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Car Hit From Behind — Now What?

Any type of motor vehicle accident can cause significant property and physical damage. But victims may experience specific types of harm when they are in a car hit from behind.  

Rear-end collisions often cause damage to the vehicle in front. No matter which vehicle you were in at the time of the crash, it is a good idea to speak with a car accident lawyer. 

One of the skilled attorneys at Morgan & Morgan will gladly review the facts of your case to help you determine the best course of action. If you were hurt while driving a car hit from behind, you might be owed compensation. 

The accomplished car accident lawyers at Morgan and Morgan have decades of experience fighting for victims of rear-end collisions. When we take your case, we will work tirelessly to recover the money to which you are rightfully entitled.  

Victims of rear-end crashes often experience staggering medical expenses, lost income, and other financial costs. You should not be accountable for these losses if another person’s actions caused them. 

Fortunately, the team at Morgan & Morgan is standing by to help. Schedule a free case evaluation with our knowledgeable professionals by completing the easy-to-use contact form on our website. We will fight for your rights in the aftermath of your accident or injury. 

Steps After a Rear-End Accident

The moments after a collision are typically confusing and chaotic. Rear-end collisions often occur with no warning to the driver in the front vehicle. 

When you have come to a stop or slowed your car, being hit from behind can happen with no notice. Motorists usually do not have time to prepare or react to minimize the damage. 

In the moments after a rear-end collision, it is vital to take steps to ensure your safety and protect your legal rights. Right after the crash happens, take the following actions:

Check for Injuries

The physical safety of those involved is the most important issue in the moments after a crash. Check yourself and others for any evidence of physical injuries.  

If you are seriously hurt, do not attempt to move before medical professionals arrive. Do not attempt to move anyone who has sustained a serious injury.  

Contact medical responders if anyone has been physically harmed in the rear-end crash. Calling 911 is a good way to request an ambulance at the scene of the collision. 

There are many types of injuries that victims of rear-end crashes may sustain. Back and spine injuries are common in this kind of accident. 

Contact Law Enforcement

After you have checked yourself and others for physical injuries, contact the police. In many states, it is a legal requirement to report your accident to local law enforcement. 

Some statutes require you to report collisions that result in injuries or a specific amount of property damage. Regardless of the legal requirements, it is a good idea to contact law enforcement.  

The responding officers will draft an accident report detailing the incident. If a legal claim results from the accident, this document will serve as useful evidence. 

A police accident report is an objective third-party account of the collision. Having a copy of this report will ensure that the other party cannot downplay their contribution to the crash. 

Police accident reports often contain the following vital information:

  • Time, location, and date of the crash
  • Relevant road and weather conditions
  • Physical descriptions or diagrams of the collision
  • Statements from eyewitnesses
  • Statements from those involved — including drivers and passengers
  • Descriptions of the vehicles involved 

A skilled car accident lawyer will leverage the information in the police accident report to bolster your claim. This document can help to corroborate your account of the collision and determine legal liability.  

If you were in a car hit from behind, make sure to request a copy of the police accident report. The Morgan & Morgan tort attorneys can help you obtain this important piece of legal evidence. 

Gather Evidence of the Collision

As time passes, it will become more difficult to remember relevant facts and details from your collision. Car accidents happen quickly, and the moments after can leave you disoriented.  

Because of this, it is critical to collect information and evidence before leaving the scene of the accident. The following evidence will be useful in any resulting tort claim: 

  • Notes detailing your personal experience
  • License plate numbers of all vehicles
  • Names and contact information for eyewitnesses
  • Descriptions of obstacles or relevant roadway features
  • Photos and videos of all resulting injuries
  • Photos and videos of all resulting property damage 

The more information you collect about your rear-end crash, the better. A skilled car accident lawyer will use all the available evidence to recover the money to which you are entitled.

Contact Your Insurance Company

It is important to report the accident to your insurance company as soon as possible. However, you should remember that insurance providers are not working purely in your best interests. 

These corporations boost their bottom lines by denying claims and devaluing the harm that victims experience. You should not attempt to negotiate with an adjuster without the guidance of a seasoned legal professional.  

Insurance adjusters often employ tactics to lure claimants into undermining their own recovery. For example, you might respond that you are “fine” when an adjuster asks how you are. 

In a normal conversation, this would only be a polite response. But in a discussion with an insurance adjuster, this response might be used as evidence that your injury is not as severe as you claim. 

Do not let this happen to you. Secure legal guidance from a member of the Morgan & Morgan legal team.

Speak With a Car Accident Lawyer

If you believe that the rear-end accident was the result of another party’s negligent behavior, do not hesitate. Reach out to the accomplished team at Morgan & Morgan.  

When we agree to represent you, our skilled car accident attorneys will handle the following parts of your case: 

  • Collecting and cataloging relevant evidence
  • Determining which laws and statutes apply in your case
  • Calculating an appropriate settlement or recovery amount
  • Gathering documentation — including accident reports and medical records
  • Consulting with accident specialists and experts
  • Determining who is legally liable for damages
  • Negotiating with insurance companies on your behalf
  • Representing you in hearings or a resulting trial 

Although it is not a legal requirement to hire a lawyer, doing so will give you the best chance of recovering compensation. Victims who represent themselves usually settle for much less than the full value of their rear-end accident claim.

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  • Step 1

    your claim

    With a free case evaluation, submitting your case is easy with Morgan & Morgan.

  • Step 2

    We take

    Our dedicated team gets to work investigating your claim.

  • Step 3

    We fight
    for you

    If we take on the case, our team fights to get you the results you deserve.

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Get answers to commonly asked questions about our legal services and learn how we may assist you with your case.

  • What Are Common Types of Injuries Resulting From Rear-End Crashes?

    Every car accident is unique. However, rear-end collisions make certain types of physical injuries more likely than others.  

    When you are in a car hit from behind, you are at risk for specific kinds of personal injuries.

    “Whiplash” is one of the most common injuries that victims of rear-end crashes sustain. Whiplash is a neck injury that happens when your neck and torso are jolted in opposing directions. 

    These injuries can result in severe muscle and nerve damage. If you believe you have sustained a whiplash injury, it is critical to speak with a medical care provider as soon as possible.

    Rear-end accidents violently jolt those in the front-most vehicle. This severe impact can also result in serious spinal and back injuries. 

    One of the most common back injuries resulting from rear-end crashes is herniated discs. The spinal cord is composed of bones (called “vertebrae”) and rubbery discs. These discs of soft tissue cushion the spinal bones and protect them from impact. 

    A herniated disc occurs when the core of the spinal disc protrudes from inside the rubbery exterior tissue. Some victims do not experience immediate symptoms from herniated discs, but other victims suffer from: 

    • Weakness in surrounding muscles
    • Numbness or tingling in the extremities
    • Pain in the arms or legs 

    If not treated properly, these injuries can worsen. Some rear-end collision victims require surgical interventions to recover from their spine and back injuries.

    Brain injuries can occur in rear-end collisions when a victim’s head collides with one of the interior surfaces of the car, such as the dash or steering wheel. Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) should be assessed by a medical care professional as soon as possible after the crash.  

    Even minor TBIs (called “concussions”) can result in long-lasting medical complications and conditions. Some of the symptoms of TBIs include: 

    • Persistent headache
    • Nausea and vomiting
    • Seizure
    • Loss of consciousness
    • Blurry field of vision
    • Changes in the size of the victim’s pupils
    • Difficulty concentrating
    • Increased aggression or agitation
    • Difficulty speaking normally
    • Disorientation
    • Memory problems
    • Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
    • Anxiety and depression
    • Light or sound sensitivity
    • Numbness or tingling in arms or legs 

    If you have experienced any of these symptoms, it is important to seek a medical assessment immediately. Untreated TBIs can result in permanent adverse conditions for victims. 

    It is also important to note that TBIs do not always present symptoms immediately. A brain injury may not result in noticeable signs or symptoms for hours, days, or weeks after the initial incident.

  • What Is the Deadline for Filing a Rear-End Collision Claim?

    The timeline for car accident claims varies across the country. The legal time limit by which victims must pursue financial compensation for a motor vehicle accident is determined state by state.

    The time limit for filing a tort claim is known as the “statute of limitations.” These legal time limits are typically between two and six years. 

    While this might sound like a long time, it is vital to begin the legal process as soon as possible. One of the car accident attorneys at Morgan and Morgan can ensure that all the required time limits are met in your collision case.

    Those who do not begin the legal claims process before the statute of limitations expires are likely to forfeit any financial compensation. For the best chance of a successful claim, speak with a legal professional as soon as possible. 

  • Rear-End Crash Attorneys at Morgan & Morgan

    When you need legal representation following a car accident, contact the professionals at Morgan and Morgan. For more than three decades, we have successfully fought for the rights of accident and injury victims.  

    Our attorneys will work to recover compensation for the medical bills, lost wages, and property damage costs that you sustained. Do not let a negligent party deny you the financial recovery you need. 

    Reach out to our friendly staff to schedule a free consultation to discuss the circumstances of your case. Complete our online contact form to book your no-cost case evaluation today.

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