Wind Damage Insurance Claim Lawyers
It isn’t just hurricane-force, 150 mile-per-hour winds that can do property damage. Wind gusts of 50 MPH often occur in many areas, and the damage they cause can be significant. Uprooted trees falling and damaging property, siding being torn off buildings, and roofs being damaged are all common occurrences, and the repair costs can be expensive.
If your property suffers wind damage, it’s important to immediately document all damage with photographs, and to keep all receipts for any repairs that are required. File a damage claim with your insurer right away, and keep a record of all your correspondence with them.
Though most property insurance policies cover wind damage, some insurers will still deny, delay, or lowball processing claims based on technicalities. Dealing with them can be overwhelming, as many policyholders don’t have the expertise to navigate their insurance contracts on their own.
In these cases, it’s best to contact a licensed attorney who has experience dealing with insurance companies on behalf of property owners.
Wind Damage Lawyers For The People
If your wind damage claim has been denied or delayed, or your insurer is offering to pay less than you deserve, Morgan & Morgan wants to fight for you.
Our attorneys have been battling insurance companies for over 35 years — and winning. To date, we’ve recovered more than $9 billion for our clients. We never represent big companies, which is why our motto is “For The People, Not The Powerful.” Our reputation and resources force the insurance companies to take our clients’ claims seriously.
Hiring us is 100% free unless we recover money for you. Call today for a free, no-obligation case review.
What kind of wind damage is covered by insurance?
For most policies, it’s practically every kind. If your insurer claims your wind damage isn’t covered, don’t accept it until you’ve had an attorney review your case.
If the wind causes a leak, is the resulting damage considered water or wind related?
This depends on a case-by-case basis. Your insurer is likely to choose the interpretation that allows them to pay you as little as possible, so don’t accept their evaluation as the final word. Give us a call and get your case reviewed for free.
Are your services really free unless we win?
100%. Our attorneys always work on the contingency-fee model, which means we take zero payment upfront and throughout the case. We only get paid when we win for you.
Injured? Getting the compensation you deserve starts here.