Morgan & Morgan Recovers $8 Million For Woman in Car Crash Lawsuit

We’re proud to announce that our firm has won an $8 million jury verdict for a woman gravely injured when a driver who had been drinking crashed into her car in Volusia County.
Attorneys Matt Morgan and Keith Mitnik led the case to victory, highlighting what our firm is known for — getting justice "for the people."
“We are pleased with the verdict,” Matt said. “We believe it fairly and adequately compensates our client for the harms and losses she has sustained as a result of this very serious car crash.”
The Case
The plaintiff, Tamara Roundtree, was seriously injured when the defendant struck her car from behind while driving under the influence. Roundtree sustained significant and costly injuries that required surgical treatment, including several disc herniations.
At the time of the trial, her total past medical bills tallied up to around $188,000, all due to the actions of another.
Hurt in an Accident?
Our firm is proud to have represented our client in her fight for justice and we will continue to help others fight for their rights. If you or someone you love was the victim of a car crash, our attorneys may be able to help you, too. Fill out our free, no-risk case evaluation form today.
Injured? Getting the compensation you deserve starts here.