Can You Sue a Company for Sexual Harassment?

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Can You Sue a Company for Sexual Harassment?

Sexual harassment is a common problem in many workplaces, unfortunately. But victims of this type of behavior should not have to bear the burdens of harassment on their own.
With the rise of cultural movements that focus on sexual misconduct, victims might be left to wonder about their own rights. If you have experienced inappropriate behavior, can you sue a company for sexual harassment? Read on to find out.
In the aftermath of an incident of sexual harassment, it is normal to feel confused, angry, and overwhelmed. Victims often have concerns about their rights and options. 
The biggest question is, “Can you sue a company for sexual harassment?” Aside from filing a lawsuit, there are many things that can be done to prevent incidents of misconduct in the workplace.
If you or someone you love has been the victim of sexual harassment, it is important to speak with a legal expert. Having a skilled representative will ensure that your rights and interests are protected.
The accomplished tort attorneys at Morgan & Morgan have decades of experience fighting for our clients. Our lawyers have the skills and knowledge to effectively represent sexual harassment victims. 
It is important to hold individuals and companies accountable. To schedule a no-cost legal evaluation, fill out the contact form on the Morgan & Morgan website today.

What Is Sexual Harassment?

Sexual harassment in the workplace is a type of discrimination. This type of unconscionable action violates Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
Under the law, sexual harassment is defined to include unwelcome requests for sexual favors, unwanted sexual advances, or other unwarranted physical or verbal conduct of a sexual nature. To qualify as harassment, this type of behavior must affect the victim’s employment or job performance.
Discrimination can result in a hostile work environment for victims. It often leaves victims wondering, “When can you sue a company for sexual harassment?”
There are two primary categories of workplace sexual harassment. These are known as “quid pro quo” and “hostile work environment” cases. 

Quid Pro Quo Harassment

This type of sexual harassment involves a “this for that” exchange. This happens when a manager, supervisor, or other superior says that an employee will receive benefits in exchange for sexual activity.
For example, suppose that a manager implies that they will provide a promotion or raise to a worker for sexual contact. This would qualify as an instance of quid pro quo harassment.
However, the workplace authority figure does not have to offer benefits to the victim. When a superior threatens an employee with a reprimand or firing unless they provide sexual benefits, this also qualifies as quid pro quo.
Finally, this type of harassment can take place during the hiring process. When the hiring party offers a position on the condition of sexual favors, the applicant has experienced sexual harassment.
If you have been the victim of quid pro quo harassment, it is critical to reach out to a legal expert. The skilled lawyers at Morgan & Morgan will work tirelessly to secure justice in your sexual harassment case.
Can you sue a company for sexual harassment? With the help of Morgan & Morgan, you can.

Hostile Work Environment Harassment

The other primary type of sexual misconduct is known as “hostile work environment” harassment. This type of harassment is defined as any type of conduct that interferes with work and is directed toward someone because of their sex. 
Behavior that creates an offensive or intimidating environment for workers qualifies as hostile workplace harassment. Some of the most common examples of hostile work environment harassment include:

  • Unwanted touching or physical contact
  • Unwanted sexual advances
  • Gender-related jokes or teasing
  • Sexual, lewd, or inappropriate jokes or comments
  • Inappropriate gestures or non-verbal communication
  • Displaying or sharing sexually explicit material
  • Offensive comments about someone’s body, appearance, or clothing

These are only a few examples of hostile work environment harassment. Any type of conduct that interferes with an employee’s work and creates an uncomfortable workplace may qualify.
If you or a coworker have experienced any of the following, you may be the victim of this type of sexual harassment:

  • Emotionally difficult situations in the workplace
  • Inability to perform required job-related tasks
  • Decreased sense of personal well-being at work

When your workplace is hostile because of a coworker’s behavior, you have legal recourse. You may be wondering, “Can you sue a company for sexual harassment?” 
With the help of the qualified attorneys at Morgan & Morgan, you can pursue financial compensation for the discrimination that you experienced. Our team understands how to build successful sexual harassment lawsuits to recover maximum financial recovery for our clients.

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