Golf Cart Accident Lawyers in Panama City

1240 W 23rd St.
Panama City, FL 32405

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Golf Cart Accident Lawyers in Panama City

Golf Cart Accident Lawyers in Panama City

Car accidents are, unfortunately, a fact of life for many drivers. The average driver will get into at least one accident in their lifetime. But while you may be prepared for a car accident, you likely aren’t prepared for a golf cart accident.

Golf carts are extremely common in Panama City. City regulations allow golf carts to be driven on specific streets in the neighborhoods of Sweetbay, Venetian Villa, Cove, and parts of Millvale. 

These regulations are supposed to ensure that golf carts are used safely, but that isn’t always the case. And when you are injured by a reckless golf cart driver, you deserve compensation for those injuries.

While you probably know your rights if you are in a car accident, you likely don’t know your rights if you are injured by a golf cart. Golf cart accident lawyers in Panama City from Morgan & Morgan can help you understand your rights and pursue the compensation you deserve after a golf cart accident injury. Contact us today if you’ve been injured in a golf cart accident, and we’ll schedule a free case evaluation for you.

Golf Cart Regulations

Golf carts are recognizable vehicles. But just because something looks like a golf cart, that doesn’t mean it counts as a golf cart per regulations. For something to be defined as a golf cart, it must meet the following standards:

  • It must be a motor vehicle
  • It must be designed for sporting purposes on a golf course
  • It cannot be able to drive at a rate greater than 20 miles per hour

Any vehicle that meets all of these standards must abide by the Panama City golf cart regulations when driven in Panama City. Failure to follow these regulations can result in criminal penalties and will make the driver liable under civil law.

All Golf Cart Drivers Must Have a Valid Driver’s License

State law allows anyone who is 14 years old or older to operate a golf cart without a driver’s license. However, local ordinance overrules state law in this matter. The local ordinance requires that all operators of golf carts within the city limits must have a valid driver’s license.

If you are struck by a golf cart driven by someone without a valid driver’s license, that driver is liable for your injuries. However, when a person doesn’t have a driver’s license, they likely don’t have insurance either. But this doesn’t necessarily mean you will have to cover the costs of that injury with your insurance.

Oftentimes, another party will be liable for allowing an unlicensed driver to drive a golf cart. For example, if a golf course allowed an employee or a member to drive a golf cart without ensuring they were licensed, the golf course is liable for your injuries. Golf cart accident lawyers in Panama City will examine the details of the accident and determine who is liable for your injury costs and other expenses.

Golf Carts May Only Be Operated on Streets in Specific Neighborhoods

Unsurprisingly, a golf cart can be operated on a golf course. However, in some neighborhoods, it can also be operated on city streets. Outside of these neighborhoods, though, operating a golf cart on the street is a violation of Panama City regulations.

All Golf Carts Must Have Certain Safety Features

Since golf carts are designed primarily for recreational use at low speeds and in a controlled setting, most golf carts are missing safety features that are found on other vehicles. 

For example, few golf carts are equipped with seatbelts or windshield wipers. Panama City, though, requires certain minimum safety features on all golf carts operated in city limits. These safety features are:

  • Safe tires
  • Working brakes
  • Efficient steering system
  • A rearview mirror
  • Red reflectors on both the front and back of the vehicle

Anyone driving a golf cart without these safety features violates city regulations and creates a dangerous environment for others.

Only Golf Carts With Specific Features Can Operate at Night

All golf carts may be operated in designated areas from sunrise to sunset. However, only a subset of golf carts may be operated after sunset. For a golf cart to be allowed to operate at night, it must have the following features:

  • Functioning headlights
  • Brake lights
  • Tail lights
  • Turn signals
  • A windshield

If you are struck by a golf cart that is being driven at night and doesn’t have all of these features, contact a golf cart accident attorney immediately. The lack of nighttime safety features represents negligent behavior on the part of the owner of the vehicle, and you will likely be eligible for greater damages.

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