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Dog Bite Attorneys in Palm Harbor, FL

Dog Bite Attorneys

The unincorporated community of Palm Harbor, FL, is an idyllic location for residents and visitors. Many families and their pets call Palm Harbor home. Pet owners in Palm Harbor, FL, have a duty to ensure that their animals do not cause harm to other people. Unfortunately, some dog owners are negligent and do not take proper precautions. 

Victims of dog bites have the legal right to pursue financial recovery for the expenses and personal harm resulting from the attack. In many cases, pet owners can be held accountable for the damage that their dogs cause. 

This is especially true if the owner has been negligent in restraining their animal. You should not have to manage the losses that result from a dog attack for which another person is responsible.  

If you need a Palm Harbor dog bite lawyer, contact Morgan and Morgan today. Our compassionate legal professionals will gladly provide you with a no-cost legal consultation. Fill out the contact form on our website to schedule your case evaluation today. 

Florida Liability Laws Surrounding Dog Bites

There are several high-quality dog parks in Palm Harbor, including John Chestnut Sr. Park, Safety Harbor Dog Park, and more. With more than 60,000 residents in Palm Harbor, dog attacks and bites are not uncommon. 

When it comes to dog bites, Florida state law is unambiguous. Dog owners can be held legally liable when their pet bites another person in a public space.  

This is also true when a dog bite happens in a private space, provided the victim is legally permitted to be there. For example, suppose that you were bitten by someone’s dog while you were on their property legally.  

In this case, the dog owner is legally responsible under Florida state law. Some states maintain that pet owners are legally liable if they are aware that their dog might be violent.  

However, in Florida, owners can be held legally and financially responsible for the harm that their dog causes, regardless of their knowledge of their pet’s tendencies to be vicious. This approach to dog bite laws is known as “strict liability.” 

When you have been injured by a canine, make sure to consult with the accomplished Palm Harbor dog bite lawyers at Morgan and Morgan. 

Understanding Comparative Negligence in Florida Dog Bites

Given the discussion of strict liability above, it might seem like Florida’s laws are overly harsh toward pet owners. However, this is not entirely true.  

Florida also operates on a “comparative negligence” approach to tort cases. This means that if a dog bite victim’s negligence contributed to the attack, their financial compensation would be reduced. 

For instance, suppose that someone sustained a dog bite after taunting an animal. In this case, the victim might be found to be partially responsible for the damage that they sustained.

In some instances, the damages that a victim receives can be reduced by the amount of liability that they hold. If the dog bite victim was found to be 10% responsible for the incident, and the damages are valued at $20,000, they would only be able to recover $18,000.  

The goal of comparative negligence laws is to allocate legal liability in ways that reflect each party’s responsibility for the resulting damage. To better understand the comparative negligence laws in Florida, reach out to the Palm Harbor dog bite lawyers at Morgan and Morgan. 

Preventing a Dog Bite in Palm Harbor, FL

When you have been attacked by a dog, it is a confusing and overwhelming situation. Getting out of immediate danger should be your first priority.  

Some of those most at risk for severe dog bite complications include: 

  • Children
  • Elderly individuals
  • Home service providers 

According to research from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there are more than 4.5 million reported dog bites across the U.S. annually. So if you need the services of dog bite attorneys in Palm Harbor, FL, you are not alone. 

When going into a dog owner’s home, it is critical to behave in ways that reduce the risk of animal attacks. Experts suggest that you should stand as tall as possible. 

Do not approach the dog, but allow it to come to you if it chooses. Also, avoid making eye contact with the animal, as this can be read as an aggressive sign.  

Some people mistakenly think that certain breeds of dogs are more likely to attack than others. But any size or breed of dog can cause harm if it attacks you. 

Sadly, children are most at risk of suffering a dog bite. Because children are small and vulnerable, these attacks can result in severe and long-lasting medical complications.  

If you or someone you love has been bitten by a dog, make sure to seek compensation to hold the negligent party accountable. With the help of accomplished Palm Harbor dog bite lawyers, you can secure financial recovery as compensation for the monetary and personal damage that you have suffered. 

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