Tangelo Park Chemical Exposure Lawsuit

5 min read time

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A major corporation in Tangelo Park, Florida may be responsible for releasing contaminants into the air that endangered the health of families in and around the area. If you or someone you love were diagnosed with cancer or multiple sclerosis (MS), we’re here to help.


What Does the Lawsuit Allege?

Our lawsuit alleges that the facility is responsible for a cancer cluster in Tangelo Park. If you’ve spent time in the area and have fallen ill, you may be entitled to compensation.

Take our brief questionnaire to find out.


How Did This Happen?

Contaminants have been detected in the soil and groundwater at a manufacturing site in Tangelo Park. Among them are Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) such as vinyl chloride and ethylbenzene. VOCs are particularly dangerous: They convert to highly toxic gases which can travel offsite and be inhaled, ingested, or contacted by the public.

The VOCs at the facility are powerful carcinogens that cause a wide array of cancers. These substances are capable of attacking virtually any system in the body, and are toxic to the skin, heart, and immune system. They also cause developmental disorders and birth defects, among other lasting health issues.

For decades, the corporation has known about these contaminants. Their actions since have only made the problem worse:

  • They used VOCs as industrial solvents to, among other things, degrease artillery and machinery. But rather than dispose of the contaminants responsibly, the company elected to dump waste sludges into ditches, which led to massive pollution at the facility. 
  • They allowed waste collection systems to fall into disrepair and leak into underground pipes.
  • They installed Air Stripping Towers and Soil Vapor Extraction systems intended to reduce VOC concentrations in the soil and groundwater, but those systems failed to eliminate or contain the problem.
  • They vented large concentrations of VOCs into the air rather than extract the toxic chemicals and collect them in sealed off containers.

These actions have endangered everyone who lives, works, and passes through Tangelo Park. Many people have been diagnosed with various types of cancer.


Who Is Eligible To Join the Lawsuit?

If you live, work, or have spent time in Tangelo Park and you were diagnosed with cancer or MS, you may be eligible to join our lawsuit.


Can I Afford Legal Representation?

Yes. You don’t have to worry about affording an attorney to help you get your life back on track. At Morgan & Morgan, we believe that everyone deserves high-quality legal representation, and that’s why our lawyers work on a contingency. It costs nothing to hire us, and we get paid only if you win.


How Do I Get Started?

Take a few minutes to fill out our questionnaire. You might be entitled to compensation. If so, we’ll fight tirelessly to recover all of your losses.

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