What Is the Average Johnson & Johnson Baby Powder Settlement?
Johnson & Johnson has faced multiple lawsuits over its flagship powder, Johnson's. The avalanche of lawsuits derives from the shocking revelations that the multinational company knew that its baby powder contains talcum powder, a mineral that causes ovarian cancer and mesothelioma. But even before we discuss the Johnson & Johnson baby powder settlement, let's first dig into the exact reasons the company is facing countless lawsuits from all over the country.
Johnson & Johnson Baby Powder Lawsuit Explained
Johnson's baby powder is arguably the most popular brand from the famous pharmaceutical company. However, trouble started when the company began facing multiple lawsuits from women who had been diagnosed with ovarian cancer after years of using the baby powder. Some other lawsuits came from individuals who had been diagnosed with mesothelioma after using the product.
The prosecution argued that Johnson & Johnson knew about the presence of talc in the powder but refused to stop using it because they were more interested in making profits than prioritizing their client's safety. According to a jaw-dropping report from the New York Times and Reuters, the company's own scientists even proposed replacing talc with cornstarch, which was way cheaper.
The reports claim the proposal was tabled as early as 1973. But despite knowing the risks involved with using talc as a major ingredient in the popular baby powder brand, Johnson & Johnson did nothing about it. Instead, they continued making profits for decades, putting the lives of millions of consumers at risk of developing ovarian cancer and mesothelioma.
It is believed that the company chose to continue using talc because it was cheaper than cornstarch. This was a case of greed and negligence.
Following an increasing number of lawsuits, Johnson & Johnson tried to have the claims dismissed by the Supreme Court in the summer of 2021 and failed. Since then, the company has attempted various tactics to block the lawsuits, including filing for bankruptcy.
For example, in Texas, the company took advantage of a legal loophole to create a new company called LTL Management and then dumped all its asbestos-related liability, including the lawsuits, into the new company.
LTL then filed for bankruptcy in a federal court in North Carolina, limiting the plaintiff's efforts to recover damages for asbestos exposure. But that doesn't mean all is lost - the company is still facing lawsuits from every corner of the country and has lost multiple rulings nationwide.
An Overview of Johnson & Johnson Baby Powder Lawsuits
In August 2021, a California court awarded $26.5 million to a plaintiff in a talc lawsuit against Johnson & Johnson. However, this was not a case of ovarian cancer but mesothelioma. The plaintiff had used the baby powder for two decades.
By the summer of 2021, at least 34,000 known talcum powder lawsuits were filed against the company, the second-largest MDL class action lawsuit filed in the history of the United States.
Earlier in 2020, Johnson & Johnson had agreed to settle 1,000 lawsuits for about $100 million. The same year, a Missouri Court of Appeals upheld a lower-court ruling, awarding 22 women $2.12 billion in damages after it was established that they suffered ovarian cancer from using the iconic baby powder.
In 2019, a New York City state court ordered Johnson & Johnson to pay a woman and her husband $325 million. The woman had alleged that she had developed pleural mesothelioma cancer after years of using the baby powder.
These are just examples of some of the many lawsuits filed against the pharmaceutical company.
So What's the Average Johnson & Johnson Baby Powder Settlement?
From the above examples, it's safe to conclude that the average Johnson & Johnson baby powder settlement is at least $100,000. This is because some of these settlements were awarded to a group of plaintiffs, meaning they'll have to divide the amount among themselves.
However, it's also important to note that the only way to find out the true value of your Johnson & Johnson claim is by contacting an experienced talc powder attorney for a case evaluation. Chances are, the claim could be worth more than the average amount.
We'll discuss that shortly.
How the Johnson & Johnson Baby Powder Settlement Is Calculated
Each Johnson & Johnson baby powder lawsuit is different. For this reason, the settlement administrator usually considers certain unique factors when making a settlement offer. While it may not be possible to provide the exact amount you or your loved one may be entitled to as compensation, the settlement administrator could consider factors such as:
- your age when you got injured;
- extent of damages suffered;
- strength of the lawsuit if it goes to trial; and
- amount of assets the defendant possesses to settle the claim.
How Does Talcum Powder Cause Ovarian Cancer?
To understand the relationship between talcum powder and ovarian cancer, let's discuss two theories.
The first theory is the direct connection between talcum powder and asbestos. Given that talcum powder is usually mined near asbestos deposits, they are often laced with asbestos.
Although most talc products sold in the United States have allegedly been asbestos-free since the 1970s, some still contain this dangerous product. So how do talc contaminated products find their way into the US market?
The truth is, cosmetic grade talc, like the ones used in manufacturing baby powder, should be refined to eliminate impurities. However, no direct government agency or oversight oversees this process. As a result, such products can find their way into the market because the cosmetic industry basically policies itself.
The second theory demonstrates how talc powder finds its way into the ovaries.
According to studies, when women apply talcum powder to their genital area, some tiny particles may find their way up the vaginal canal, eventually traveling to the ovaries. When that happens, the talc particles may stay inside the vaginal canal for years, eventually causing chronic inflammation and cancer.
What Science Says About Talcum Powder and Ovarian Cancer
The connection between talcum powder and ovarian cancer was first established in the 1970s. Scientific studies showed that talc powder particles were found in ovarian and cervical tumors. Some were also found in the lymph nodes of women with ovarian cancer.
Fast forward to 2007, talc was discovered in the lymph nodes of a 68-year-old woman with stage III ovarian cancer. It was further established that the woman had used talcum powder on her genitals daily for over 30 years.
The shocking discovery aside, additional studies have established the connection between talc powder and ovarian cancer. For instance, a study conducted in 2016 revealed that women who regularly use talc on their genital area have a 33 percent higher risk of suffering from ovarian cancer than those who use baby powder that doesn't contain talc.
Another study conducted by Dr. Roberta Ness, a renowned medical and public health expert, also confirmed the relationship between talc and ovarian cancer. The study revealed that women who used talc around their genital area had between 30 to 60 percent risk of developing ovarian cancer.
And that's not all.
The International Agency for Research on Cancer considers talc as potentially carcinogenic, a term used to describe anything that has the potential to cause cancer.
How to Receive a Talcum Powder Lawsuit Settlement
You may be eligible for compensation if you or your loved one suffers from ovarian cancer following years of using Johnson & Johnson baby powder. The only way to receive a settlement is by filing a claim with Johnson & Johnson and other parties responsible for your injury.
However, it's advisable to work with an established personal injury law firm like Morgan & Morgan to increase your chances of obtaining a favorable outcome. Johnson and Jonhson is a multi-billion company; their recent bankruptcy case doesn't mean they're broke. Instead, it's just a strategy to avoid taking legal responsibility for their negligence.
This further explains why you need an experienced talcum powder attorney to help fight for what you are entitled to as compensation. You need a legal team that can overpower the defense and secure the compensation you need to deal with the devastating effects of ovarian cancer on you and your loved ones. If you need a powerful, experienced and understanding team of attorneys, Morgan & Morgan is one phone call away.
How Morgan & Morgan Can Help
Morgan & Morgan is the largest personal injury law firm in the United States. As a result, we work with some of the best personal injury attorneys in the country. You can count on our army of over 1,000 attorneys to handle your Johnson & Johnson talc powder claim from the beginning to the end, helping you secure the compensation you need and deserve.
A positive cancer diagnosis is not the kind of news you'd want to hear, especially if the exposure was due to someone else's negligence. To make things worse, some of these multi-billion companies, like Johnson & Johnson, make billions of dollars in profits every year.
This could only mean one thing - you shouldn't expect an easy legal battle because they'll have some of the best defense attorneys representing them in and out of court. However, working with Morgan & Morgan attorneys makes a huge difference. Our law firm has a solid reputation for taking on even the biggest bullies in the industry. Our lawyers can never be intimidated by the defense and their attorneys because we know what you deserve as compensation.
When you contact Morgan & Morgan for a free, no-obligation case evaluation, one of our legal representatives will review your case to determine whether you have a solid case against Johnson & Johnson. If it is established that you have a valid claim, we'll assign the case to a team of attorneys, paralegals, and other legal representatives.
One major benefit of working with an attorney is that they can always advise you on the best legal action to take. For example, a Johnson & Johnson talcum powder claim is best suited for a class-action lawsuit. This kind of lawsuit involves multiple individuals who have been harmed by a particular product and would like to file a collective lawsuit against the defendant.
This kind of lawsuit comes with many benefits for the plaintiff (the party filing the lawsuit). For instance, an individual personal injury lawsuit may not be the best legal action to take against the defendant if the damages suffered by the plaintiff are relatively small. This is because each lawsuit costs a lot of time and requires so many resources. In addition, even if your claim is valid, you have the legal responsibility to prove that, indeed, the plaintiff's negligence is the primary reason for your injury.
Some cases are pretty straightforward. However, some, especially those involving large companies and corporations, are more difficult to prove. For instance, unless you are a talc powder expert, it may be much more difficult to prove that talc powder exposure is the primary reason you or your loved one suffers from ovarian cancer.
Class action lawsuits also come with a sense of unity because they involve multiple individuals filing one common lawsuit against the defendant. This kind of lawsuit gives plaintiffs a sense of togetherness as they fight the compensation they need.
Lastly, with a class-action lawsuit, you don't need to do anything when fighting for the compensation you deserve. You don't have to do anything unless you are the lead plaintiff (the plaintiff representing all other plaintiffs suing the defendant). Instead, all you need to do is sit back and wait for the case's outcome.
If you or your loved one has ovarian cancer caused by prolonged use of Johnson & Johnson baby powder, it's time to talk to Morgan & Morgan. We'll help you create the best legal strategy to pursue the compensation you need and deserve. Don't sit back and suffer in silence due to someone else's negligence; fill out our free case evaluation form online or call us at 888 715 8190 to speak to one of our representatives!
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