Mesothelioma Attorney in Florida

  • The Fee Is Free Unless You Win®.
  • America's Largest Injury Law Firm™
  • Protecting Families Since 1988
  • 20 Billion+ Won
  • 1,000+ Lawyers Nationwide

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Tell us about your situation so we can get started fighting for you. We tailor each case to meet our clients' needs.
Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances. ©2024 Morgan and Morgan, P.A. All rights reserved.
Mesothelioma Attorney in Florida

Mesothelioma Attorney in Florida

After a positive mesothelioma diagnosis, the last thing you want is to find yourself in a situation where you’re fighting for justice and compensation while at the same time following your treatment plan religiously. Sooner rather than later, the exhaustion from the back and forth with insurance companies, that is, if you’re even lucky enough to get that far, will kick in.

And if you have a viable claim, you’ll likely settle for less than you deserve or even give it up all together. That’s because fighting for your right to compensation requires time, energy, experience, and resources. These are the last things you need to worry about after being diagnosed with mesothelioma. You should be focusing on your health, not battling selfish, tight-fisted insurance companies whose main goal is to frustrate you from start to finish.

Do not let that happen to you. Instead, let a Florida mesothelioma lawyer from our team fight for you.

Ready to get started? Tell us about your case today.

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How it works

It's easy to get started.
The Fee Is Free™. Only pay if we win.

Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.

  • Step 1

    your claim

    With a free case evaluation, submitting your case is easy with Morgan & Morgan.

  • Step 2

    We take

    Our dedicated team gets to work investigating your claim.

  • Step 3

    We fight
    for you

    If we take on the case, our team fights to get you the results you deserve.

Client success
stories that inspire and drive change

Explore over 55,000 5-star reviews and 800 client testimonials to discover why people trust Morgan & Morgan.

Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances. Based on Select nationwide reviews

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Get answers to commonly asked questions about our legal services and learn how we may assist you with your case.

  • What Constitutes a Valid Mesothelioma Claim?

    A valid mesothelioma claim typically involves proving that your illness is directly linked to asbestos exposure, which occurred due to someone else's negligence or failure to provide a safe environment. This might involve exposure at the workplace, using asbestos-containing products, or living in environments contaminated with asbestos.

  • What Makes Mesothelioma Cases Complex?

    Mesothelioma cases are particularly more challenging to win than traditional injury cases due to the latency period of the disease. What this means is that mesothelioma symptoms often appear decades after exposure.

    As a result, identifying the specific source of asbestos exposure and establishing a direct link between exposure and the disease can be challenging. Additionally, dealing with multiple potentially liable parties, from landlords to product manufacturers, for example, makes these cases even more difficult—but not impossible—to navigate.

  • What Evidence Do I Need to Prove My Case?

    To prove your mesothelioma case, your medical records are the most important pieces of evidence. They help confirm your diagnosis and provide evidence of asbestos exposure.

    If you hire a powerful injury firm like Morgan and Morgan to represent you, you’ll also benefit from expert testimony linking your illness to asbestos exposure. Our army of attorneys can also help document your work history and living environments to establish the viability of your claim and point fingers at the party responsible for the asbestos exposure.

  • How Much Is My Mesothelioma Case Worth?

    The value of your mesothelioma case depends on the uniqueness of the case itself. When placing a dollar value on the claim, your attorney will review factors such as medical expenses, lost wages, the severity of your illness, pain and suffering, and the impact this aggressive disease has had on your quality of life.  

  • Who Gets Compensation for Mesothelioma?

    Compensation for mesothelioma usually goes to the individuals directly affected by the disease, i.e., the patients themselves. In cases of wrongful death, family members or the estate of the deceased may receive compensation. This can cover medical bills, funeral costs, loss of income and companionship, and other related damages.

  • Learn More from a Florida Mesothelioma Expert

    Mesothelioma is a broad topic with many twists and turns, especially from a legal standpoint. To better understand your rights and legal options after a mesothelioma diagnosis, please contact us today for a free, no-obligation case evaluation by a mesothelioma expert. 

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