Witnessing a Drunk Driving Accident: How to Respond and Help Save Lives

6 min read time
Three car crash at night on the street

A drunk driving accident undoubtedly changes the lives of anyone involved. These accidents often happen in mere seconds, leaving the survivors dazed, confused, and unsure of their next steps. In some cases, bystanders on the scene witness the accident and take action to help the victims receive medical attention. These individuals are essentially heroes, as their proactive and selfless actions to intervene in the situation could be the difference between life and death for the victims.

Approaching the scene of an accident and attempting to save the victims on your own isn’t always possible, which is why it’s recommended to contact the proper authorities if you witness a car accident occur. There could be gas leaks, potential fires, or other hazardous conditions that can leave you injured alongside the car accident victims, so it’s best to keep your distance and help from afar. A simple phone call might not seem like you’re doing the best you can to help the victims, but in reality, these situations are ticking time bombs of disaster, and you can potentially save someone's life by calling the police sooner rather than later.

You likely won’t know that the crash was the result of drunk driving until much later unless you witness the at-fault vehicle maneuvering wildly before the accident itself. Even then, you’ll still have to wait for the toxicology reports to come back for an accurate diagnosis of the situation, but reporting the accident is a valuable move nonetheless. Similarly, it’s also important to report suspected drunk driving if you witness it while on the road. If you do, you could prevent a drunk driving accident from happening in the first place, which can save a family from stress, heartbreak, and mental scars they’ll carry for the rest of their lives.

Every drunk driving accident is different, with minor differences leading to prominent changes in the outcome. If you’re wondering, “How should I respond to a drunk driving accident near me?” then we have you covered. Here’s everything you need to know about the legality of drunk driving accidents and, more importantly, what to do if you witness one.


What Constitutes Drunk Driving?

Drunk driving applies to any motorist that’s operating a vehicle above the legal blood alcohol content. Each state has different laws that describe the specifics of drunk driving. In New York, anyone above .05% BAC is considered legally impaired by alcohol, .08% and above is regarded as legal intoxication, and higher than 1.8% is called “aggravated driving while intoxicated,” according to the New York Department of Motor Vehicles. These percentages may differ from state to state, but for almost every state, the legal limit stands at .08% BAC.

Alcohol affects everyone differently, too. One drink won’t have the same effect from person to person—there are individuals who can have multiple drinks and feel sober. However, just because you “feel sober” doesn’t mean you actually are. A high blood alcohol content impairs a human at some point, and you don’t want to be behind the wheel when you realize your reaction time isn’t as strong as it usually is. That’s why it’s always recommended never to drink alcohol and drive under any circumstances, regardless of how you feel as you put down your last drink.


What Should I Do if I Witness a Drunk Driving Accident Near Me?

Drunk driving accidents kill 28 people a day in the U.S, with an annual total above 10,000 fatalities. They can happen anywhere, at any time, and unfold rapidly, forcing you and other drivers to maneuver to safety. If you witness a drunk driving accident, here are a few recommended steps:

1. Navigate to Safety

Your health and well-being are most important if you witness any accident, so make sure to navigate to safety if you’re able to. If you aren’t able to and are injured as a result, make sure to contact emergency services as soon as possible.

2. Contact the Authorities

Once you’ve gotten yourself to safety, you should contact the authorities and give them as much detail as possible about the accident. Tell them your location, any identifying landmarks, how many people were injured, and anything else you can gather about your situation. They may ask you to stay on the phone, and if they do, you should follow their directions while still keeping yourself out of harm's way.

3. Survey the Situation

If the accident is minor, you can check on the victims and provide help if you can. You should, however, never move an injured person in a car accident under any circumstances. The paramedics responding to the scene will be able to administer comprehensive care when they arrive, but you can help in other ways, like moving the vehicle to a safer location.

4. Provide Your Statement

The police and paramedics will respond to your call and take control of the situation. They’ll provide care for the victims, conduct an initial investigation, and remove debris from the scene to open the road again. You’ll likely be asked for a statement, where you’ll give a detailed explanation of what you witnessed. Make sure to offer as much information as you can, as your testimony could be used later to help provide rightful compensation to the victim.

These situations can be emotionally taxing, to say the least, but it’s important to stay strong until the authorities arrive and take over. Your actions in the first moments after an accident can save lives in more serious cases. In others, your presence itself can provide peace of mind to a scared victim—they’ll know they’re not alone.


How Can I Detect Drunk Driving on the Road?

Drunk driving isn’t always noticeable, but here are a few of the most common red flags:

  • Accelerating/braking issues
  • Poor judgment
  • Problems staying within lanes
  • Ignoring road signals or signs
  • Swerving
  • Disregard for other vehicles
  • Appearing drunk
  • Failing to yield to the right of way

Their actions may be consistent or sporadic, but if they happen at the wrong time, they can lose control of their vehicle or collide with an object, potentially changing lives forever.

If you notice a driver acting erratically on the road and it seems like they might be under the influence, you should put as much distance as possible between you and the vehicle, pull over, and safely contact the authorities. If you can, you should try to take a mental note of the vehicle and its license plate, but don’t put yourself in danger while trying to do so. Drunk driving accidents unfold quickly, and you should put the health and well-being of yourself and everyone in your vehicle at the forefront.


What Should I Do if I’m the Victim of a Drunk Driving Accident?

If you’re the victim of any car accident, the most important first step is to call 911 for help and remove yourself from the scene, if possible. Your health and well-being are most important, of course, but you shouldn’t put yourself in harm's way. If you can’t remove yourself from the scene under your own power, you should follow the directions of the 911 operator during your call.

Next, you’ll want to seek medical attention to assess your level of damage. The doctor in charge of your care should take detailed notes of each of your injuries, including internal damage and evidence of future pain, to use later on when seeking compensation.

Once you’ve received proper care, you should retain an experienced attorney to help you navigate through the complicated legal proceedings ahead. They can help you establish fault, advocate for the full extent of your damages, and give you a much better chance of reaching the finish line successfully.

However, you should remember that not all attorneys can offer the same results. Some law firms have more resources than others, which can give you an edge against more experienced legal teams. Others have fewer resources but offer a more attentive touch than a larger firm. Your choice will depend on what you need for your specific circumstances, but if you team up with Morgan and Morgan, you get the best of both worlds.


Morgan and Morgan Stands as an Ally for Drunk Driving Accident Victims

In the most difficult moments of your life, Morgan and Morgan has your back. Drunk driving accidents happen more often than you’d think, changing lives and breaking families in mere instants. The driver responsible for the accident might not have meant to cause harm, but their actions leading up to the crash were careless enough to increase the odds. The bottom line? They shouldn’t get away with recklessly causing an accident that left you injured, and with the help of our team, you have a much better chance of making them pay for the damage they caused.

With over $13 billion recovered, offices from coast to coast, and the resources of a corporate giant, Morgan and Morgan can help you recover the fullest extent of your damages after a drunk driving accident.

Complete our free, no-obligation case evaluation to take the first steps toward justice and your rightful restitution.

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An illustration of a broken car.