What Are the Labor Laws Against Verbal Abuse in North Carolina?
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What Are the Labor Laws Against Verbal Abuse in North Carolina?
No one is immune to the demands of a hectic, high-pressure work life. Stress, physical exertion, and long hours behind a desk can take their toll. Of the 157 million people employed in the U.S., 83% report that they suffer from work-related stress. But while some career demands are acceptable, others are not.
Workplace harassment and abuse have an unimaginable effect on a person’s workload. And unfortunately, these occurrences are not uncommon. In fact, about 9.5% of working men and 11% of working women experience some form of harassment while at their job.
An abused person may suffer from a range of physical and psychological health effects. These include:
- Ulcers
- Loss of sleep
- High blood pressure
- Panic attacks
- Anxiety
- Increased stress levels
If you are the victim of verbal abuse in the workplace, you likely have questions. Namely, “What are my rights,” “How do I take action,” and “Do I need a lawyer?”
Many abused workers are in the dark about their rights. Fortunately, that doesn’t have to remain the case.
The team at Morgan & Morgan is experienced in NC labor laws/verbal abuse claims. If you believe your employer has violated your rights, fill out our online form to schedule a free, no-obligation legal consultation.
What Qualifies as Verbal Abuse?
In North Carolina, every person has the right to work in a discrimination-free, harassment-free environment. You should never experience unwelcome speech or conduct regarding these factors, while at work:
- Race
- Sexual orientation
- Gender
- Religion or creed
- Age
- National origin
- Disabling conditions
Unwanted speech can take the form of an angry outburst, backhanded remark, or office gossip. But for the experience to constitute harassment, it must fall into one of two categories. The abuse must either occur on a continuous basis or be something a reasonable person would consider to be hostile/abusive.
Events that are minor or isolated do not fit the requirements.
Workplace abuse is never acceptable. But the harassment becomes unlawful in these scenarios:
- When the abuse becomes a condition of the victim’s employment
- When the abuse creates an environment that is intimidating or hostile
Have you been insulted, belittled, or discredited in a way that puts you in either of these situations? If so, it is time to take action. If you have concerns about NC labor laws/verbal abuse, reach out to the experienced team at Morgan & Morgan today.
What Is Quid Pro Quo Harassment?
When the harassment comes from a supervisor, it may culminate in a tangible employment action. This is considered “quid pro quo” harassment. Oftentimes, quid pro quo harassment is sexual in nature.
Has your employer explicitly or implicitly made submission to harassment a term of your employment? Here are a few scenarios that may apply to you:
Fear of Negative Consequences
In some cases, employees fear that rejecting or reporting harassment will result in negative consequences. If you have received these threats or similar ones, you might be experiencing quid pro quo harassment:
- Undesirable transfers
- Demotions
- Negative performance reviews
- Undesirable work schedules and shifts
- Termination
An implied or explicit threat of unfavorable work consequences should not be tolerated.
Expectations of Reward for Dealing With Abuse or Harassment
Sometimes, harassment comes with the expectation that the employee will benefit as a result of putting up with negative behaviors. Those benefits may include the following:
- Raises
- Recommendations
- Promotions
- Favorable schedules
- Desirable transfers
If the harassment has an implied “this for that” transfer, it is likely quid pro quo harassment. And again, this type of abuse is most often sexually motivated.
When you are unsure whether your abuse fits the requirements of quid pro quo, it’s wise to consult with a lawyer.
What Is a Hostile Work Environment?
Cases involving a hostile work environment don’t include an exchange of favors. If you are experiencing verbal abuse, odds are that you have a hostile work environment—rather than quid pro quo harassment.
Before you seek legal action, consider the frequency, severity, and nature of the abuse. Does verbal abuse occur on a continuous basis? Is it something a reasonable person would consider to be hostile? And does it target you based on your demographics?
If you answered yes to any of those questions, you are likely experiencing a hostile work environment. You may also work in a hostile environment if a coworker receives this type of abuse on a regular basis.
In either case, if the abuse comes from or is accepted by a supervisor, you may have legal recourse. Morgan & Morgan can further direct you on NC labor laws/verbal abuse when you reach out to our office to discuss the specifics of your situation.
What Are an Employer’s Responsibilities in Regards to Workplace Harassment?
To prevent verbal abuse in the workplace and correct problems when they occur, your employer should have protections in place. Keep in mind that certain practices are not legally required except for government-funded agencies.
With that being said, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has a history of established guidelines and court rulings. These precedents make it clear that employers should provide periodic harassment training and other harassment safeguards.
Otherwise, employers may be in violation of these acts:
- Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
- Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
- Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967
Keep reading to learn more about the harassment safeguards all companies should put in place.
Workplace Training
Training pushes an employer to establish and communicate a strong harassment policy. Each employee should be aware of these policies and their responsibilities as to workplace harassment. This is especially true for employees in management positions.
This process also requires the employer to determine how cases of harassment will be addressed. How will the employer and HR team evaluate complaints? What disciplinary actions will be taken? When will law enforcement be notified if NC labor laws for verbal abuse are breached?
Answering these questions can help an employer to establish an effective process for handling workplace harassment. Verbal and physical abuse should always be handled promptly.
Confidential Reporting
The employer should also establish a need-to-know procedure to protect employee confidentiality. Harassment can only be addressed when employees feel safe and willing to report verbal abuse. There should be no fear of retaliation.
Prompt Investigations
Reports of workplace violence, verbal abuse, and harassment should be promptly investigated.
Appropriate Discipline
Disciplinary actions may include the following:
- Verbal warnings
- Written warnings
- Demotions
- Suspensions
- Dismissal
In extreme cases of harassment, the employer may also request law enforcement intervention. This will help to enforce NC labor laws about verbal abuse.
These processes help an employer reduce their chances of facing liability for harassment claims. Managers and supervisors are also responsible for coordinating adequate training opportunities and ensuring compliance with company policies.
How it works
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Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.
Step 1
your claimWith a free case evaluation, submitting your case is easy with Morgan & Morgan.
Step 2
We take
actionOur dedicated team gets to work investigating your claim.
Step 3
We fight
for youIf we take on the case, our team fights to get you the results you deserve.
Get answers to commonly asked questions about our legal services and learn how we may assist you with your case.
Why Do Some Employees Hesitate to Report Harassment?
It is not uncommon for an employee to fear retaliation for reporting harassment. In fact, the EEOC estimates that around 75% of these cases go unreported. Why? Because the fear of retaliation is so great. Unfortunately, this fear is not unfounded.
In fact, according to a 2003 study from the EEOC, of the employees who reported workplace mistreatment, 75% were subject to retaliation in some form. While retaliation is illegal, it still happens with shocking frequency.
Employees may also avoid reporting harassment for other reasons, including:
- Discomfort in reliving the experience
- Feelings of guilt
- Fear about not being believed
- Confusion about who or where to report to
- A belief that the behavior is normal
- Fear of no confidentiality
- Fear of damage to reputation
If you’ve been afraid to report an incident of verbal abuse or harassment, consult with a lawyer at Morgan & Morgan. Understanding your rights is a great way to build the confidence you need to address the problem.
I’ve Faced a Hostile Work Environment. What Are My Legal Options?
Before you attempt legal action, we recommend you take a few steps to resolve the situation. If these actions are not well-received by your place of employment, you will have evidence to support your legal case.
To win a harassment case, you must prove that the behavior was unwelcome. Express your discomfort. If a verbal conversation yields no results, submit your complaint in writing, via an email or letter. Keep a copy for yourself. (Of course, you may skip this step entirely if you feel your safety is at risk.)
If this conversation is unsuccessful in resolving the problem, it’s time to make a formal complaint. Make a visit to your company’s HR department. Again, keep a copy of the complaint for yourself.
If these steps have been unsuccessful, it’s time to consult with a lawyer. Before you can sue for harassment, you will have to submit an administrative charge with the EEOC. There are short and strict deadlines for filing a charge, so you likely need legal guidance. An experienced attorney can help you through the process.
After you file a charge with the EEOC, you must wait for the commission to perform an investigation. Finally, you may receive a right to sue letter from the agency. From there, you will need to make choices about where and when to file a lawsuit.
Morgan & Morgan Can Help With NC Labor Laws/Verbal Abuse
Most harassment lawsuits are settled out of court—which means that they are not judged by a jury. This is because many employers are eager to avoid the time, cost, and publicity of a traditional trial.
Out-of-court settlements also work in favor of the plaintiff because they ensure a monetary settlement.
An experienced attorney will help you understand your eligibility for damages, including:
- Back pay for lost wages or illegal termination
- Front pay for lost wages due to case proceedings and reinstatement
- Punitive damages
- Reimbursement of attorney fees
You may be entitled to one, several, or all of these damages. Morgan & Morgan will help you get the financial settlement you deserve.
Morgan & Morgan applauds your bravery in moving forward with a verbal abuse claim. We will not rest until you are fairly compensated. Because we work on a contingency fee basis, you won’t owe us a dime for our services unless we win or settle your case.
Breaches of NC labor laws/verbal abuse can be complex and hard to prove. Our experienced team will help you build a case based on facts that are provable in court. In this way, we will ensure your success.
Ready to pursue justice in your case? Reach out to the experienced legal team at Morgan & Morgan to request a free, no-obligation consultation using our simple online form. We’re ready to fight for you!