Mike & Marty, Tampa FL


Chad Moore helped my wife and I when were starting to think there was no accountability or justice in the world and we cannot possibly say thank you to him enough. We first contacted a former shipmate from the USS Eisenhower, who is now a local attorney, about finding a knowledgeable firm for a medical malpractice issue. The firm he recommended has an excellent reputation for these cases, so we contacted them. After researching the case for a few weeks, they concluded we did have a legitimate claim but decided that it wasn't one they wanted to handle. Not sure why our case had been dropped, we began feeling lost, abandoned and discarded in a world we did not understand anymore. Our neighbor, whose wonderful wife had recently passed due to similar malpractice, suggested we contact Charles "Chad" Moore for help. Being unimpressed with attorneys at this point caused us to retreat into a disappointment-free approach of simply wanting to just forget about it. However, our neighbor had been so impressed with Chad that he kept recommending him to us. Some of his descriptions seemed almost too good to be true but he relented and we called him. Thank goodness we did and everything we experienced after that was an inspiring and heartwarming joy that many people never get to know. Because our neighbor described him in terms like a fighter, a dog with a bone, and others, we had this preconceived idea of an aggressive, chest-thumping, self-centered individual who was effective but not someone we'd care to have a drink with. Sir, you have no idea how pleasantly surprised we were to be so wrong. Yes, he is a fighter and yes, he is tenacious - however he is also one of the warmest, nicest people we've ever had the pleasure of knowing. There is an old saying that goes "No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care". Immediately we saw how much he cared and later became even more impressed with how much he knew. Throughout this difficult and emotional process, he kept us informed of what was happening and what was coming so there were no surprises or disappointments. Everything he said he was going to do was done and we increasingly became in awe of his total professionalism and empathy. Having him as our attorney was like winning the lottery of lawyers and we couldn't be happier. Chad's seemingly ambiguous motto of "Your lawyer for life" is perfect. We will always go to him first regarding any legal matter because we know he will always provide us with the best possible advice, or better yet, refer us to someone whose specialty area is better suited for that particular need. This is the gold standard of a true professional and we feel blessed to call him our attorney and especially blessed to have had the opportunity to know him. John Morgan, thank you so very much for also seeing these qualities in him because we honestly cannot imagine anyone being a better example of the ethical standards and values that Morgan & Morgan represent to Floridians.