Morgan & Morgan Investigates Standard Insurance Data Breach

4 min read time
Morgan & Morgan is Investigating the Standard Insurance Company Data Breach Announced on or Around August 25, 2023 - data breach

Morgan & Morgan’s industry-leading data privacy attorneys are investigating Standard Insurance Company (“The Standard”) for a data breach which was first announced publicly in August 2023. The public notice stated that a vulnerability resulted in an unauthorized party being able to access consumers’ sensitive information, which includes their names, dates of birth, and Social Security numbers.

More Information About Standard Insurance Company

Founded in 1998, Standard Insurance Company is a holding company based in Portland, Oregon. The Standard serves as a holding company for businesses that provide insurance, retirement, and investment products and services. The Standard Insurance Company employs more than 3,585 people and generates approximately $972 million in annual revenue.


We are investigating, among other things, the following:

  • how Standard  acquired the sensitive information;
  • whether Standard should have had the sensitive information;
  • whether and, if so, why Standard  stored this sensitive information in an Internet-accessible environment;
  • whether Standard  encrypted the sensitive information; 
  • whether  Standard should have deleted sensitive information it no longer had a reasonable need to retain; 
  • whether Standard  implemented appropriate and adequate security measures to protect sensitive information; and
  • whether Standard has provided affected individuals adequate protection and compensation for any harm they have experienced as a result of the data breach.

If you received a data breach notification and would like to discuss it with an attorney, we are available at 855.696.0024.

We place a significant amount of trust in the companies we choose to share our information with, making the data breach all the more unacceptable. If you suspect that your information was exposed in the Standard Insurance Company data breach, Morgan & Morgan is here to help.

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