Hotel Pool Accident Lawyers

3 min read time

A pool can be a huge selling point for a hotel, especially if the pool is heated or the hotel is located in a sunny climate. Unfortunately, because many hotel pools have outdated equipment, inattentive employees, and/or lax safety measures, tragedies can occur.

According to the  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), from 2005 to 2014 there were roughly ten drowning deaths per day in the United States. Of these, about one in five victims were children under the age of 14. These statistics underscore the importance of hotels having trained lifeguards, adequate depth and hazard warnings, well-maintained equipment, and (when necessary) barriers to keep kids out of the water.

If you were injured in a hotel pool accident, you may be able to recover significant financial compensation. Keep reading to learn how a Morgan & Morgan personal injury lawyer can help.


Causes of Hotel Pool Accidents

Although most pools are fun and safe, hotel pools do present a unique set of risks for swimmers and their children. Some common causes of hotel pool accidents include:

  • Lifeguard inattention and/or inexperience
  • Inadequate number of lifeguards
  • Lack of lifeguard training (e.g., CPR)
  • Faulty or poorly maintained equipment (ladders, tiles, diving boards)
  • Lack of warnings about pool depth and other hazards
  • Lack of barriers to pool or spa


Types of Hotel Pool Accidents

Most hotel pool accidents fall into one of the following categories:

  • Slip-and-fall (or just fall, e.g., from a ladder)
  • Dive into unexpectedly shallow pool
  • Wounds from sharp edges or rough surfaces
  • Skin or lungs irritated by pool chemicals
  • Drowning or near-drowning
  • Electrocution
  • Entrapment


Hotel Pool Accident Injuries

Though fatalities from hotel pool accidents are rare, even non-fatal injuries can be severe. These are some of the most common injuries that occur in these cases:

  • Cuts and bruises
  • Electrical burns
  • Sprains
  • Broken bones
  • Broken teeth
  • Neck and spinal cord injuries
  • Concussions
  • Death


Proving Negligence

If you were injured in a hotel pool accident and believe the hotel’s operator, a lifeguard, an equipment manufacturer, or another party was at fault, you might be wondering how to go about proving it. “Negligence” is the legal term for liability or responsibility in an accident. Proving liability generally involves satisfying the following criteria:

The hotel operator owed you a duty of care. They were responsible for operating the pool in a safe manner, and they failed to do so.

They breached their duty. The hotel operator (or a lifeguard or other party) breached their legal obligation to avoid harming you.

Their breach caused the accident. The other party’s actions were responsible for the accident, making them legally liable.

There were losses suffered as a result. The other party’s actions caused you injury (physical or emotional) and/or property damage.


Potential Damages

If you or a loved one were injured in a hotel pool accident, you may be eligible to recover compensation for:

  • Lost wages and diminished earning capacity
  • Past, current, and future medical bills
  • Pain and suffering
  • Physical therapy
  • Loss of life’s enjoyment
  • Funeral expenses


Speak to a Hotel Pool Accident Lawyer

If you were injured in a hotel pool accident, contact the personal injury lawyers at Morgan & Morgan. Our highly skilled attorneys can review the facts of your case to determine liability for your injury and help you collect financial compensation during this difficult time. We work on a contingency fee basis, so there’s no cost to get started, and we get paid only if you win. To learn more, schedule a free case evaluation now.

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