Nitrous Oxide Lawsuit: A Serious Substance Being Sold for Recreation

3 min read time
Headshot of John A. Yanchunis, a Tampa-based whistleblower and qui tam lawyer from Morgan & Morgan Reviewed by John A. Yanchunis, Attorney at Morgan & Morgan, on February 11, 2025.

In recent years, a concerning trend has emerged: the sale of nitrous oxide, often referred to as "laughing gas," in smoke shops to young people, including minors. 

While nitrous oxide has legitimate uses in medical and culinary fields, its recreational abuse has serious health consequences—especially when it's irresponsibly sold to young people. 

One such product, "Galaxy Gas," has gained attention for its sale to young adults and minors, despite its harmful side effects.

At Morgan & Morgan, we’re leading the fight against the negligent smoke shops that have knowingly sold nitrous oxide to young men and women. If your loved one has experienced adverse health effects due to the use of nitrous oxide, join our fight for justice. You and your family may be entitled to compensation. Learn more about your legal options today with a free case evaluation.


What Is Galaxy Gas?

Galaxy Gas is a brand of nitrous oxide, often marketed in canisters commonly used for whipped cream dispensers. However, some individuals misuse these canisters to inhale nitrous oxide for recreational purposes, which is dangerous and illegal when sold to minors. 


What is a Whippet?

Whippet (also spelled “whippit”) refer to a device that allows an individual to inhale nitrous oxide from a canister. These devices, often sold in convenience stores and smoke shops, are used to extract the gas, making it easily accessible for those seeking to use nitrous oxide recreationally. However, using a Whippet comes with serious risks, including suffocation, brain damage, and even death when used in dangerous environments or combined with other substances.


What Is Nitrous Oxide?

Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a colorless, non-flammable gas that has a variety of uses. It is often used in medical settings for its anesthetic and analgesic properties. In the culinary world, nitrous oxide is used in whipped cream dispensers. However, in recent years, it has been misused recreationally, leading to an increase in health-related incidents, particularly among minors and young adults.


The Misuse of Nitrous Oxide and Galaxy Gas

When inhaled, nitrous oxide induces a temporary feeling of euphoria, often accompanied by laughter (hence the term "laughing gas"). The abuse of nitrous oxide from products like Galaxy Gas or whipped cream canisters has become alarmingly common. The side effects of nitrous oxide when used recreationally can include dizziness, impaired judgment, and loss of motor skills.


Galaxy Gas Side Effects

While nitrous oxide can have legitimate uses, its recreational abuse carries significant risks. Common nitrous oxide side effects include:

  • Dizziness and disorientation
  • Headaches and nausea
  • Numbness and tingling in the limbs
  • Loss of coordination
  • Confusion or disorientation


Long-Term Effects of Nitrous Oxide

The long-term effects of nitrous oxide abuse can be even more damaging. Chronic use can lead to nerve damage, vitamin B12 deficiency, and even a permanent loss of motor function. Some individuals who abuse nitrous oxide over time may experience lasting cognitive and psychological effects. This is because prolonged exposure can deprive the brain and body of necessary oxygen, leading to neurological damage.


The Danger to Young People

One of the most concerning aspects of the sale of nitrous oxide to minors is that the nitrous oxide drug can be easily accessed in smoke shops, under the guise of being a legitimate product for use in the culinary industry. Unfortunately, this ease of access has contributed to the growing abuse of substances like Galaxy Gas.

Younger individuals may be unaware of the serious consequences associated with inhaling nitrous oxide, which can lead to accidents, hospitalizations, and even death in extreme cases. Furthermore, the fact that nitrous oxide is often sold in nitrous oxide canisters or tanks only exacerbates the situation, as it can be difficult for minors to understand the proper handling and risks of the substance.


Why Is Nitrous Oxide Misused?

The appeal of nitrous oxide for recreational purposes largely stems from its ability to induce feelings of euphoria. Often marketed under the guise of harmless fun, substances like laughing gas may appear to be innocuous, but the consequences of misuse are anything but. Young people, in particular, may not fully understand the side effects of nitrous oxide, which is why it is essential to educate them on the dangers of this substance.


The Legal Implications

Selling nitrous oxide canisters to minors is illegal in many states and can lead to serious legal consequences. Some businesses that sell nitrous oxide or whipped cream canisters for recreational use may face fines, lawsuits, and potential criminal charges.


Morgan & Morgan Can Help

The sale of products like Galaxy Gas is irresponsible and can lead to serious health issues, including permanent brain and nerve damage. If you or someone you know has been affected by nitrous oxide abuse, don’t wait to reach out to Morgan & Morgan for help.

At Morgan & Morgan, we are committed to holding those responsible for harmful practices accountable, ensuring that businesses do not jeopardize the safety and well-being of our loved ones. 

For over 35 years, we have fought For the People and have recovered over $25 billion in the process. As the nation’s largest personal injury law firm, we have the resources, expertise, and an army of over 1,000 trial-ready attorneys to take on personal injury claims of any size or complexity.

If you or a loved one has been harmed by the misuse of nitrous oxide, contact Morgan & Morgan today. Hiring one of our lawyers is easy, and you can get started in minutes with a free case evaluation.

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