Post Car Accident Trauma

Living through a car accident can be a very overwhelming experience, and the repercussions may continue for days, weeks, months, or even longer after the accident occurs. 

It can be hard for many people to go back to work or even get back in a car again after they have been hurt by someone else's negligent or reckless behavior. If this applies to you, the attorneys at Morgan & Morgan are ready to review your case and to discuss each element of possible compensation, including payments you may be owed for post car accident trauma. People of all ages may suffer trauma that follows them from a vehicle accident, but this is particularly true for someone who suffered disabling or permanent injuries or for children. 

There may be legitimate concerns about getting back in a car again, and this can have impacts that influence your work schedule and your day-to-day life. This is why having an attorney who is familiar with post-car accident trauma is extremely important for building a basis for your personal injury claim. Suffering emotional distress following a car accident is an all too common experience, and it's important to remember that it's not your fault. If you or someone you know is currently living through emotional problems or other psychological issues from a car accident, you may need to speak with a personal injury attorney about recovering compensation. 

Post-car accident trauma is nothing to be ashamed of, but you may need support for your medical expenses and other costs linked to the accident. When you go through a traumatic experience such as a vehicle accident, your body may initially experience anxiety, panic, and shock. Within days or hours, your body will typically recover from the initial shock, but if you are continuing to experience anxiety, depression, panic, or other symptoms, you may need to consult with your doctor about getting appropriate treatment. 

It is hard for many people to go back to living their lives as normal following a serious car accident. If your anxiety continues and you're still suffering the consequences, a mental health counselor may be able to help you. You should not be responsible for all of the costs associated with treating your psychological concerns following an accident. It's important to remember that you're not alone and by retaining the services of an experienced personal injury attorney, you may put yourself in a better position to recover compensation. 

The right lawyer can make a big difference in your choice to move forward and can also help you better understand all of the issues linked to recovering compensation. Your psychological distress, for example, may be one component of damage recovery, but it is certainly not the only one. Psychological problems may continue to impact you for just as long or even longer than your physical pain and should always be incorporated as part of an overall personal injury claim.


How Do I Know If I'm Suffering From Emotional Distress After a Car Accident?

Common signs that you are going through something after a vehicle accident can also change from one person to another or from day to day. Keeping a record or consulting with your counselor about the circumstances you're experiencing can help you to chart how your life has changed from a car accident. 

If you experienced deteriorations in your mental health, your personal injury attorneys may need to know this information as they file for possible compensation on your behalf in a lawsuit. Some of the most common symptoms that should be taken seriously by anyone suffering after a car accident include:

  • Depression
  • Indications of PTSD
  • Inability to enjoy everyday activities
  • Problems going back to work
  • Panic or anxiety around driving in a car again
  • Mood swings with symptoms such as guilt, frustration, or anger
  • Phobias or fears that have developed

Seeing a mental health counselor immediately is extremely important if you're suffering from mental trauma caused by a car accident. Continued mental health declines can lead to serious issues, such as work conflicts, relationship problems, and even an inability to function in daily life.


Who Can Help Me With My Accident-Related Psychological Issues?

Finding someone who can help you to heal is extremely important. A counselor can advise you on the steps to recovery, but it is not always easy to recover from mental health issues. You may be experiencing gains in your overall physical health following an accident if you've got immediate treatment and diagnostics, but mental health may take longer. Working with a counselor is important for identifying the best ways to handle an accident and the anxiety and stress surrounding it. 

Depending on your circumstances, medications may also be recommended in addition to relaxation techniques. In some cases, the physical injuries from your car accident are also causing recurrent problems with your mental health. Seeing your doctor and telling them about these symptoms is very important for having these be taken seriously. The right personal injury attorney can also help you to work through opportunities for compensation recovery, as you may need continued medical care in order to move forward with your life. 

Remember that you are not alone in pursuing these situations and may want to find a dedicated attorney to help you navigate your next steps. You may also have suffered other injuries that should be incorporated as part of your personal injury claim, such as knee and leg injuries, head and brain injuries, back and neck injuries, rib and chest injuries, ankle and foot injuries, and abdominal and pelvic injuries.


Will I Be Able to Recover Compensation for My Emotional Suffering?

Depending on the laws of your individual state, you may be able to recover compensation for pain and suffering. No one should have to live through the experience of going through an accident, but the support of an experienced and dedicated attorney can help you to review all of your legal options in front of you. You may be eligible to recover compensation for pain and suffering but you should always discuss these specifics and your concerns with a lawyer. An attorney can tell you more about all of the different components of your personal injury claim and what evidence you'll need to begin to gather to support these situations. 

The right lawyer can make a big difference in helping you deal with post-car accident trauma. The attorneys at Morgan & Morgan know that trauma comes in many shapes and sizes after an accident, and we are prepared to help you put together a comprehensive claim for compensation recovery. We know all about all aspects of recovering compensation and take each of our clients' cases seriously because we know that this accident has affected you in significant and far-reaching ways. Do not hesitate to contact our legal team today to learn more.


How Do I Prove Emotional Trauma? 

Many people who have legitimate claims for psychological and emotional damages following any type of accident caused by someone else can be concerned about having to share this information in court. It is certainly true that you will need to show that your life has been affected by the accident, but your experienced personal injury attorney will be able to help you gather the right evidence to present a case for post-car accident trauma.

You can always discuss how much information may be revealed during your case and determine the pros and cons of sharing these stories as well. If a case is decided by a judge or jury, you can typically count on other people to understand the ways that your life and your worldview was changed by an accident. Although it can be hard to share these stories of emotional challenges or other issues, this may be your best opportunity to get post-car accident trauma damages to allow you to get the treatment and closure needed to move forward with your life.

Medical records, testimony, and evidence of future treatment plans may all be used to show how your life has changed due to an accident and its impacts. Since each case is unique, this evidence is very important for creating a full story about how your life has been affected and how you may even struggle moving forward.

The depths to which you may be required to provide information about yourself will vary from one case to another, which is why it is beneficial to consult with the attorneys at Morgan & Morgan at the outset of filing a case. We recognize your concerns around filing an emotional trauma lawsuit to begin with, and we approach each case with care and compassion.

You can speak with our trauma car accident attorneys in an initial, free case evaluation to determine if we are the best fit to handle your post-car accident trauma case. We are here to help.