How to Hire the Best Hurricane Damage Lawyer in Palm Harbor

For most homeowners, a property is not just a roof over their heads but a home filled with memories and comforts. Seeing your house or apartment damaged in a hurricane can be traumatic. On top of the exhausting clean-up and repair after a severe storm, you might struggle to receive an adequate insurance settlement.
Unfortunately, homeowners must be prepared to fight as insurance companies increasingly put their profits before the best interests of their policyholders. Insurers may deny a claim, minimize what you are owed, or delay a payout indefinitely.
At Morgan & Morgan, we know that some of the tricks insurers play are unethical and, in some cases, unlawful. We want you to receive what you need to fix your property and replace your lost belongings. Our seasoned hurricane lawyers in Palm Harbor, FL, can stand up to the big insurance companies and hold them accountable. Contact us now to discover how we can help.
Your Next Best Steps After Sustaining Hurricane Damage
Palm Harbor is in a relatively high-risk hurricane zone. Residents face damage to their homes from hurricanes and tropical storms. Since 1930, almost 80 hurricanes have been recorded in the area. While Tampa Bay has avoided a severe windstorm in recent years, significant storms could make landfall in the area at any time. Knowing your legal rights and obligations can be crucial for recovering an insurance settlement when a hurricane hits. Your next best steps after experiencing hurricane damage include:
Understanding Your Insurance Policy
Most policyholders are unsure what their policy covers in the event of a hurricane. While most basic insurance policies cover wind damage, you could be out of luck if your home flooded in a storm unless you have separate flood insurance. Knowing what you are entitled to is crucial when negotiating with the insurance company.
Mitigating Damage to Your Property
Homeowners in Palm Harbor try to protect their homes and possessions as best they can from hurricane damage. However, intense storms unleash forces that can surprise even the most conscientious and prepared homeowner and cause unprecedented losses. However, your actions after the storm has passed can be critical for recovering a settlement from your insurer.
Once it is safe to do so, you should aim to limit any further damage to your home. For example, if you have a roof leak, try to cover it up to stop water from intruding into your home. Remember that an insurer will try to find reasons for minimizing or reducing a payout. Do not provide them with ammunition by failing to protect your property from new damage.
Gathering Evidence of Your Damages and Expenses
Documenting your hurricane damage and losses meticulously, without skipping over any details, can be critical for recovering the settlement you need. A lack of documentation and evidence could sink your claim.
The insurance company will likely send their adjuster to inspect and document your damage. However, the aftermath of a hurricane can be chaotic. Since many homeowners likely experience damage in your area, there may not be enough adjusters to visit damaged properties right away. Therefore, take photographs of all damaged items and rooms and the outside of your home.
Keeping a written inventory can be helpful when you later have to list all damaged items for an insurance claim. You may have to make urgent repairs before an adjuster can assess the damage. Keep all receipts for repairs and expenses due to a storm, as you will need proof to qualify for reimbursement.
Filing a Claim as Soon as Possible
Notify your insurer of hurricane damage and your intention to file a claim immediately after a storm. After a severe hurricane, a wave of policyholders will be filing claims at the same time. Now is not the time to sit back and wait. Instead, file your claim as soon as possible, as that can put you at the front of the line. The sooner you contact the insurance company and file a claim, the sooner you could receive funds to repair your home and replace your damaged belongings.
Contacting a Hurricane Lawyer in Palm Harbor, FL
Consulting with our hurricane lawyers costs nothing but can provide invaluable information and advice. Moreover, if you suffered significant damage and losses, working with an experienced attorney may be necessary to get what you deserve. If an insurer is already denying or dragging out your claim, consider seeking legal help immediately. Our hurricane attorneys can take charge of your case and work tirelessly for the best possible outcome.
When You Need a Hurricane Lawyer
A significant hurricane can destroy your home and possessions in Palm Harbor. Once the initial shock has passed, individuals with homeowner’s insurance feel assured that they are covered and will receive adequate compensation. After all, they paid their insurance premiums for years or even decades.
However, the reality can look quite different. It is becoming increasingly difficult for Florida residents to find affordable homeowner’s insurance in Florida in the first place. Once the worst has happened and their homes are damaged, policyholders can struggle to get what they deserve, even with adequate insurance coverage.
Each year, Florida homeowners have to fight hard for their due after experiencing storm damage. If you find yourself haggling over every dollar with an insurance adjuster, contact our hurricane lawyers for help. Hiring an experienced attorney can be essential in the following situations:
The Insurance Company Refuses an Adequate Settlement
Insurers are constantly looking for ways to increase their profits and decrease costs. Unfortunately for policyholders, the way insurers do this often boils down to reducing claims or refusing a payout altogether. An insurance company may also unreasonably delay your claim hoping that you will simply go away.
Morgan & Morgan knows the tricks insurers can play, and we can fight them all the way to trial. When an insurance company leaves you out in the cold, our hurricane lawyers can review your insurance policy, assess your options, and fight for a fair settlement on your behalf. We can fight:
- Low-ball offers
- Claim denials
- Reduced payouts
You Have Extensive Damage and Losses
Most individuals only consider hiring an attorney once their insurer gives them the runaround. However, getting the full value of your claim can be challenging when you have catastrophic damages. Do not expect the insurance company to have your best interests at heart. Hiring an attorney immediately after significant storm damage can protect your rights and ensure effective claims handling. When you have extensive damage or lost your home, you need a comprehensive and timely settlement.
Morgan & Morgan can be here for you when you need to fix your house and get your life back in order.
What Should I Do if the Insurance Company Denies My Claim?
An insurance company must investigate your claim before deciding whether to approve or deny it. The insurer must also explain, in writing, why your claim was denied. If you receive a denial letter from your insurer, ask an attorney whether the denial was legitimate. In many cases, insurers try to get away with refusing to pay out valid claims.
Legitimate Reasons for Denying a Claim
An insurance company may justifiably deny a claim. Such situations can include:
- The policyholder failed to pay premiums or file the claim on time
- There was no or insufficient proof of the damages
- The policy did not cover the losses
There can be other reasons why an insurance company may legitimately deny a hurricane damage claim. However, if your claim was denied, you should speak to an attorney immediately to identify any potential options for getting what you deserve.
How Long Does the Hurricane Damage Claims Process Take in Palm Harbor?
Recovering a settlement for hurricane damage can take some time, especially if the insurer is dragging its heels and negotiations are going nowhere. Moreover, due to the great influx of claims after a hurricane, insurance companies are often overwhelmed and may not have enough staff to visit properties and process claims.
Generally, the insurer has to decide whether to pay or deny your claim within 90 days after you file a claim. If you do not hear anything from the insurer and do not receive a check, the insurance company could be wrongfully delaying your claim.
If you have to hire an attorney and take an insurance company to court because it wrongfully delayed or denied your claim, it could be months or even years before you hold a check in your hands. In most cases, filing a claim promptly after experiencing property damage can help to speed up the process.
Do I Have to Hire an Attorney to Get What I Deserve?
If you only have minor damage after a hurricane and the insurance company pays up in a reasonable timeframe, you probably won’t need a lawyer. However, if an insurer delays your payout unreasonably, acts in bad faith, or refuses to investigate your claim, you may need an experienced attorney to level the playing field. You should also get legal advice if there is a significant difference between an insurer’s settlement offer and the worth of your claim.
Morgan & Morgan is here for you if an insurance company treats you unfairly. We can discuss your options in a free consultation and determine the best way forward to fight for the compensation you deserve.
Will My Insurance Company Pay for Accommodation After a Hurricane?
If your home is severely damaged or destroyed in a hurricane, you will need alternative accommodation, which can be costly and hard to come by in Pinellas County. Many homeowner’s insurance policies cover alternative accommodation if your house or apartment becomes uninhabitable due to:
- A storm
- Flooding
- Fire
If alternative accommodation cover is included in your policy, your insurer should help find and pay for alternative accommodation. However, not all homeowner’s insurance policies cover alternative housing. Moreover, there could be limits to the amount an insurer will pay. If you live in an area that is prone to be badly affected by storms, taking out alternative accommodation cover (if not already contained in your homeowner’s insurance) can be a good idea.
Should I Hire a Public Adjuster to Support My Claim?
Hiring a public adjuster can be an excellent idea, particularly if the adjuster from the insurance company underestimates your repair costs in their damage assessment report. Public adjusters deal with property damage and insurance policies all day long and are typically knowledgeable about the claims handling process.
Having an adjuster on your side can also give you leverage in negotiations with the insurance company. A public adjuster will tell you when to hire an attorney to help complete your claim or fight the insurance company in court.
Can I Afford a Morgan & Morgan Hurricane Lawyer in Palm Harbor, FL?
When you have extensive hurricane damage, the last thing you should worry about is paying upfront for an attorney. Morgan & Morgan understand the headaches and expenses Florida residents face when their properties are damaged by a significant storm. We want you to have the best hurricane attorneys in your corner, fighting for a maximum settlement on your behalf. You don’t have to pay a dime upfront.
Moreover, under Florida Statute § 627.428, the insurance company generally has to pay your attorney’s fees in addition to the claim amount if they lose a lawsuit.
Our Hurricane Lawyers Are Ready to Fight for You
Experiencing a hurricane can be frightening. However, dealing with the aftermath of a severe storm, including mitigating the damage and handling the insurance claim, can be just as physically and mentally exhausting. You don’t have to stand up to an insurance company on your own. Our attorneys can help you handle the insurance claims process, protect your legal rights, and fight for the settlement you need to repair your home. Contact us now for a free consultation to learn about your rights.
Injured? Getting the compensation you deserve starts here.