Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Claims: Securing Compensation for Your Suffering

4 min read time
Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS)

Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), formerly known as reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD), is a condition characterized by severe pain in one limb that generally worsens over time. Often triggered by an injury, CRPS can result in changes in skin temperature, muscle atrophy, and difficulty coordinating muscle movement, among other symptoms.

CRPS causes lasting suffering that shouldn’t be ignored. If you’ve been injured due to someone else’s negligence, and subsequently developed CRPS, you deserve restitution for the damage done to your health and quality of life.

That being said, CRPS is a difficult condition to diagnose. As such, the insurance company or the defendant in a personal injury case may claim that your symptoms are exaggerated, nonexistent, or unrelated to the original incident.

To give yourself the best chance at recovering compensation, you need a lawyer who intimately understands CRPS, and who has the know-how and resources to present your case in the strongest terms possible.

Look no further than Morgan & Morgan. Our attorneys have won more than $25 billion nationwide for injury victims across practice areas, and we may be able to help you, too.

Schedule a free, no-risk case evaluation today.


What Is CRPS?

Short for complex regional pain syndrome, CRPS is a type of chronic pain that’s generally triggered by physical trauma. People with CRPS were often first injured in a car accident or botched surgery.

In essence, CRPS magnifies the effects of an injury, causing debilitating, lingering, and worsening pain in the affected limb. The pain experienced is typically disproportional to the initial injury.


What Are the Symptoms of CRPS?

The symptoms of CRPS vary from one person to the next, but usually include some or all of the following:

  • Throbbing pain and/or a burning sensation in the affected limb
  • Sensitivity to touch
  • Changes in skin temperature, color, and/or texture 
  • Joint damage, swelling, and/or stiffness
  • Reduced mobility
  • Loss of muscle tissue
  • Muscle spasms

Be alert for pain, redness, swelling, and changes in body temperature, as these symptoms tend to occur first. As time goes on, the affected limb may become cold and pale, and the skin and nails may begin to undergo changes.


How Do I Know If I Have CRPS?

Unfortunately, there’s no single test that can definitively diagnose CRPS, so doctors rely on a physical exam, your medical history, and various procedures (including x-rays and bone scans) to make a diagnosis.

If you are experiencing constant, severe pain in your limb, particularly if it makes touching or moving the affected body part difficult, you should see a doctor immediately. It’s important to diagnose and treat CRPS early because its effects can become irreversible at a certain stage.


How Can an Attorney Help?

CRPS is one of the most painful conditions a person can suffer. Unfortunately, because the disease is difficult to diagnose, these cases can be trickier to prove than those involving more straightforward injuries such as broken bones and torn ligaments. 

Our legal team understands that CRPS can evolve and worsen over time, and that the cost of treatment can be enormous. We can help ensure you are properly evaluated by qualified medical personnel, and that the true extent of your losses are known.


Contact Morgan & Morgan

If you’ve been diagnosed with CRPS, you may be entitled to compensation. Morgan & Morgan is here to help.

Our attorneys work on a contingency basis, meaning it costs nothing to hire us, and we get paid only if your case is resolved successfully. There’s no upfront cost, and no risk to you.

Schedule a no-obligation case evaluation today.

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