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  • America's Largest Injury Law Firm™
  • Protecting Families Since 1988
  • 20 Billion+ Won
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Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances. ©2024 Morgan and Morgan, P.A. All rights reserved.
Car Accident Lawyers in Miami, FL - Car crash with damages

Miami Car Accidents

An unexpected car accident can bring your life to a screeching halt in mere moments, leaving you to pick up the pieces on your own. Once you’ve removed yourself from the accident scene, it’s recommended that all car accident victims seek some form of medical treatment to assess the damage of their injuries. Unfortunately, this treatment isn’t free, and the financial burden of all your expenses can quickly become more stressful than the accident itself. You’ll likely want to file an insurance claim with your provider, or you’ll need to exercise your PIP coverage to offset the weight of your expenses, but with so much legal jargon and the need for complete accuracy, how do you know that your compensation package reflects the true value of the harm you’ve sustained?

An experienced car accident lawyer will be able to help you navigate through the process and protect you from a third-party devaluing your compensation. Miami streets are notoriously dangerous for motorists, with 1-95 named one of the most deadly highways in the United States. With so many car accidents, even the most careful driver can find themselves on the side of the road after a car wreck, which is why Florida enacted the requirement for PIP insurance. However, this coverage has a limit, one that most car accidents will surpass now that the cost to repair a vehicle has risen dramatically. You don’t want to find yourself wishing that you had hired a car accident lawyer, so it’s best to retain one as soon as you realize the damage of your accident surpasses your PIP coverage. 

At Morgan & Morgan, we stand as an ally to those who were involved in Miami car accidents. We understand that devalued or diminished compensation can seriously hinder your ability to return to your normal life, which is why we’re prepared to do everything within our power to help you find success in your legal challenge. With over 1,000+ trial-ready attorneys, a network of team members across the nation, and the resources of America’s largest personal injury firm, our firm is uniquely capable of handling any car accident case, regardless of the size or complexity.  

If you or a loved one was involved in a car accident, we’re only a phone call away. Contact us today for more information on how to get started.

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How it works

It's easy to get started.
The Fee Is Free™. Only pay if we win.

Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.

  • Step 1

    your claim

    With a free case evaluation, submitting your case is easy with Morgan & Morgan.

  • Step 2

    We take

    Our dedicated team gets to work investigating your claim.

  • Step 3

    We fight
    for you

    If we take on the case, our team fights to get you the results you deserve.

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Get answers to commonly asked questions about our legal services and learn how we may assist you with your case.

  • Miami Has the Most Motorcycle, Pedestrian Accidents in FL

    Sadly, no one is immune to Miami’s dangerous roads. Miami-Dade County boasts the most motorcycle and pedestrian crashes in the state, according to data from the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. In 2016, there were 1,117 motorcycle accidents and 1,449 pedestrian accidents. Miami also nearly ties Broward County for the most accidents involving cyclists (758 crashes to Broward’s 759).

    Our attorneys practice multiple types of motor vehicle accident lawsuits, including those involving motorcycles, trucks, buses, bicycles, and pedestrians.

  • What to Do After a Car Accident

    Car accidents can be overwhelming, particularly if it’s your first one. While the safety and health of yourself and others should always be at the top of your mind, there are some things you should do to help you file your insurance claim and, if necessary, a successful lawsuit.

    After you’ve moved to safety and called the police, it’s important to do the following:

    • At the scene of the accident: Take pictures of the damage, and collect the contact information, driver’s license number, license plate number, and insurance policy information of the other drivers.
    • After the accident: Get evaluated by your doctor, and contact your insurance company.
    • Ongoing: Keep track of all repair and medical bills, and keep a journal of your injuries.
  • Dealing With Insurance Companies

    If you get hurt due to a motor vehicle crash, even if the other driver was clearly at fault, you will probably have to fight to recover the compensation you deserve. The other driver’s insurance company may not place a fair value on your claim. In fact, many insurance companies will do everything they can to cut your claim, including minimizing your injuries or alleging that your injuries weren't caused by the wreck. That's why you should hire an auto accident attorney who will negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf to help acquire the compensation you deserve.

  • How Can PIP Insurance Impact My Compensation?

    According to Florida Law, drivers are required to have a minimum of $10,000 in personal injury protection (PIP) insurance. PIP will cover up to 80% of your medical bills (up to $2,500 if your injury is not life threatening and up to $10,000 if it is) after a car crash if you file a claim within 14 days. If your insurance company denies you payment, contact our motor vehicle accident lawyers for a free evaluation of your proper PIP insurance payout.

  • What Will Your Attorney Do For You?

    A lawyer will collect proof to bolster your motor vehicle accident claim through an initial investigation, including:

    • Interviewing medical staff and witnesses
    • Collecting video and photo footage, along with police reports
    • Consulting with medical experts to determine the extent of your injuries
    • Collecting past information about both parties involved in the collision

    From the investigation, your lawyer will be able to estimate how much compensation you may be eligible to receive. If the negotiations are unsuccessful, your attorney will determine whether you may be able to file a lawsuit against the insurance company.

  • What Can I Recover After a Car Accident?

    A lawsuit may be able to help you recover compensation towards medical costs, lost wages due to your inability to work, and damage to your vehicle, as well as noneconomic suffering that may include pain and suffering, mental anguish, and emotional distress.

  • Contact Our Miami Car Accident Lawyers

    At Morgan & Morgan, our attorneys have achieved tremendous success on behalf of clients who were severely hurt in car wrecks. Our lawyers take insurance companies to task and hold negligent drivers accountable for their actions.

  • What Should I Do After an Accident?

    Car accidents are jarring and traumatic experiences. If you’re able to remove yourself from the accident scene, you should bring yourself and any uninjured loved ones to a safe distance away from the crash. Then, you’ll likely have to handle talking to the police about the accident. You should remember never to admit fault to anyone while at the scene of the accident, as this can come up later during negotiations and potentially prevent you from recovering compensation. 

    Once you’ve removed yourself from the scene, you should seek medical attention for your injuries, even if you believe the damage was minor. In some cases, car accident victims have sustained internal damage that doesn’t cause too much pain initially but eventually brings about discomfort or more serious issues down the line. For example, if you have internal bleeding from your accident, it might not be discovered without the help of a trained medical professional and can result in serious health concerns if left untreated. The doctor in charge of your care will also keep detailed records of all your injuries to use during the negotiation phase of the legal process.

    It’s also recommended to keep track of all the information surrounding the expenses of your car accident. Receipts for car repairs, medical bills, and other information will all play a part in the later parts of your process, and by maintaining solid records, you’ll help your attorney establish a foundation for your case that gives you the best possible chance of future success.

  • How Does PIP Insurance Work in Miami?

    Florida is one of twelve “no-fault” states that require motorists to hold at least $10,000 worth of personal injury protection (PIP) and property damage (PD) liability insurance. This insurance acts as a buffer for all drivers in the state. Any accident with damages under $10,000 is swiftly resolved by filing a PIP claim with your provider, which has decreased the number of car accident cases in the courtroom dramatically across the state.

    PIP insurance will only offer up to $2,500 in benefits if your injuries aren’t considered an “emergency medical condition,” which applies to those who require immediate medical treatment and can be reasonably expected to result in long-term damage or death without action. If your situation doesn’t call for an emergency medical condition designation, then you’ll need to hold additional coverage to protect you against an overwhelming medical expense following your accident.

    The skyrocketing price of car parts across the globe has made it increasingly difficult to repair your vehicle after an accident. A part that used to cost $300 now costs $800, and the price to repair a damaged vehicle directly correlates to this phenomenon. Miami motorists who are involved in car accidents have quickly surpassed their PIP coverage even in minor accidents, forcing them to search elsewhere for the compensation they need to recover. If you find yourself in a situation where the damage of your accident has exceeded your PIP coverage, it’s a good idea to speak with an attorney about your options. 

  • What Does PIP Insurance Cover?

    PIP coverage offers basic insurance protection for all Florida motorists who are involved in car accidents. Some states have different policies regarding their PIP benefits, but Florida’s PIP insurance covers:

    • Medical Expenses: Your PIP insurance policy covers most medical treatments, except non-widely accepted practices like acupuncture and at-home remedies. Medical services, medication, rehabilitation costs, hospital expenses, surgical services, and other expenses all fall under PIP coverage, but Florida law mandates that only 80% of these costs are reimbursed through your insurance. If your injuries total $8,000, then you’re only covered for $6,400, but you can mitigate the remainder of the cost through a separate health insurance plan. 
    • Lost Wages: Florida’s PIP insurance will cover 60% of the wages you were unable to earn due to your car accident, but only up to $10,000. Once you’ve reached the $10,000 limit, you’ll need to find another way to supplement your income while you recover, such as another healthcare policy that covers lost wages.
    • Death Benefits: Miami has some of the deadliest roads in the country. In 2016, more than 290 people lost their lives after accidents in Miami-Dade county. Although compensation can’t reverse the damage and bring back your loved one, it can help you financially recover from the situation and return to a normal life. Florida’s PIP insurance covers all funeral and burial expenses for those who died in car accidents, and the next of kin are entitled to $5,000 of the costs.

    All Miami drivers have the option to extend their PIP coverage to everyone in your household. Those covered under your policy are entitled to the same benefits that you are, which is beneficial for families and those who live with more than one person. However, this does come with its associated cost, and it might not be financially viable for you to hold a policy that covers individuals other than yourself. Additionally, you can also choose to change your policy if your family becomes bigger or smaller, allowing you to stay protected against an unforeseen accident.

  • Can I Sue for a Car Accident in Miami?

    Although PIP coverage provides a solid buffer between car accidents and the court system, some situations require the victim to sue the at-fault driver. Florida law allows someone to sue if their injuries are permanently disfiguring, result in death, or exceed $10,000 in medical costs, but you’re only allowed to sue for damages not covered by PIP. For example, if you need to stay in a hospital after your accident and the bill totals $60,000, you can sue the at-fault driver for the $50,000 that’s not covered by your policy. Additionally, you can only sue if the accident wasn’t your fault. 

    Car accident lawsuits are often complicated and confusing to those without prior legal experience. Between the overwhelming amount of paperwork and the need to prove liability, it’s easy to get lost along the way and make a mistake. However, one mistake can potentially cost you thousands of dollars in compensation and leave you to pay for the accident from your own pocket, which is why it’s recommended to team up with an experienced car accident attorney. By teaming up with them, you’re taking a proactive step to safeguard your rightful compensation from any potential meddling, allowing you to recover what you’re entitled to with ease. 

  • What Can a Car Accident Lawyer Do for Me?

    Our Miami office is staffed with attorneys who make a difference, ones that will fight tirelessly for the clients who depend on them. At the end of the day, we understand that a diminished or denied settlement has real consequences for you and your family, which is why we’re committed to getting the best possible results for all of our clients. If the opposing party doesn’t agree to our terms, we’ll see them in court, and we’re always prepared for that scenario, even from the first consultation. 

    We set every case up the right way. When you make your first call to our Miami office, our attorneys will:

    • Investigate your case and determine liability: Our team will investigate the circumstances surrounding your case, determine whether or not you were at fault, and calculate your damages to ensure you’ve surpassed the threshold for a lawsuit. Then, we’ll begin to review all applicable records, such as your medical information, and establish a foundation to move forward.
    • Gather all available evidence: Once we’ve reviewed your case, your attorney will start to collect evidence on your behalf. Eyewitness testimony, photo/video of the accident, and police reports will all help make your case as strong as possible, so we’ll make sure to leave no stone unturned. Not only that, but our team can enlist the help of subject-matter experts to definitively prove to the opposing party that their actions resulted in serious harm for you.
    • Negotiate with the at-fault party: Florida’s “no-fault” insurance provision requires all car accident disputes to attempt a resolution through negotiation before filing an official lawsuit. Once your attorney has finished collecting all applicable evidence, they’ll bring their findings to the negotiation table, where both parties will discuss the facts of your case and attempt to agree on a settlement. Your attorney will display your damages, explain how each one harmed you, and establish a dollar amount for each. Most legal disputes are able to be resolved through negotiation, but if neither party can agree on a settlement, the case will have to move to the courtroom for resolution. 

    • Prepare for trial: If no agreement is reached during negotiations, your attorney can file a lawsuit on your behalf. Although this outcome is unlikely, our Miami car accident attorneys are prepared for this scenario from the beginning of your case. While other firms might fear a case going to trial, we embrace the opportunity, and our settlements and verdicts prove how successful we are at advocating for our client's rights in this setting.

    While it’s not necessary to retain a car accident attorney, anyone who chooses to proceed through their lawsuit without one is essentially gambling with their future. Insurance companies see an individual without a lawyer as weak, even if you’re not, and will do their best to take advantage of you and your situation at every turn. You might believe that you can identify and defend against their strategies, but they likely have more experience than you and can use their size to bully you into accepting their lowball offer. Any slight misstep can potentially cost you thousands in restitution, so it’s best to team up with a trusted attorney before you find yourself in a legal pitfall, regardless of the severity of your accident.

  • What Can I Expect to Recover?

    Car accident victims can expect to recover the damages they sustained as a result of their crash, but your specific damages will depend on the circumstances surrounding your case. If you’re filing a PIP claim, you’re limited to the amount of coverage within your policy, which is $10,000 if you chose the minimum. Those who are filing car accident lawsuits can expect to recover much larger amounts, with damages including:

    • Medical expenses
    • Lost wages
    • Pain and suffering
    • Emotional/mental anguish
    • Loss of earning capacity
    • Punitive damages
    • Funeral expenses

    Some of these damages, such as pain and suffering, are difficult to advocate for because most of the harm is internal. A third party won’t be able to understand how much you’re suffering, which has resulted in some victims receiving lower settlements. Our attorneys have a proven track record of recovering the full extent of these difficult-to-prove damages in cases just like yours, making us an undeniable asset in your pursuit of rightful compensation. 

  • Can I Afford an Attorney?

    You may have heard the stigma that hiring a lawyer requires a lot of upfront cash and eventually becomes more expensive than the accident itself. Unfortunately, this is true for many firms, but these organizations often rely on legal fees as their primary source of revenue. Rather than bolster their pockets with successful settlements and verdicts, they drain the clients who come through their door from the very beginning until the end, leaving them in a more financially unstable position than they were before. Their business model is hypocritical, as their actions harm the people they’re supposed to protect, but we’ve chosen to take a different approach than these other firms. 

    Our Miami car accident lawyers operate on a contingency—meaning it costs nothing out-of-pocket to hire us and we’re only paid when we win your case. We don’t want to add another expense to your plate, so we take our fee from the favorable settlement or jury award to ensure that anyone can afford our proficient representation, regardless of their financial situation at the time. Not only does this contingency keep the costs low for you, but it also centers everyone involved around one singular goal: getting you the best possible results for your case.

  • Why Choose Morgan & Morgan?

    There is no shortage of car accident law firms online, but how do you choose which one is best for you? You want to make the right decision, as hiring a lesser law firm can prevent you from recovering the full extent of your damages, but this is often a difficult choice. In fact, Morgan & Morgan began because John Morgan hired the wrong lawyer for his brother, Tim, and embarked on a long, frustrating journey of legal challenges and problems. The law firm they hired mistreated his brother terribly, placing the importance of his situation beneath the organization’s desire for profits. After seeing the repercussions of hiring the wrong lawyer, they promptly established Morgan & Morgan: a law firm that places the client at the forefront of all legal actions.

    In the last three decades, we’ve recovered over $20 billion for the clients who trusted us, and our success has earned us the title of America's largest personal injury firm. Despite our growth, we’ve never let our size take away from the aspects of our firm that made us who we are today. We combine the personality of a small firm with the resources of a corporate giant, allowing our clients to get the best of both worlds when they’re faced with a legal challenge.

    Speaking of resources, we have a lot of them, and we’re not afraid to use whatever is necessary to help our clients reach a successful outcome. Other firms have had to accept lower settlements because they can’t afford to continue litigating, but not us. We position ourselves from the very beginning to hold out until your settlement or jury award accurately reflects the true value of the damage you’ve sustained. We know how high the stakes are for you and your family, which is why we’ll fight tirelessly and refuse to settle for anything less than you deserve.

  • What Miami Neighborhoods Does Morgan & Morgan Serve?

    Our firm has offices from coast to coast, but we serve the people of Miami in the following neighborhoods and more:

    • Allapattah (33142)
    • Biscayne Park (33161)
    • Brownsville (33142)
    • Bunche Park (33054)
    • Coconut Grove (33133)
    • Coral Gables (33146)
    • Coral Terrace (33155)
    • Cutler (33157)
    • Doral (33178)
    • El Portal (33138)
    • Flagami (33144)
    • Fontainebleau (33172)
    • Gladeview (33147)
    • Glenvar Heights (33143)
    • Golden Glades (33161)
    • Hialeah (33013)
    • Hialeah Gardens (33016)
    • Isle of Normandy (33141)
    • Kendale Lakes (33183)
    • Kendall (33156)
    • Kendall West (33193)
    • Key Biscayne (33149)
    • Miami (33128)
    • Miami Beach (33139)
    • Miami Lakes (33014)
    • Miami Shores (33138)
    • Miami Springs (33166)
    • North Miami (33161)
    • Olympia Heights (33165)
    • Opa-Locka (33054)
    • Palm Springs North (33015)
    • Palmetto Bay (33157)
    • Pinecrest (33156)
    • Pinewood (33150)
    • Richmond Heights (33176)
    • South Miami (33143)
    • Sunset (33173)
    • Sweetwater (33174)
    • Tamiami (33184)
    • The Crossings (33186)
    • University Park (33165)
    • Virginia Gardens (33166)
    • West Little River (33147)
    • West Miami (33144)
    • Westchester (33155)
    • Westview (33167)
    • Westwood Lake (33165)
  • Contact Morgan & Morgan’s Miami Car Accident Attorneys

    In the most difficult moments of your life, Morgan & Morgan has your back. A car accident has the potential to change your life forever, even in minor cases. PIP coverage does a great job of offering blanket coverage to all Florida motorists, but as medical and vehicle costs rise throughout the nation, it’s easy to surpass your limit and find yourself in a financially constricting position after an accident you didn’t cause. Without rightful compensation, you’re left to pick up the pieces on your own, which is why it’s so important to have a trusted attorney by your side while you navigate through the process. 

    Our Miami car accident lawyers are uniquely equipped to handle car accidents of any size or complexity. We can help you file your PIP claim, and if your situation calls for a lawsuit, we can work with you every step of the way, always ensuring that your interests are placed first. With years of experience, knowledge of all car accident types, and the resources of America’s largest injury firm behind them, Morgan & Morgan’s car accident lawyers are uniquely equipped to help any car accident victim reach the best possible outcome in their legal challenge.

    If you or a loved one were involved in a car accident, contact us today to get started.

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