Injured in a Hit and Run Accident? Here Are Your Legal Options

3 min read time
hit and run accident scene

Hit and run accidents are deeply upsetting. If you have experienced one you understand how the injuries and property damage can be confusing, expensive, and painful.

The effects of a hit and run accident range from whiplash to paralysis, psychological trauma, or even death. There are non-physical consequences too—medical bills, lost wages, and an impact on your overall quality of life. 

Hit and run accidents can be a result of drivers who know they are at fault and are afraid of the legal ramifications. Unfortunately, the driver will often leave immediately before they can be identified. If you’re unable to identify the driver or the car it can be discouraging, and filing a claim or civil lawsuit can feel all the more overwhelming, especially when you are faced with economic damage or emotional stress. 

Luckily, you don’t have to face this alone. Morgan & Morgan, America’s largest personal injury law firm, is here with you every step of the way. With over 35 years of experience in hit and run accidents, our legal experts can help you understand all your legal options. Rest easy—you don’t pay a thing to work with us. The Fee is Free®, and you only pay if we win your case.

Hiring one of our lawyers is easy, and you can get started in minutes with a free case evaluation.


What Is a Hit and Run Accident?

An accident is considered a hit and run when a driver crashes into a motorist, bicyclist, pedestrian, or property and leaves the scene without providing identification or offering help to those who may have been hurt or otherwise affected. 

There are many reasons why a driver flees an accident, but it’s usually to conceal illegal activity. The driver may be:

  • Uninsured.
  • Under the influence.
  • Driving without a license or with a suspended license.
  • Afraid of losing their license due to past citations.
  • Driving a stolen or borrowed vehicle.
  • In possession of stolen property or drugs.
  • Have an outstanding warrant.
  • Lacking a moral compass.


What to Do if You’re in a Hit and Run Accident

Step 1: Remain Where You Are

Never chase the at-fault driver. Chasing them can be dangerous and lead to further injury as well as undermine your claim.

Make sure to move to a safe place so you, and any passenger in the car, are out of the way of traffic to avoid any further damages.


Step 2: Call the Police to Report the Accident

Describe your injuries, the location, and the vehicle that hit you in as much detail as possible. Try to recall aspects of the car and what the driver looked like. Even recalling just a few letters and numbers from the license plate can help. 


Step 3: Seek Medical Attention

Get medical help for any sustained injuries and follow the advice given. Remember, due to shock and adrenaline, you might not immediately notice injuries. Even if you don’t think your injuries are serious it’s important to speak with a medical expert to rule out any internal injuries.

Make sure to document any injuries you may have.


Step 4: Gather Evidence

This can increase the likelihood of identifying the driver. Make sure to:

  • Write down all the details that you can remember. Including the make, year, model, and color of the car, what the driver looked like, the license plate number, any damage or identifying marks their car had, which direction the driver fled, and the location, date, time, and cause of the accident.
  • Take pictures of the scene of the collision and your damaged car or property.
  • Find witnesses of the accident. Ask them to write down what they saw, their name, and their contact information.
  • Look for nearby cameras and gather any available video footage that captured the accident.


Step 5: Contact Your Insurance Company

Report the accident as soon as you can. If you are eligible for uninsured motorist coverage it can help cover your damages, policy dependent. In the event that the driver is identified but uninsured, you may have to file a personal injury claim against them to recover compensation.


Step 6: Get in Touch With Morgan & Morgan

Gathering evidence and getting witness statements is important, but can be a mind-boggling task for someone who is still reeling from an accident. Morgan & Morgan can help you start an investigation and identify elements of your particular situation to build your case.

If you were injured or had property damaged by a driver who had fled the scene, contact Morgan & Morgan for a free case evaluation to learn more about your legal options and start an investigation. Before signing anything or accepting insurance settlements, make sure an experienced car accident attorney provides you with an honest outlook of what you may be entitled to.


What Are the Different Types of Insurance That Cover Hit and Run Accidents?

There are many kinds of coverage. Some are state dependent and range from property damage to bodily injury. 


Collision Coverage

Collision coverage covers damage done to your vehicle caused by another vehicle or stationary object. In hit and runs, it helps cover the cost to repay or replace the vehicle. 


Uninsured Motorist Coverage

Uninsured motorist coverage provides financial compensation for property and bodily damages caused by a driver who doesn’t have car insurance. This coverage acts as if an unknown at-fault driver is a known at-fault driver without insurance. In some states, this coverage is mandated. 


No-Fault Insurance

If your state allows no-fault insurance, you can recover compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and the cost of replacement services through your own insurance provider. These compensations may have limits, depending on the amount of insurance you have and state laws.


Personal Injury Protection (PIP)

PIP, also known as Medical Payments Coverage, can cover medical expenses, lost wages, and funeral and rehabilitation costs due to a hit and run accident—regardless of who’s at fault. Even if you have health insurance, PIP may help pay for the costs that your health insurance won’t cover. In some states, PIP is required, and in others, it is not offered. 


What if You Can’t Identify the Driver in a Hit and Run Accident?

Finding the driver is crucial because any delay gives them more time to hide or repair their vehicle. Security camera footage, eyewitness statements, and paint samples all help police locate the driver.

Hiring a private investigator can also help speed up the search process if the police office is tied up. 

In some states it’s required that the at-fault driver is identified before insurance can cover the hit and run accident. If you don’t have collision or uninsured motorist coverage it’s possible that your car’s physical damages won’t be covered in a hit and run accident. 


What Are the Legal Options for Victims of Hit and Run Accidents?

There are different avenues where hit and run victims can go down to get compensation. Insurance coverage, civil litigation, and investigation all play a role in finding the right approach. It’s impacted by the evidence, severity of injuries, and whether the offending driver can be located.


Civil Litigation

Filing a civil lawsuit allows you to hold the driver accountable for their actions. It can help you recover damages for medical bills, lost wages, and emotional distress. A Morgan & Morgan attorney can guide you through the whole process. 


Finding the Driver

A private investigator is trained to find hidden information and can use their specialized skill set to track down the driver. At Morgan & Morgan, we have access to private investigators and can help further your case by coordinating with them to find new evidence. 


Navigating Insurance Policy

Understanding what your insurance covers and does not cover is a daunting task. When it comes to building a claim for a hit and run accident unexpected hurdles, like disputes over liability or incomplete evidence, can appear. Having someone with insurance claim knowledge from Morgan & Morgan can help compile everything you need and explain the process and expectations.


Going to Court

Once a strong case is built, a Morgan & Morgan lawyer can fight for what you deserve. Being with you every step of the way, they understand the impact that a hit and run accident has had on you from the emotional stress to the financial burden. Your attorney will advocate for you against any insurance adjusters who may try to minimize a payout.     

Reach out to Morgan & Morgan today to get a complimentary case evaluation. Remember, the Fee is Free®, and you only pay if we win your case.


Common Injuries From Hit and Run Accidents

Hit and run accident injuries are often severe, but can range from mild to life-threatening and emotional to physical. Some of the most common injuries include:


Head, Neck, and Shoulder Injuries

Sudden impacts can cause a soft-tissue injury to the neck called whiplash. This can stretch or tear muscles, ligaments, tendons, and nerves in the neck. Headaches, sprains, dislocations, and rotator cuff tears are also common.


Traumatic Brain Injuries

When a head moves rapidly and isn’t braced it can result in anything from confusion and dizziness to concussions, skull fractures, and brain bleeding or swelling. 


Broken Bones

Fractures and breaks of bones occur due to the force of impact. Typically in hit and run accidents breaks occur in the ribs, legs, or arms.


Lacerations or Burns

When in a car accident debris goes flying and glass can shatter. If you come in contact with airborne debris and broken glass during an impact it can result in cuts or sometimes burns.


Anxiety and Depression

The emotional trauma of being in a hit and run accident can be long-lasting and deeply affect mental health. Anxiety, especially around vehicles, can spring up quickly. This can lead to an aversion to driving, walking near roads, or being around vehicles resulting in self-isolation. Depression can be triggered by feelings of abandonment due to a sense of injustice, fear, and betrayal. 


Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

PTSD from a hit and run accident can manifest in panic attacks, intense flashbacks, intrusive memories, and nightmares. In severe forms of PTSD, the victim experiences headaches, sweating, changes in appetite or sleep, or turns to substances to cope. 


What Are the Long-term Effects of Hit and Run Accidents?

Sadly, some experience more than vehicle damage after a hit and run accident. There can be serious bodily, as well as emotional, harm. Including paralysis, PTSD, and even death.

Piling medical bills and lost wages due to pain, suffering, and emotional stress can have a serious, and even long-term impact on the quality of life for a victim and their family. Not to mention potential vehicle expenses and insurance rate increases. 


Filing a Claim for Hit and Run Accidents

Victims of a hit and run accident may be entitled to compensation for their losses. A personal injury claim can help cover:

  • Medical expenses (hospital bills, surgeries, therapy, rehabilitation).
  • Lost wages (if the injury prevents the victim from working).
  • Pain and suffering (physical and emotional distress).
  • Long-term care costs (if the injury results in permanent disability).
  • Property damage.


See if We Can Help: Get a Free Case Evaluation With Morgan & Morgan

Living through a hit and run can be a terrifying experience, but understanding your options can alleviate mental anguish. From understanding your rights to starting an investigation, Morgan & Morgan can help you fight for the compensation you need and deserve to move forward with your life.

If you want help navigating the legal ramifications of a hit and run accident, contact Morgan & Morgan today for a free case evaluation.

This website is meant for general information and not legal advice.

Injured? Getting the compensation you deserve starts here.

An illustration of a broken car.