Viagra Skin Cancer Lawsuits

4 min read time

The attorneys at Morgan & Morgan are investigating claims on behalf of men who used Viagra (sildenafil) and were diagnosed with melanoma, the most dangerous type of skin cancer. A recent study found that men currently using Viagra to treat erectile dysfunction were 84 percent more likely to develop melanoma when compared to men not using the drug. In light of this information, the attorneys at Morgan & Morgan investigated whether Pfizer Inc. knew or should have known about a link between Viagra and melanoma to help determine whether patients can take legal action.

Viagra Increases Men’s Risk of Developing Skin Cancer, Study Shows

In April 2014, the Journal of the American Medical Association published a study that found men using Viagra are at a significantly increased risk of developing melanoma. In the study, researchers reviewed data from more than 25,000 participants in the Health Professionals’ Follow-up Study. The researchers found that when compared to men not using the drug, men with a history of Viagra use were twice as likely to develop melanoma, while men currently taking the drug were at an 84 percent increased risk.

Even when accounting for participants’ histories of skin cancer, ultraviolet light exposure and other kinds of cancer and major illnesses, researchers said that the findings remained the same, NBC News reported. Additionally, there was no sign of erectile dysfunction itself being associated with an increased risk of developing melanoma, according to the study.


What Compensation Can I Receive Through a Viagra Skin Cancer Lawsuit?

Men who developed melanoma after using Viagra may be able to file lawsuits against the drug’s manufacturer seeking compensation for past and future medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering and other damages. Our attorneys also handle medical malpractice claims.

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