Tenet Health Security Breach
Tenet Health, a healthcare provider that oversees St. Mary’s Medical Center and Good Samaritan Medical Center in West Palm Beach, was recently the subject of a data breach that shut down telephone and computer systems. No one could make calls to or from the hospital, nor could any employee use the digitalized charting system to help meet their patient's needs. Instead, employees had to quickly switch from digital charting to paper, which is a transition that not many organizations can accurately pull off in a short amount of time. Not much is known about the hackers’ motives in this situation, but regardless of their intentions, Tenet Health should have maintained a more robust cybersecurity program to ensure that this situation would never occur.
Tenet Health stated that they're making “important progress” in their “efforts to restore impacted information technology operations,” but the organization isn’t out of the woods yet. Sources have reported that emergency medical crews are transporting patients to other hospitals in the area while Tenet Health solves its cyber security issues, and many patients are expressing concerns over hospital staff administering the wrong medication during the outage. These patients had to endure a nightmare: watching the organization that’s supposed to care for them become helpless after an unexpected cyber attack. Although Tenet is working diligently to repair the damage, someone has to hold them accountable for losing protected information and endangering the safety of their patients, and what better ally to have by your side than America’s largest personal injury firm.
At Morgan & Morgan, we understand that the consequences of data breaches can complicate your life for years down the line, especially if they occur in a healthcare setting with patients in sensitive situations. Hospitals and other healthcare organizations should maintain some of the strongest network security protocols because the consequences of a breach are so severe, yet Tenet Health allowed one to occur. Their carelessness is considered negligent in the eyes of the law, and any victims of their most recent data breach can potentially recover compensation through a lawsuit.
If you were harmed by Tenet Health’s data breach, our attorneys are only a phone call away. Contact us today to see if you’re eligible to join the class-action lawsuit.
What Are the Consequences of a Data Breach?
Data breaches, no matter how minor, are problematic because they expose sensitive, personal information to the public. Unfortunately, our personal data is profitable, so unethical individuals will attempt to breach an organization's databases to steal everything they can. They do this by exploiting vulnerable portions of their network security, which is essentially a firewall that permits certain individuals from going in and out. The hackers find a weak point, or they manage to gain login credentials from someone in the organization, allowing them access to information that only a few people are allowed to see. We’re still in the early stages of Tenet Health’s data breach, so we know little about how or why these hackers did what they did, but the consequences are all the same.
Now, former and current patients are in jeopardy of identity theft, fraud, and other financial crimes, all because Tenet Health failed to protect their data properly. To make matters worse, the damage might not occur immediately. Stolen information stays online for years, and it can take some time for someone to stumble upon it and use it for malicious purposes. Anyone who was a patient of Tenet Health or is currently should speak with their financial institutions and monitor their bank statements for evidence of fraudulent activity to protect themselves. If you find that you are a victim of financial crimes, your next call should be to a lawyer, as they have the knowledge and experience to help you mitigate the consequences.
How Can an Attorney Help With a Data Breach?
Some people might choose to forgo legal assistance because the damage has already been done, but these individuals are turning down help that could be the difference between paying for the damage from your own pocket or not. An attorney can help advise you on different steps, such as canceling credit cards, changing login credentials, and other proactive strategies that can keep you safe from harm. They’ll be an asset in your back pocket, doing everything in their power to protect you and your assets, and help you set up new methods of staying safe in the future.
Our attorneys are in the initial stages of investigating and preparing to file a class-action lawsuit against Tenet Health for negligently exposing patient data. We are seeking the assistance of consumers who may have been victimized by this breach with evidence of harm. We’ve litigated many high-profile class-action cases involving data breaches in the past obtaining relief for consumers implanted by those breaches, and we’re prepared to offer the same results to you and your family.
Contact Morgan & Morgan Today
In the most difficult moments of your life, Morgan & Morgan has your back. Tenet Health’s negligence isn’t your burden to bear, and our attorneys are here to help ensure that you don’t suffer the consequences of a preventable data breach. Once we receive your initial consultation and determine your eligibility, you’ll be protected throughout the entirety of the process, with your best interests placed at the forefront of the litigation. With over 1,000+ trial-ready attorneys, offices from coast to coast, and the resources that other firms can only dream of, Morgan & Morgan is more than capable of helping you hold Tenet Health accountable.
We stand as an ally for the victims of this data breach and all others in the future. If Tenet Health’s data breach harmed you, contact us today to join the lawsuit.
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