How Much is My Personal Injury Case Worth?
One of the most commonly asked questions we get is, “how much is my case worth?”
If you’ve been in an accident and are filing a claim, you’re probably wondering if it’s worthwhile to go through the process. Settlement negotiations or going to trial can take a lot of time — sometimes months or even years — but it can get you more money than what your insurance initially offered.
Let’s start with the basics.
A case is evaluated based on these components: damages, insurance coverage, and liability.
“Damages” refers to what you’ve lost out on because of the injury. This can be money, or “economic damages”, for things like medical expenses. It can also be life experiences, or “noneconomic damages”, such as the pain and suffering from missing out on activities you used to enjoy.
Economic damages can also include lost wages or loss of earning capacity. Noneconomic damages can also include emotional distress or disfigurement. These are calculated based on how the injury has affected you in the past and how it will continue to affect you in the future.
All money comes from somewhere, and it’s not trees. In most personal injury cases, an insurance company pays out the claim. The value of a case can’t go beyond the maximum amount that is covered by the insurance policy, which is called the policy limit. For example, if the person or business responsible for your injury has an insurance policy with a maximum limit of $100,000, that is the highest amount the insurance company will pay for the claim, regardless of the actual damages incurred.
Lastly, different states have different liability laws. Liability refers to the responsibility for the injury, either partially or fully. Sometimes, if the defendant (person or business being sued) is only partially responsible, you can only receive a partial amount of the compensation.
While every case is unique, calculating settlement values can give you an idea of the potential value of your settlement, but you should not limit yourself to that figure. For example, the average settlement amounts for various auto accident injuries can be found in the chart below. Hiring an experienced attorney will improve your chances at getting the maximum amount.
No amount of money is ever enough.
We know that a dollar amount doesn’t cover the true cost of an injury. While your life may never be the same, hiring a firm that invests in the best attorneys, experts, and investigators to leave no stone unturned in considering these factors is a step toward justice.
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Injured? Getting the compensation you deserve starts here.