Morgan & Morgan Investigates Bay Bridge Administrators Data Breach

Morgan & Morgan’s data privacy attorneys are investigating a data breach announced by Bay Bridge Administrators. Bay Bridge Administrators (“BBA”), based in Austin, Texas, is a third-party administrator that works with employers and many major insurance carriers. Your employer may use BBA to administer health insurance plans offered to its employees. At least one employer, TrueGreen, has employees notified that their personal information was involved in this data breach.
According to BBA, the data breach involved names, Social Security numbers, addresses, dates of birth, driver’s license numbers, medical information, and health insurance information. Recently, BBA sent out data breach letters to all individuals who were impacted by the breach, informing them of the incident and what they can do to protect themselves from identity theft and other frauds.
The data breach occurred from August 15, 2022 to September 5, 2022. Bay Bridge Administrators started notifying impacted individuals of the data breach on December 29, 2022. More than 250,000 people had their data compromised in this breach.
If you received a data breach notification and would like to discuss with an attorney regarding a potential claim, we are available 24/7 for a free case review.
If you suspect that your information was exposed in the Bay Bridge Administrators data breach, Morgan & Morgan is here to help.
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