less because we know that our clients rely on a comprehensive settlement to put their lives back together.  

    Our experienced slip and fall lawyers want nothing more than to recover maximum compensation in the shortest possible time so you can move forward. Get started today and contact us for a free and confidential case review.

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