Celebrating 30 Years: Feat. Attorneys Grant Kuvin & Scott Bates


We get to know the attorneys who’ve been with us from the beginning, and the 'young guns' working with them to take us to the next 30 years.

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0:07 Grant Kuvin: I started back in February 2009. 0:11 Worked here in Orlando. 0:12 We shared a wall. 0:15 Did everything together, right? 0:18 Scott Bates: This is Grant Kuvin. 0:19 As Grant said, I hired him about 8.5 years ago from a defense firm. 0:24 Grant was one of, I guess, probably 10 or 15 young lawyers that I brought through here 0:29 in the Medical Malpractice group. And probably one of the one or two that I’m the proudest 0:34 of, for where he started and where he’s come and the quality of the work that he does 0:39 for us. 0:40 Grant Kuvin: I used to do defense work, so when I switched, it was all new to me, and I started with him 0:45 back in 2009, and he helped me to figure out how to flip the script and do the opposite 0:51 and be a plaintiffs’ attorney. 0:53 Scott Bates: He is one of the most inquisitive lawyers that I’ve ever had work for me. 0:57 And I mean that in a good way. 1:00 Grant has questions, but his question begs the next question, and the next question, 1:06 and the next question. 1:08 He is a guy who is absolutely insatiable when it comes to learning. 1:14 As a lawyer…as a trial lawyer…the two words I would use for him are “tenacious” 1:18 and “relentless.” 1:20 When Grant gets his teeth into you, they sink deep, and they hurt. 1:25 Grant Kuvin: I think we do a very good job here of bucking the trend, and I think a lot of the older 1:30 attorneys here, they come into work every day, full schedule, and have trials like most 1:36 people wouldn’t have at that age or stage in their careers. 1:39 I think that’s the stereotype. 1:40 The stereotype is they haven’t changed with the times. 1:46 Scott Bates: My favorite shortcut was I just walk into Grant’s office and ask him to do it. 1:49 Grant Kuvin: I would come into your office and I would ask you about an issue in a case, a medical 1:54 diagnosis of some sort, and the first question you’ll ask me is, “Did you Google it?” 1:59 And I’ll of course say, “No” because I’m impulsive and I walk in and ask you 2:03 for the answer before researching it. 2:05 And he’ll spin around in his chair and he’ll - I love that you said this when it’s this 2:10 - at the computer and out pops of his printer everything I just asked him about. 2:15 So I think from whatever website you end up after searching through the different areas, 2:20 but whatever you end up on, you have the answer because you used Google or the internet to 2:25 research it. 2:26 So I think you’ve done a good job adapting. 2:30 Better than the younger age group, right? 2:32 I could have done that myself but I didn’t. 2:34 Scott Bates: (I wasn’t going to point that out, but…) 2:38 One of John’s books, “You Can’t Teach Vision,” well, having vision and implementing 2:44 vision are two different things. 2:46 And we’re the perfect, I think, marriage of vision to see it and, vision, and ability 2:52 to implement that vision, which is the younger part of our law firm. 2:56 The people that go out and implement those changes and help push from the bottom up. 3:03 There’s lots of ways to drag a business forward: the people at the top can drag it 3:08 on their backs forever, or the people at the bottom can be down there at the bottom pushing 3:12 the guys at the top to pull harder. 3:14 I think we have a beautiful marriage of all of that, with some really talented people 3:19 right in the middle that started out at the bottom pushing hard and are getting ready 3:24 to get to the top and be the pullers, not the pushers. 3:27 But between the pullers and the pushers we’ve got an engine that moves forward at, I think, 3:32 warp speed sometimes. 3:34 That's probably how I would say it best.