Plant Explosion Lawyers
If you or someone you love was involved in a plant or refinery explosion, you’re aware of the catastrophic and devastating effects they can have. Such explosions impact the lives of workers and their families, as well as the surrounding community. These explosions are often preventable, and even in cases where they are not, companies must do all they can to prevent physical harm and death. If workers sustain injury or die, it’s often because the factory did not provide enough protection, including skimping on safety measures and using outdated equipment. If you have been injured in a plant explosion, you should see your doctor as soon as possible and contact an attorney to hold the liable party responsible and see if you’re entitled to compensation.
Blast Injuries to the Body
The initial explosion could be strong enough to throw objects and people away from it with force. Also, the blast of pressure can damage bodily organs. Most affected areas on the body include the lungs, ears, and the gastrointestinal region because they are easily filled with air.
Secondary-blast injuries are from objects flying or falling through the air. If they hit employees, they can cause significant impact physical damage. In some cases, objects can become embedded in the body. Tertiary-blast injuries are caused when a primary blast lifts a person up and pushes them into an object. The force of the body hitting a stationary object could cause internal organ injuries and/or fractures. Quaternary-blast injuries could be from the inhalation of fumes, crush injuries, chemical burns, or loss of blood.
Blast Damage to Property
In addition to property inside the building, including the building itself, employees’ property may suffer from damage from a blast. If the explosion is strong enough, objects could be hurled out of a door or window and could damage vehicles and other personal property.
Long-Term Injuries
Some injuries may not be seen, such as fractured bones and burns. In some cases, the injuries can be internal or psychological. Brain injuries, post-traumatic stress syndrome, and other injuries may not be easily diagnosed. Victims of a plant explosion should get medical and emotional treatment even after visible wounds have healed.
Plant Explosion Deaths
If you lost a loved one because of an explosion at a plant, contact our plant explosions attorneys to discuss your case. We understand what you’re going through and will treat your case with the focus and compassion it deserves. You may be entitled to funeral costs, any medical costs that your loved one incurred prior to their death, loss of companionship, and loss of future income. If the explosion was caused by negligence, you may also be entitled to punitive damages.
Contact a Plant Explosion Lawyer
Our plant explosion attorneys will use experts to investigate your case with experts to determine the cause of the incident and who is liable for damages. If we move forward with your case, you’ll get a full legal team to support you through these trying times and navigate your claim from start to finish. All law firms are not the same. When it comes to going up against businesses, size matters. With over 1,000 attorneys and 100,000 satisfied clients nationwide, Morgan & Morgan has the resources to ensure you’re getting the best service and results possible. We treat every client like family and treat their cases personally. Fill out a free case evaluation and discover what we can do for you.
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Injured? Getting the compensation you deserve starts here.