Vehicle Service Contract Offers
The attorneys at Morgan & Morgan are investigating potential claims on behalf of consumers who received mail from a company other than their automobile dealer or car manufacturer looking to sell them an extended car warranty or vehicle service contract because their current or previous warranty is reaching the expiration date or has already expired.
If you have received such an offer, we would like to speak about your legal rights and a possible claim which you may have. Our class action lawyers may be able to help you. To get in contact with our firm, please fill out our free case review form today.
Are Your Rights Being Violated?
It is believed that some companies, other than vehicle manufacturers, are sending consumers marketing pieces pitching vehicle service contracts after obtaining the recipient’s vehicle registration information and using it in violation of the Drivers’ Privacy Protection Act (DPPA). A federal law governing the privacy and disclosure of personal information gathered by state DMVs, the DPPA prohibits the use of this information for marketing purposes without the expressed and written consent of the consumer. Those who violate the DPPA are subject to penalties under the Act, as well as possible civil action on behalf of anyone to whom the released information pertains. A full version of the law can be found by clicking here.
If you would like more information on your legal rights as a recipient of these vehicle service contracts, which are similar to extended warranties, simply complete the free contact form on the right.
Our attorneys also handle many other types of information harassment. Check out our class action website for information on the latest lawsuits.
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