Vandalism and Theft Damage Insurance Claim Lawyers
Whether it’s perpetrated by a seasoned criminal or an out-of-control teenager, the damage caused by vandalism and theft can be severe. Unfortunately, the hoops you have to jump through to get your insurer to pay for this damage can be extremely time-consuming.
If you have suffered vandalism or theft damage, you should immediately do the following:
- Contact the police to file a report.
- Get a copy of the police report.
- Review the report for any errors or missing damage, and have the police department update it.
- Document all damage to your property with photographs.
- If you were robbed, collect receipts and other evidence of the stolen items’ value.
If you file an insurance claim without doing all of the above, there’s a good chance your claim will be denied. The more evidence you can provide to strengthen your claim, the better your chances of being compensated.
Even if you do all the right things, though, your claim could still be denied, delayed, or lowballed. That may be due to simple error on the part of the insurance company, or it may be because they don’t want to pay your claim and are looking for a way out. Either way, in these situations it’s best to contact a licensed attorney who can help you recover full compensation.
Contact a Vandalism and Theft Damage Attorney
If you’ve been the victim of vandalism or theft, and you’re having trouble getting your insurer to cover the damages, we want to fight for you.
Morgan & Morgan’s attorneys have been battling insurance companies on behalf of our clients for over 35 years. We know every trick and tactic they like to use, and they know that we’ll take them to trial if we have to. To date, we’ve recovered more than $25 billion for clients. Call today for a free, no-obligation consultation.
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