Hurricane Auto Insurance: What You Need to Know

5 min read time
Car that is under a tree during a hurricane

If you own a car and live in areas vulnerable to hurricanes like Florida or North Carolina, you might wonder if your auto insurance covers hurricane damage. Insurance policies can be confusing, and it’s not always clear what types of damage are covered. We’ve compiled answers to frequently asked questions about hurricane auto insurance and how to handle issues if your insurance company isn’t holding up their end of the deal.

What Is Hurricane Auto Insurance?

There isn’t specific "hurricane insurance" for vehicles. Instead, hurricane damage falls under comprehensive auto insurance plans. These plans cover theft, vandalism, and extreme weather events, including hurricanes. As long as the damage was caused by a hurricane and you purchased the insurance before a storm warning was issued, the damage should be covered. However, getting reimbursed can sometimes be tricky.

How Can Hurricanes Damage a Car, Motorcycle, or Truck?

Hurricanes can wreak havoc on vehicles in several ways:

  • Water damage/flooding
  • Mechanical problems from flooding
  • Corrosion from saltwater
  • Trees or branches falling onto vehicles
  • Airborne objects causing dents, broken windows, etc.
  • Vehicles flipped or tossed by strong winds

How Much Does Comprehensive Auto Insurance Cost?

The cost of comprehensive insurance varies depending on where you live and the value of your vehicle. It's tied to the current value of the vehicle, not the original purchase price. According to The Zebra, comprehensive insurance plans typically cost several hundred more dollars per year in premiums. This increase is significant but worthwhile if your vehicle suffers thousands of dollars in hurricane damage. After a hurricane, expect your premiums to go up, as insurance companies adjust costs based on the claims paid out the previous year.

When Should I Buy Comprehensive Auto Insurance?

You must purchase comprehensive auto insurance well before a storm warning or the naming of a hurricane. You can’t wait until a hurricane is announced to buy the policy. Purchase it at least 24 hours in advance, possibly more, if you believe there is a sizable risk of your vehicle being totaled by a tropical storm.

What Should I Do if My Insurance Company Refuses to Pay?

If your insurance company denies, delays, or undervalues your hurricane damage claim, contact an attorney immediately. Personal injury lawyers are equipped to negotiate with these companies and advocate on your behalf. Just because the insurance company said “No” doesn’t mean all hope is lost. You can still recover the money you need to bounce back.

Morgan & Morgan’s hurricane claim attorneys have the experience and resources necessary to recover full compensation for your losses. Over the past 35 years, we’ve won more than $25 billion for clients across various practice areas. As America’s largest personal injury law firm, we are one of the few with the strength to take on Big Insurance successfully. Best of all, it costs nothing upfront to hire us, and we get paid only if you recover a settlement or jury award.

To learn more, fill out a case review form for a free, no-obligation case evaluation.

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