Is There a Lawsuit for Zinc In-Denture Adhesive Products?

4 min read time

Some of the most popular denture adhesives contain a significant amount of zinc. In small doses, zinc is not normally harmful. However, ingesting too much of the mineral can cause various adverse health conditions, including nerve damage, copper deficiency, and spinal cord degeneration. In rare cases, a zinc overdose can be fatal.

Our attorneys can clarify your rights and legal options if you or a loved one came to harm due to using zinc in-denture adhesives. You could qualify for compensation for pain and suffering, medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages. Contact us now for a free, no-obligation case evaluation.

What Are Zinc In-Denture Adhesives?

Correctly fitted dentures typically do not require denture adhesives. However, over time, dentures can become loose and ill-fitting due to bone shrinkage. Denture adhesives can help to keep loose dentures in place. Adhesives can come in various forms, such as pastes, strips, pads, and powders, and are usually placed in or on the dentures. Zinc is an ingredient in many denture adhesive creams as it enhances adhesion.  

Zinc In-Denture Adhesive Products Are Controversial

The trace mineral zinc is beneficial to our health in small amounts and can be found in many foods such as shellfish, nuts, and meats. According to the Mayo Clinic, zinc boosts our immune system and helps with wound healing, among other benefits. 

However, too much zinc can be devastating to our health and potentially cause numerous side effects, including nerve damage in the hands and feet. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), using zinc in-denture adhesive products excessively, especially when taking zinc supplements, can result in a harmful excess of zinc in the body. The FDA acknowledges that reports in the medical literature link side effects such as numbness, tingling, and nerve damage with overuse of denture adhesives.

Who Is Most at Risk?

If you use denture adhesives sporadically and in small amounts, you are probably not exposed to high zinc levels and at risk for developing significant side effects. However, those using zinc-containing dental adhesives daily and in large quantities could be putting their health at risk. Individuals who use several tubes of dental adhesive cream per week are more likely to experience nerve damage.

The Vicious Cycle of Using Denture Adhesives 

Using denture adhesives can contribute to the problem of ill-fitting dentures rather than solving it. Loose dentures accelerate bone loss as they put uneven pressure on the bone. Meanwhile, denture creams provide individuals with the illusion that their dentures fit well. Using excessive amounts of adhesive products rather than having new dentures fitted can lead to significant bone loss, further exacerbating the issue of loose dentures. The best way to reduce bone loss is to get new, well-fitting dentures that apply uniform chewing pressure across the bone.

Potential Side Effects of Zinc In-Denture Adhesives

A study from 2008, published in the journal Neurology, concluded that chronic excessive use of denture cream containing zinc might result in harmful copper deficiency and serious neurologic disease. The potential side effects of denture creams can include:

Zinc Toxicity and Low Copper Levels

Acute zinc poisoning is a serious condition and can be deadly. Individuals with toxic zinc levels in their bodies can experience seizures, fevers, fainting, and vomiting, among other symptoms. 

Long-term exposure to too much zinc, such as with prolonged dental cream use, could also lead to low copper levels, potentially causing various negative and possibly irreversible health effects, such as:


Without a sufficient amount of copper in our system, nerves cannot function properly, which can lead to neuropathy. Symptoms of neuropathy include:

  • Tingling
  • Numbness
  • Stabbing or burning pain
  • Muscle weakness
  • Lack of coordination
  • Frequent falls
  • Paralysis
  • Loss of balance

Digestive System Problems

Ingesting denture adhesive in large amounts can lead to stomach upset, vomiting, and nausea. Patients have also reported mild cases of constipation, irregular bowel movements, and other gastrointestinal problems.

Other Devastating Health Effects

Zinc poisoning has also been linked to other issues, including anemia, general decline, loss of mobility, and cognitive problems. Damage could be permanent and persist even after individuals stop using zinc in-denture adhesive products and zinc levels have returned to normal. 

Lawsuits Filed Against the Manufacturers of Denture Adhesives

To date, several lawsuits have been filed against denture adhesive manufacturers. Two of the most popular denture cream manufacturers, Procter & Gamble (Fixodent) and GlaxoSmithKline (Poligrip), use significant amounts of zinc in their dental adhesive formulas. There have been hundreds of cases of consumers alleging damage to their health due to the long-term use of zinc-containing denture adhesives. 

Lawsuits gathered traction after research was published linking denture cream overuse to neurological issues and other health problems. GlaxoSmithKline has since released a statement warning consumers about the potential health risks associated with excessive use of denture adhesives containing zinc.

If you have experienced nerve damage symptoms or other conditions connected to in-denture adhesive products containing zinc, you could have a case against a manufacturer and receive compensation. Our lawyers can determine whether you have a case and help you move forward with a claim.

A Manufacturer Could Be Liable for Your Damages 

The consequences of zinc poisoning can be devastating and potentially lead to cognitive decline, loss of mobility, and other health issues. Permanent injuries from zinc-containing dental cream could cause increased medical bills for victims, as well as emotional distress, physical pain, and inability to work. If this has happened to you, you could have legal recourse against a dental cream manufacturer and potentially sue for compensation. 

Lawsuits Allege Failure to Warn of the Risks 

Most denture cream lawsuits allege that manufacturers failed to warn consumers of the known risk of zinc poisoning and various side effects from using dental adhesives. As a result, millions of Americans who use zinc-containing adhesives were unaware of the denture creams’ potentially serious health risks. Some denture adhesive products lawsuits also accuse the manufacturers of negligence, fraud, and failure to protect consumers.

Your Next Best Steps if You Are Affected

If you have any symptoms that could point to a zinc overdose, you should see a doctor promptly. A simple blood test can determine whether your zinc levels are abnormally high. Your doctor can diagnose and treat a zinc overdose promptly. 

If your physician detects elevated zinc levels and your health problems could be connected to the use of a zinc in-denture adhesive product, consider speaking to our attorneys who can determine whether you could seek damages from a manufacturer. We can walk you through your options, help you file a lawsuit, and stand beside you every step of the way.


Should I Visit My Doctor if I Have Used Zinc-Containing Dental Cream?

If you have regularly used excessive amounts of a denture adhesive containing zinc, you could be at risk for adverse health effects such as nerve damage. Visiting your doctor for a thorough check-up can provide you with peace of mind. If your doctor detects elevated zinc or low copper levels, they can advise you on how to proceed and treat the problem.  


Are There Zinc-Free Denture Adhesives?

Zinc-free alternatives are readily available and provide a safer alternative to zinc-containing dental adhesives. Manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline has removed zinc from its Super Poligrip line, which is now called Super Poligrip Free. Your dentist can advise you on suitable products for your dentures.


What Is a Denture Adhesive Lawsuit Worth? 

Estimating the worth of a denture adhesive lawsuit is next to impossible, as every individual’s injuries and circumstances are unique. However, if you have considerable damages such as high medical bills and permanent injuries from using dental creams, you could be entitled to a settlement reflecting your losses. Damages you could recover can include awards for: 

  • Current and future medical costs 
  • Loss of income 
  • Physical pain and suffering
  • Emotional anguish
  • Medical devices such as a wheelchair
  • Modification of your home
  • In-home nursing care
  • Transportation costs
  • Out-of-pocket expenses
  • Loss of life enjoyment

Depending on your specific case, you could be entitled to other or additional damages. 
Morgan & Morgan’s tenacious attorneys have tirelessly fought for the rights of consumers who are seeking compensation to put their lives back together. We can advise you on the potential worth of your case in a free consultation.


Is There a Time Limit for Filing a Denture Adhesive Lawsuit?  

Most personal injury lawsuits have to be filed within a certain time limit, also called the “statute of limitations”. The time available for filing a zinc in-denture adhesive lawsuit will vary depending on the state you reside in. 

Injuries from the use of denture adhesives typically do not show up immediately. Moreover, it can take even longer before a patient and doctor establish a link between dental cream use and health conditions such as neuropathy. 

Since you could lose the right to compensation once the time limit for filing a lawsuit has passed in your state, consult with an attorney as soon as you suspect that your health problems are due to the use of zinc-containing denture cream. 


Should I Hire an Attorney for a Denture Adhesive Lawsuit?

Denture adhesive lawsuits can be complex and require a considerable amount of evidence. Moreover, you will likely be fighting a global corporation with experienced lawyers on retainers doing nothing but fight similar claims. Having a seasoned attorney from a large and well-known law firm such as Morgan & Morgan by your side can level the playing field and signal to the other side that you are serious about getting justice. Professional legal representation can also provide you with peace of mind and a shoulder to lean on.


How Do I Pay a Denture Cream Lawsuit Attorney?

Personal injury attorneys typically handle cases on a contingency basis, which means that they do not receive their fee unless they win and you recover a settlement. The attorney’s fee is usually a percentage of the final settlement. Some attorneys charge hourly fees, which is best avoided since this can leave you out-of-pocket whether you win or lose the case. Morgan & Morgan won’t charge you a dime upfront. We only get paid if and when you get paid. 


Do I Have to Go to Trial With a Denture Adhesive Product Lawsuit?

Most personal injury lawsuits never see a courtroom and are, instead, resolved with an out-of-court agreement and settlement. Pharmaceuticals and personal care product manufacturers may prefer to settle out of court as it is less expensive, affords them privacy, and generally avoids negative publicity. 

However, while having to go to trial is rare, individuals filing a lawsuit should be prepared that their case could potentially go to trial, especially if a lot of money is at stake or the case is highly contested. 

Whether or not you will have to go to trial also depends on the other side’s willingness to settle and your willingness to accept a settlement. If the two sides cannot reach a satisfactory agreement, your attorney will most likely take the case to trial and fight for your best interests. Victims have to be prepared to go all the way through the court system in the fight for justice and compensation.


Our Denture Adhesive Lawyers Can Fight for You

When a personal care product or drug manufacturer fails to disclose the potential side effects of its products, consumers generally have legal recourse if they suffer harmful side effects. Global corporations that put their profits before the safety of their customers should be held accountable for their actions.

If you or a loved one suffer significant health problems due to zinc in-denture adhesive products, you should not have to carry the financial burden as well. Morgan & Morgan’s attorneys could help you get justice. As America’s largest personal injury law firm, we do not shy away from holding powerful corporations to account for their unethical actions. 

Get in touch to schedule a free case evaluation today, and find out about your options and next best steps.

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