Whiplash After a Car Accident: How to Get Treatment and Compensation

6 min read time
Man rubbing neck in pain after car accident

When you or someone you love has been involved in a motor vehicle accident, the results can be devastating. Car crashes are one of the leading causes of personal injuries in the United States. 

Some types of physical damage are more common than others following a passenger vehicle collision. One of the typical injuries that crash victims experience is called whiplash. 

This back and neck injury can cause a wide range of symptoms and medical issues. But how treatable is whiplash? Does whiplash have a good ending for patients? 

If you have experienced the signs of whiplash following a crash, make sure to contact a knowledgeable car accident lawyer. When another person’s negligence has caused you harm, you may be owed significant compensation. 

The accomplished team at Morgan & Morgan knows how to fight effectively for the rights of collision victims. As a victim, you should not be held accountable for the losses from medical bills, lost wages, and other miscellaneous accident-related costs. 

When you contact our firm, we will gladly provide you with a no-cost case evaluation to determine the viability of your claim. Does whiplash have a good ending for victims? It can if the legal specialists at Morgan and Morgan are representing you. 

Do not wait to secure the services of our car accident lawyers. Complete the contact form online to schedule your free legal consultation now.


What Is Whiplash?

Whiplash is a type of neck injury that happens when the victim’s head is forcefully thrown backward and forward in rapid succession. This quick back-and-forth movement can cause damage to the soft tissues in the neck, including muscles, ligaments, and tendons. 

Whiplash can be caused by a variety of accidents, including sports injuries and falls. But car accidents are one of the most common causes of whiplash.  

The symptoms of a whiplash injury may vary depending on the severity of the damage. It is critical to speak with a medical care professional if you or someone you love experiences whiplash symptoms. 

Some typical signs and symptoms of whiplash are: 

  • Shoulder pain
  • Ongoing fatigue
  • Lasting neck pain
  • Persistent headaches
  • Discomfort in the back
  • Loss of balance and dizziness
  • Stiffness in the affected muscles
  • Numbness or tingling in the arms
  • Loss of range of motion in the neck or back

Don’t ignore these symptoms. A trained medical care professional will provide you with a reliable diagnosis. They will also help you receive the treatment you need. 

Tort claims founded on whiplash injuries can be complicated. The car accident lawyers at Morgan & Morgan will handle the medical complexities of whiplash injury cases. 


How Is Whiplash Treated?

Treatments for whiplash vary. The medical care that victims require depends on the specific nature of each injury.  

Some of the typical medical treatments for whiplash injuries include: 

  • Anti-inflammatory injections
  • Physical therapy techniques
  • Resting the affected muscles
  • Neck braces to restrict movement
  • Pain medications, including ibuprofen or naproxen

In severe cases, whiplash victims may require surgical intervention. It is important to seek medical attention if you suspect you have whiplash. Treating a whiplash injury early can help prevent long-term complications.


What Types of Car Accidents Can Result in Whiplash?

Any type of motor vehicle collision may result in whiplash for victims. However, some types of crashes are more likely to cause whiplash than others. The most typical types of car accidents include:

  • Rear-End Crashes

This type of collision is one of the most likely to result in a whiplash injury. When one vehicle collides with the rear of another, those in the front vehicle are likely to experience neck injuries. 

Often, these accidents happen because the car in the back is following the other vehicle too closely. If the front vehicle stops unexpectedly, the other driver may be unable to avoid a collision.  

When your car has been impacted from behind, your torso may jolt forward before your neck and head can adjust. This action may cause your spine to experience a violent whipping motion.  

You should speak with a skilled car accident lawyer following a rear-end crash. In many cases, victims are owed significant financial compensation for the injuries they received.

  • Sideswipe Crashes

A sideswipe car crash is a type of collision that occurs when two vehicles are traveling in the same direction. Sideswipes happen when one vehicle hits the side of the other.  

In this type of crash, the passenger vehicles are usually traveling parallel to each other. Because of this, the impact occurs on the side of the vehicle. These accidents can happen when one driver tries to change lanes without looking or signaling. 

Because sideswipes typically impact the side of the vehicle, the victim’s head and neck may not be jolted as severely as in other types of accidents.  

However, the force can still cause a whiplash injury. This is particularly true if the collision involves high speeds or large vehicles. For example, those sideswiped by a large commercial truck may experience whiplash injuries. 

Sideswipe collisions can be more dangerous if they make the impacted driver lose control, hit a guardrail, or collide with other objects. The severity of the crash also depends on the size and weight of the vehicles involved, weather conditions, and other factors. 

  • Head-On Collisions

A head-on collision is a type of car crash that happens when two vehicles collide while traveling in opposite directions. In these accidents, the front ends of the vehicles run into each other. 

Head-on accidents can occur on any type of road but are especially likely to occur on two-lane roads with no divider. These crashes are very dangerous and can cause serious injuries or fatalities.  

This is especially true when the vehicles involved are traveling at excessive speeds. The force of the impact can cause severe damage to the occupants inside. In many cases, victims are violently thrown around or ejected from the vehicle. 

Head-on collisions frequently occur because of driver error or impairment. For instance, a driver who is distracted, fatigued, or under the influence of alcohol may swerve into oncoming traffic.  

If you are involved in a head-on collision, seek medical care immediately. You should do so even if you do not initially feel any pain or symptoms.  

A whiplash injury may not be immediately apparent. Still, it can have long-term effects if left untreated.

  • T-Bone Crashes

T-bone collisions are also known as broadside or side-impact crashes. These accidents happen when the front of one vehicle collides with the side of another, and the two vehicles form a T shape.  

T-bone crashes can be particularly dangerous. This is because the side of a vehicle provides less protection for drivers and passengers than the front or rear. 

These collisions often occur at intersections when one driver fails to stop at a traffic light or stop sign. They can also happen in parking lots, driveways, or areas where multiple vehicles are traveling in opposite directions. 

In these accidents, the force of the impact can cause the vehicle that was struck to spin or roll over. Because of this, a T-bone accident can potentially cause serious injuries to the driver and passengers.

The significant force involved in broadside accidents puts vehicle occupants in danger of whiplash injuries. If you have been hit by a negligent driver, make sure to reach out to the car accident lawyers at Morgan & Morgan. 

These are only a few of the kinds of car accidents that can cause victims to suffer whiplash. If you are experiencing the symptoms of a whiplash injury, do not hesitate. Begin the process of filing a tort claim as soon as possible. Don’t allow a negligent motorist to go unaccountable for the personal injury they have caused you to sustain.  

The accomplished Morgan and Morgan legal team will fight diligently to obtain the compensation you deserve. Reach out to our firm today.


How to Prove Negligence in a Car Accident Case?

Like most tort claims, car accident cases revolve around the legal concept of negligence. When someone is negligent and causes harm to another, they can be held financially accountable for the resulting damage.  

In a legal context, the concept of negligence involves four distinct elements, outlined below.

  • Duty of Care

The claimant needs to prove that the other party owed them a duty of care. Drivers have an implied legal duty to operate their vehicles in safe and legal ways.

  • Breach of Duty

To prove negligence, the plaintiff must show that the opposing party failed to fulfill their duty of care. Driving erratically, carelessly, or recklessly may qualify as a breach of this legal duty. 

  • Causation

On its own, driving in an unsafe manner is not enough to prove that a motorist was negligent. The claimant must provide evidence that the breach of duty was the cause of the resulting damage.

  • Actual Harm

Finally, the plaintiff needs to prove that the at-fault party caused them actual harm. The potential for harm is not enough to show that the legal criteria for negligence have been met.


Can a Whiplash Injury Be Cured?

The answer to this question will depend on the severity of the whiplash injury. But the good news is that many whiplash injuries can be cured with proper medical care. 

However, it is vital to seek treatment as soon as you become aware of your whiplash injury. Some of the long-term medical consequences of untreated whiplash include chronic pain, decreased range of motion, cognitive deficiencies, and persistent headaches.


Should I Wait to File a Whiplash Car Accident Claim?

Do not wait to pursue justice in your case. The statute of limitations on traffic collision claims varies by state.  

Waiting too long to seek compensation could result in the forfeiture of the money you deserve. Fortunately, the legal professionals at Morgan & Morgan have a thorough understanding of the collision claim statutes nationwide. 

In the aftermath of a motor vehicle collision, it is important to secure competent legal representation. When Morgan and Morgan represents you, we will ensure that all the relevant deadlines in your tort claim are met.


Contact Morgan & Morgan to File a Whiplash Claim

When a negligent driver has caused you to suffer a whiplash accident, you may have a valid claim for damages. Medical bills, lost income, and other costs often leave whiplash victims feeling helpless. 

Do not let this happen to you. Let the team at Morgan & Morgan review the circumstances of your case by filling out our online contact form. Our firm is ready to fight for you. Your whiplash could have a good ending.

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