What to Do If I Slip on a Public Sidewalk?

If you're curious about what happens after you've been injured on a public sidewalk, you're not alone. You may be searching for, "What to do if I slip on a public sidewalk?" In order to better understand your legal rights and determine who can be held responsible in the event of an injury, you may need legal aid on your side.
Bear in mind that you may be eligible to sue the city managing the sidewalk where you slipped and fell. However, it is imperative to hire experienced attorneys. The lawyers working at Morgan & Morgan know some of the downsides of these kinds of cases and are fully equipped with the right resources and network to prepare a compelling case if you need to figure out what to do if you get hurt on a public sidewalk. Public sidewalks fall under the domain of the managing city. If you can argue that the city failed to maintain its property safely and that you suffered harm as a result, you may be eligible to pursue a lawsuit.
Suing the city requires taking prompt action by retaining appropriate legal representation. It's very important to work with a slip and fall accident lawyer to help put you in the best possible situation for recovering compensation. Many people do not realize all of the complex factors that go into filing a slip and fall accident case and are not prepared to gather the evidence quickly enough.
When figuring out what to do if you slip on a public sidewalk, you need to recognize that the statute of limitations is shorter when you're suing a government or public entity. In typical personal injury premises liability cases, you have somewhere between two and four years to file a lawsuit depending on the specific laws of your state. However, these circumstances are different if you were hurt on a public sidewalk. You may still be eligible to sue the city or other government entity for your injuries, but it is crucial that you have the right lawyer to guide you through that process and give you further information about how to move forward.
Do I Have the Right to Sue the City If I Slipped and Fell on Public Property?
The party responsible for maintaining a piece of property could be held legally responsible for injuries that occur due to unsafe circumstances. If a government entity like the city is responsible for ensuring that the sidewalk is safe, that same entity could be held liable for your injuries. Even though the city could be held liable, suing the government is very different from suing a corporation or suing an individual.
You have a shorter time period to file and can expect that the city may fight back. Furthermore, it is often important to gather evidence as soon as possible because the city may recognize what happened in the accident and do everything to minimize its liability by fixing it very quickly. This can make it difficult for you to show a strong case with evidence as to why you were injured on the property.
Even if the city does take the necessary step of correcting the dangerous condition, this does not always mean they are free from liability. In fact, there are many circumstances when you need to file a lawsuit for full and fair compensation to put yourself in the best possible situation to recover those damages. It can feel as though your life has been turned upside down after such an accident, but the right lawyer can make a big difference in the outcome of your case. Reach out to Morgan & Morgan to gather more information about whether or not you can sue a public entity or city after being hurt in a slip and fall case on a sidewalk.
What are Common Problems in Filing a Case Against the City?
There are many different legal challenges that may emerge when you're filing a lawsuit against the city. First of all, expect that the city will have lawyers who are ready to dispute their case. They will move as quickly as possible to assemble a team of attorneys to dispute your case.
If you're unrepresented in your claim, this can make it very hard for you to recover compensation. As soon as the city learns about your intention to file a lawsuit, they will get together attorneys. The second thing to keep in mind is that it is very likely that the city or public entity involved will undervalue your losses. Many cities don't want to or have the funds to pay out injury claims. They would prefer to focus on other amenities and benefits for the taxpayers and not generate the public relations mess associated with a preventable slip and fall injury.
Before you go to court, you may be approached by city officers with a settlement. These settlement offers are usually far too low to cover the compensation you've already incurred in an accident. Accepting an early settlement offer can have serious repercussions for you because you cannot pursue any further damages after you approve the acceptance of those funds.
The third thing to keep in mind as you think about whether or not you can sue the city for an injury on a public sidewalk is that most premises liability attorneys work on a contingency fee basis. This means you do not have to generate massive savings in the form of a retainer to hire a lawyer. You don't pay anything out of your pocket for initial legal help with a contingency fee agreement because your lawyer will accept a percentage of a successful case outcome. This provides legal support to those who need representation.
How Can I Protect My Rights?
If you've already fallen on a public sidewalk, you need to build the strongest possible case. This often begins by gathering evidence as soon as you can and getting medical attention for your injuries. Take pictures of the hazard that caused the initial harm. If you can showcase in photos or videos what you slipped on, this can help to tell the overall story of how the accident happened and how it could have likely injured another person as well.
You should also photograph any external injuries that you have directly related to the accident. Even if you did not immediately experience pain after slipping and falling on a sidewalk, get medical treatment. It is very important to show the other party that, because of your slip and fall injuries and their negligent management of the property, you deserve compensation. Get medical care that is directly related to your injuries associated with the accident in question. From there on out, it is very important to continue gathering evidence. You need to tell a comprehensive story about what happened, and it can be very hard to do this without the support of a lawyer.
This is why it is strongly recommended that you retain the services of lawyers like Morgan & Morgan as soon as you can. Keep track of all details associated with how the accident has affected your life, such as lost income, medical visits, and mental health associated with getting hurt. This helps a lawyer give dollar values to your non-economic and economic damages. A final thing to keep in mind as you think about suing a city for a slip and fall on a public sidewalk: be aware of what you share on social media. Anything that you publicly share on social media could ultimately be used to harm your case.
You should only share information with your attorney during this time. You may think that it is impossible to harm your case when you have strong evidence associated with sharing your side of the story. However, if you have pictures partying at a concert or going to an amusement park, it can be easy for the city to argue that you were not seriously injured in the accident and that you're overstating your injuries in an attempt to get the compensation that you are not entitled to.
With these complex factors at play, you need to be prepared to discuss the specifics of your case with a knowledgeable and qualified lawyer. The right attorney can make a big impact on the outcome of your case and the lawyers at Morgan & Morgan are very qualified and knowledgeable to discuss the specifics of your case with you. It is very hard to go through this process on your own, but the good news is that you do not have to feel as though you are on your own when hiring a knowledgeable legal team.
The right attorney is crucial for helping you navigate the legal process and ensuring that you have maximum protection for the compensation in question. Do not hesitate to contact a qualified lawyer who can guide you through the legal process and minimize the possibility of mistakes made in your case. If you slip on a public sidewalk, take your case seriously and let a lawyer handle it.
You can reach out to Morgan & Morgan today for a free, no-obligation case evaluation to learn more about your options and take your first steps toward recovery. Contact us now.
Injured? Getting the compensation you deserve starts here.