Personal Injury Lawyers in California

Rating Overview

Based on 55,000 Select Nationwide Reviews

18100 Von Karman Ave, Suite 200
Irvine, CA 92612
(949) 898-6500 (949) 898-6500
633 West Fifth Street, Suite 2200
Los Angeles, CA 90071
(323) 825-3424 (323) 825-3424
12300 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 200
Los Angeles, CA 90025
(213) 757-6900 (213) 757-6900
11801 Pierce Street, Suite 200
Riverside, CA 92505
(951) 299-5662 (951) 299-5662
180 Promenade Circle, Suite 300
Sacramento, CA 95834
(916) 249-0899 (916) 249-0899
770 First Ave, Suite 250
San Diego, CA 92101
(858) 786-0090 (858) 786-0090
711 Van Ness Ave, Suite 500
San Francisco, CA 94102
(415) 358-2140 (415) 358-2140

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California Personal Injury Lawyer

California has a distinctive personality that can be seen all the way down hundreds of miles of beautiful coastline. It’s not all sunshine though, as accidents are common here. You need to know where to turn if you get hurt in a slip and fall, motorcycle crash, or car accident.

At Morgan & Morgan, our California attorneys fight For The People. It’s our job to get you the full compensation you deserve when you’re hurt – not the minimal amount the other side might offer. We’ve won our clients more than 20 times the pre-trial settlement offers, and have successfully resolved more than 250,000 cases since 2015.

We may be able to help you, too. Schedule a free, no-risk case evaluation.

Estamos aquí en California: Vivimos y trabajamos en California. Nuestro sitio de web en Español,, ayuda la población latina de California. Complete una evaluación de caso gratis hoy.

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