Hurricane Insurance Claim Denied? |


Attorney Mark Nation has helped thousand of people with hurricane claims against their own insurance companies. If your insurance company has denied or lowballed your claim, let us look at your policy for free.

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Mark Nation: Since Hurricane Andrew in 1992, I've helped thousands of people with hurricane claims against their own insurance companies, whether it's your homeowner's insurance or your business owner's insurance. Often the insurance companies flat out deny legitimate claims, and other times they may agree to pay it, but then they undervalue the claim. If that has happened to you as a result of our recent hurricane, let me know. If the insurance company is doing the right thing, I'll tell you. And if they aren't, I'll let you know that too. In most of our hurricane cases, if we're successful, the insurance company has to pay all of our fees and costs. And if we lose, I'll work for free. Speaker 2: Visit Morgan & Morgan for the people.