Personal Injury Lawyers in Alabama

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Based on 55,000 Select Nationwide Reviews

216 Summit Blvd, Suite 300
Birmingham, AL 35243
205-517-6900 205-517-6900
2 S Water Street, Suite 200
Mobile, AL 36602
(251) 800-6060 (251) 800-6060

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Alabama Personal Injury Lawyer

At Morgan & Morgan, we provide high-quality legal representation for injury victims in Alabama and all across America. Since our founding more than 35 years ago, we’ve won upwards of $25 billion for people just like you.

Although we’re bigger now than we once were, our firm has remained committed to what’s made us successful: Treating every client like family. From start to finish, you can count on us to handle your case with the care and attention it deserves.

No matter the cause of your injury – car crash, slip and fall, motorcycle accident, or something else – the attorneys in our Alabama offices are here to help. Schedule a free, no-risk case evaluation today.

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Recent Successes

Results may vary depending on your particular facts
and legal circumstances.
Case NamePre-Trial OfferResultAttorneyPractice AreaTrial LocationOfficeYear
Looney, Tytiana v. Buchanan, Hunter; Apollos Water Service$400,000$2,810,000Victoria Dye, Erby Fischer, Mike Bowling, Lisa BaileyCar Accident Lawyers & Auto Accident AttorneysBirmingham2024
Christen Ordonez v. Vivian Steen Thompson, et. al$550,000$2,500,000Mike Bowling, Erby Fischer, Juan OrtegaCar Accident Lawyers & Auto Accident Attorneys, Class Action AttorneyAlabamaMobile2023
Hendricks, James (Danny) v. Wayne Askew Jr$1,500,000Erby Fischer, Lisa BaileyCar Accident Lawyers & Auto Accident AttorneysAlabamaBirmingham2022
Clydean Foster v. Auto-Owners$500$1,250,000James Brannan, Robert Arnwine, Mike BowlingMotorcycle Accident AttorneysAlabamaBirmingham2023
Lenaird Parker v. Lehigh Hanson Services, LLC$1,030,000 Birmingham2019
Annette Putt v. Christopher Tyler$725,000Victoria Dye, Mike Bowling, Erby FischerCar Accident Lawyers & Auto Accident AttorneysAlabamaBirmingham2022
Andrea Jones v. City of Orlando$349,000Car Accident Lawyers & Auto Accident AttorneysBirmingham2012
Ima Jean Crane v. RK Holdings, LLP (aka Rural King)$300,000Robert Arnwine, Mike Bowling, Mitchell HastingsPremises Liability LawyerAlabamaBirmingham2023
Amber Hayes v. State Farm$13,000$200,000Lisa Bailey, Mike BowlingCar Accident Lawyers & Auto Accident AttorneysAlabamaBirmingham2023
Rodriguez, Ramonita v Hatchett, Thomas$9,590$100,000Lisa Bailey, Erby FischerCar Accident Lawyers & Auto Accident AttorneysAlabamaMobile2022