What to Do if You’re in Pain After a Car Crash

6 min read time

If you’ve experienced a car crash, you likely know what an impact such an event has on you psychologically. At the moment of the accident, you may feel a boost of energy or even a sense of calm. These are normal responses and are caused by your body’s release of hormones like adrenaline and endorphins. 

Unfortunately, for most people car accidents also mean pain following the incident. This pain may be almost immediate, or it may take some time to manifest itself. If you’re feeling any pain after your car crash, you’ll need to know the steps to take. Let’s look at what to do if you’re in pain after a car crash. 

Types of Pain Following a Car Crash

There are several types of pain you may experience after you’ve been in a wreck. Some of the causes of your pain are more serious than others – some may even be life-threatening. Let’s look at what kind of pain you may be experiencing. 

Pain from Soft Tissue Injuries

When you’re in an accident, your body is jolted around quite a bit, and quite suddenly. The force from the accident will cause your body to be tossed around the vehicle and can cause soft tissue injuries. 

Soft tissue injuries aren’t usually felt right away. Rather, they may take days or weeks to manifest. That’s why it’s important that you visit a doctor immediately following your accident. Injuries like whiplash may have occurred, even if you don’t feel any pain at all. 

Pain from Back Injuries

Again, even if you don’t feel pain at the time of the accident, take all precautions and visit a medical practitioner. You may have experienced back injuries that will cause you pain later. Your doctor can perform all necessary tests to ensure your spine is in good shape following your crash. 

Remember that your body releases hormones when experiencing a stressful situation like a car crash. These hormones can temporarily block your pain, which may then resurface later. 


It’s not uncommon to experience a concussion following a car accident. If your head is struck, perhaps by the steering wheel, you may have a concussion. In fact, your brain may collide with your skull even if your head doesn’t hit anything at all. 

Allow the paramedics to assist you following your accident, then visit a medical professional afterward. The pain associated with a concussion may include headache, but more commonly you’ll experience dizziness, altered sleep patterns, or blurred vision. You may also feel an inability to concentrate in the days following your accident. 

Pain from Burns

If you’ve been burned in your car accident, this will more than likely cause you a great deal of pain in the days and weeks following. Seek treatment for the proper care of your burns; treatment will vary with the severity of your injury. 

Minor burns, such as those from a seatbelt or airbag, may cause minimal, temporary pain that can be treated at home. More severe burns, such as those from vehicle fires, can cause pain, injury and scarring that can last a lifetime. 

Broken and Fractured Bones

Broken bones following an accident are quite common, and they do cause pain. The presence of a broken bone can usually only be determined by x-ray, so do seek medical treatment right away. 

In some instances, the pain from a broken bone may not be noticeable at the time of a car crash. However, even if you experience pain several days after your wreck, it’s not too late to seek medical advice. 

What to Do if You’re in Pain After a Car Crash

When you’re involved in a car accident, always call for emergency services. You will need police, ambulance and sometimes fire services at the scene as soon as possible. 

Police will want to take a report and determine what happened in your accident. Obviously, you’ll want to let them do their job. But remember that your health is your top priority, so please do not refuse the attention of medical professionals. 

Paramedics will offer a preliminary assessment of you and your passengers upon arrival. They’ll check for signs of shock, of concussion, and other critical injuries. You will then typically have the option of being transported to the hospital. 

No matter how you get there, do visit the hospital. Only there can a qualified doctor perform a more thorough assessment of your physical state. This information is critical to your case should you find yourself in court with insurance companies. 

What to Do if Your Pain is Delayed

It may be days or weeks before you begin to experience pain due to a car accident. If this is the case, it’s not too late. 

Because you were examined by medical professionals after your crash, your hospital system has pertinent information to your care. Your doctors can now reference that information and determine whether your new pain is related to the accident. 

If you declined a hospital visit, your doctors may not have all the information they need to treat you immediately. Additional testing may be necessary, and because of the delay in care it may be inconclusive. 

Regardless of your situation, it’s advisable that you call an attorney as soon as possible. An experienced car accident attorney can begin collecting information needed to deal with insurance companies. 


What do I do if the other driver’s insurance company contacts me?

If you’re contacted by the other driver’s insurance company, it’s most likely to offer you a low-ball settlement. Do not settle until you have been thoroughly examined by a doctor, and until you’ve spoken with an experienced car accident attorney. 

Insurance companies do not want to pay you for your injuries and the pain you’re suffering as a result of your car crash. Hire a representative to help you seek the settlement you deserve, whether in court or as a settlement out of court. 


How much will I be compensated for my pain after a car crash?

No attorney can tell you how much money you’ll receive for your physical pain and emotional suffering following a car accident. However, you may be entitled to seek compensation for:

  • Lost wages
  • Hospital bills
  • Medical testing
  • Ongoing treatment
  • Transport to the hospital 
  • Ongoing care at home, if applicable

Speak with your attorney as soon as you can following your car accident to determine the best course of action for your situation. And remember – do not settle with the insurance companies without first speaking to us. 


Does mental anguish count as “pain?”

In many cases, you will be entitled to seek compensation for the mental anguish you’ve suffered as a result of a car accident. If you feel emotionally distressed or even traumatized by the event, it may be in your best interest to seek professional guidance. 

In the same way that a doctor can assess your physical state after your accident, a psychologist or psychiatrist can assess your mental state. Car accidents are no small deal, and if you’ve been a victim of a car crash you will likely be affected. 

Signs that you may need psychological treatment include:

  • Frequent mood swings
  • Angry outbursts
  • Periods of depression
  • Flashbacks to the accident
  • Changes in sleeping patterns
  • Nightmares
  • General anxiety

Visiting with a mental health professional may mean a resolution to these problems. And documentation of these visits and diagnoses may mean you’re eligible to be covered for expenses in your settlement. 


How and when do I choose a car accident attorney?

In a perfect world, you’d have the name and phone number of an attorney you trust handy following an accident. This world is far from perfect, however, so you’ll likely need to do a bit of research. 

Ask around – check with friends, family members, and co-workers for recommendations. It may be that they’ve found themselves in a similar situation and hired an attorney they trusted. 

Check references, and check that an attorney is licensed to practice in the state where you live. Your state’s Bar Association website is a good place to start. 

Interview your attorney. Ask them how many car accident cases they’ve handled in the past, and what the outcome of those cases was. Get a feel for your attorney and ensure they’re someone you feel comfortable with. 

Finally, be sure to ask about upfront and other costs of representation. In many cases, you won’t pay your lawyer until you win. In some instances, however, your attorney may bill you for expert witnesses and other expenses. 

If you’re experiencing pain following a car crash, call Morgan & Morgan as soon as you’re able. Our team of experienced car crash lawyers is ready to assist you in dealing with hospitals and insurance companies. Don’t try to fight the big companies alone. Instead, let us navigate the legal process for you so you can focus on your full recovery. 

This website is meant for general information and not legal advice.

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An illustration of a broken car.