Slip, Trip, and Fall Statistics

man falling down stairs

Most people think of slipping or tripping and falling as only a minor frustration or inconvenience. Depictions of minor falling accidents in movies and television shows make them seem harmless or even humorous.

In actuality, slip and trip accidents can be very dangerous. They can result in significant physical damage for falling accident victims. 

Examining slip, trip, and fall statistics reveals how hazardous this type of accident can be. If you have been injured in a falling accident, you may experience a wide range of costs and losses. 

Suffering injuries in a falling accident is especially frustrating if a negligent party caused it. Fortunately, a skilled personal injury attorney can help victims recover financially following a slip or trip mishap. 

If you or someone you know has been injured due to another party’s carelessness, it is critical to consult with a lawyer. One of the accomplished legal professionals at Morgan and Morgan will review the circumstances of your case to help you secure a positive outcome.  

The legal professionals at America’s largest tort law firm have successfully fought for accident victims for more than three decades. Following a falling accident or injury, make sure to schedule a free legal consultation with Morgan & Morgan by completing the simple online form.


Revealing Slip, Trip, and Fall Statistics

Falling accidents are very dangerous. This danger is real even in cases where the victim falls from ground level. 

Mishaps involving significant heights can be especially devastating. According to slip, trip, and fall statistics from the World Health Organization, falling accidents are the second leading cause of accidental deaths globally. 

The same research shows that nearly 700,000 individuals are killed annually in falling accidents. But even non-fatal slip and trip accidents can be catastrophic. 

Each year, more than 37 million falls require medical attention. Because of this, victims of falling accidents typically carry significant medical debt and care costs.  

Incidents of falling accidents in the United States are increasing year after year. Slip, trip, and fall statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show that falling accidents have become more common each year since 2007. 

Older Americans are most susceptible to injuries from falling accidents. Nearly 3 million elderly Americans visit an emergency care center each year as a result of a falling mishap.


What Are Common Injuries Resulting From Trip and Slip Accidents?

Depending on how the victim falls, different types of injuries may occur. Some falling injuries are more common than others.  

The CDC's slip, trip, and fall statistics reveal that one in five falling accidents results in a serious injury. Victims of these injuries have the right to pursue financial recovery if a negligent party caused their accident. 

Falling injuries can make it difficult for victims to carry out their day-to-day activities. Some of the most common injuries from falling accidents are:


Broken Bones and Fractures

The impact of a falling accident may result in a broken bone or fracture for the victim. Data from the CDC shows that more than 95% of hip fractures are the result of falling accidents.  

Typically, the victims of these accidents are older individuals. Hip fractures usually happen when the person falls sideways.  

But other types of bone breaks can also occur as a result of a fall. These include broken bones in the arms, legs, and ribs. 

When you fall, the most natural reaction is to try to brace yourself. However, doing so can lead to breaks in the wrist bones, elbows, or knees. 

These injuries often require substantial treatment and long recovery times. Victims should consult with a tort attorney about the possibility of a successful civil legal claim.


Spinal Cord and Back Injuries

Victims of slips or trips often experience back or spinal cord injuries (SCI). Some of the most typical SCIs resulting from falling accidents include: 

  • Fractured or cracked vertebrae
  • Slipped spinal discs
  • Herniated spinal discs
  • Pinched nerves in the spinal cord 

These injuries are usually very painful and require extensive medical treatments. These slip and fall injuries can cause devastating symptoms and issues for victims, such as:

  • Extreme pain or pressure in the back
  • Persistent pain in the neck or head
  • Weakness in the arms or legs
  • Loss of mobility in arms or legs
  • Numbness or a tingling sensation 
  • Loss of bowel or bladder control
  • Difficulty balancing or walking 

It is important to seek a medical assessment in the aftermath of a back injury. In extreme instances, victims may sustain partial or total paralysis. 

When a negligent property owner or business operator has caused you to suffer a falling accident injury, do not wait. One of the back injury attorneys at Morgan & Morgan can assist you in recovering the compensation to which you are entitled. 

Falling accident back injuries cause serious problems for those who suffer them. Victims should not be left with the costs and losses that another party caused.


Traumatic Brain Injuries

Anytime someone sustains a violent blow to the head or body, they are at risk of a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Some people think that a brain injury is only possible if the victim’s head collides with a surface. But this belief is mistaken.  

TBIs are very serious medical conditions that often require a long recovery period. There are many ways in which the brain can become injured from a slip or trip accident. 

The most obvious cause of a TBI in a falling accident victim is when the person’s head hits the floor or another hard surface. However, a severe blow to the torso can also result in brain damage. 

Some of the typical signs and symptoms of a traumatic brain injury are: 

  • Loss of consciousness
  • Long-lasting and severe headaches
  • Seizures and convulsions
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Pupil dilation
  • Inability to fall asleep or wake up
  • Confusion or memory loss
  • Cognitive deficiency
  • Difficulty speaking normally 

If you have experienced any of these symptoms after a falling accident, speak with a medical professional as soon as possible. The mildest form of traumatic brain injury is known as a “concussion.” 

Even though they are mild, this type of injury can result in serious consequences for victims. The CDC notes that falling accidents are the leading cause of traumatic brain injuries. 


Lacerations and Deep Cuts

When a victim falls, especially from a significant height, they face the possibility of deep cuts and lacerations. The person may land on broken glass, sharp objects, or other debris. 

This type of injury may require sutures or stitches to encourage healing. Cuts that are very deep may result in nerve or muscle damage, requiring extensive medical treatments and care.


Neck Damage and Injuries

Depending on how the victim lands, they may experience a neck injury. Damage to the bones or soft tissue in the neck can result in serious long-term medical issues. 

One of the most common types of neck injuries is known as “whiplash.” When whiplash occurs, the victim’s upper spinal cord and surrounding soft tissue are damaged because of a violent or sudden jolt. 

Slip, trip, and fall statistics show that these accidents present a wide range of potential hazards. No matter the nature of your falling accident injury, one of the accomplished litigators at Morgan and Morgan can help. 

Our skilled attorneys understand what is necessary to secure compensation for victims experiencing medical issues. Negligent property owners and other parties should be held accountable for the slip and trip accidents resulting from their carelessness.


What Are the Potential Financial Damages Available to Falling Accident Victims?

The financial damages you can hope to recover in your civil legal claim will depend on the nature of your accident or injury. In general, more severe injuries result in larger settlements or verdicts. 

Still, it is critical to secure the services of a knowledgeable attorney to seek the total amount you are due. The legal team at Morgan and Morgan has decades of experience accurately calculating the value of tort claims. 

In most successful personal injury cases, claimants can seek two types of compensatory damages. These two most common categories are “economic” and “non-economic” damages. 

Economic damages are compensatory payments that make up for the claimant’s monetary costs. Recovering from a falling accident injury is an expensive prospect. Some of the most common examples of this type of compensatory payment include: 

  • Loss of wages and income from missing work
  • Long-term inability to earn money
  • Associated current medical debt
  • Anticipated costs of future medical needs
  • Property damage resulting from the accident
  • Other miscellaneous financial losses 

However, many of the most severe consequences of a slip or trip accident are not monetary. This type of loss can be recovered through non-economic damage payments. 

These compensatory damages are meant to make up for psychological, emotional, and personal losses, such as: 

  • Emotional turmoil and anguish
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Physical suffering and pain
  • Inability to engage in recreational activities
  • Loss of quality of life
  • Embarrassment or isolation
  • Loss of opportunities or reputation 

It can be difficult to apply a dollar value to these types of harm. For this reason, victims should always consult with a Morgan and Morgan attorney following an accident or injury. 

Uncooperative insurance providers typically try to downplay non-economic losses. Do not let this happen in your slip or trip accident claim. Hiring our firm will give you the best chance of recovering the money you need to move forward.


What Conditions Make Falling Accidents Likely?

According to the CDC, many factors and conditions make a falling incident more likely. Some of the leading risk factors include: 

  • Weakness in the lower body
  • Use of certain medications that affect balance
  • Poor vision
  • Chronic foot or leg pain
  • Inadequate footwear
  • Broken or uneven steps
  • Clutter in walkways
  • Lack of proper signage around spills or leaks
  • Unmarked changes in floor elevation
  • Loose electrical cables

Property owners have a duty to ensure a safe environment for their visitors. If you have slipped or tripped as the result of someone's negligent action, do not wait. Contact an attorney from the nation's largest tort law firm to pursue justice.


Let Morgan & Morgan Represent You

When you need reliable legal representation, look no further than the compassionate team at Morgan and Morgan. Our knowledgeable legal specialists will assess the strength of your claim and help you get the compensation you deserve. 

Victims should not be left holding the extensive costs of an accident another person caused. Complete the online contact form today to arrange a free case evaluation with the friendly staff at Morgan and Morgan.