Hiring the Best Fire Injury Lawyer

3 min read time
Building on fire

Individuals who have sustained fire or burn injuries are often left with significant psychological and physical damage. Beyond bodily and mental harm, they may also face skyrocketing medical expenses and income loss.
When the injury is due to another person’s negligence, victims have the legal right to seek financial compensation. If you or a loved one have suffered from a burn or fire injury, do not hesitate. Hiring the best fire injury lawyer in the United States is the best path forward.
Insurance companies, property owners, and landlords will try to minimize the payouts for any personal injury claim. That is why it is crucial to contact an accomplished and experienced attorney.
The burn injury lawyers at Morgan & Morgan are fierce advocates for accident victims. Our team of skilled lawyers will fight hard to secure the maximum amount of compensation in your case.
Below, we will examine several strategies for hiring the best fire injury lawyer in the United States. When you need legal representation, complete Morgan & Morgan’s easy-to-use contact form online to schedule a free case evaluation.


What a Fire Injury Lawyer Can Do for You

Some victims want to attempt to secure financial recovery without the help of a legal professional. In all but the most minor cases, this is not a good idea.
Personal injury attorneys have specialized knowledge and skills that they can put to use to fight to secure compensation from legally liable parties.
For instance, suppose that you sustained a burn injury as the result of a business owner’s negligence.
A knowledgeable accident lawyer will handle the following elements of your burn injury case:

  • Drafting necessary paperwork
  • Filing required forms and documents on time
  • Speaking with experts and specialists
  • Collecting witness testimony
  • Negotiating with insurance providers and other relevant parties
  • Pursuing litigation, if necessary

A legal professional will also have the experience to properly evaluate your case. Most injury victims are uncertain about how to calculate the value of their claims.
When you hire a burn injury lawyer, they will handle every aspect of your case. They will also keep you updated about the progress in your claim.
Injury victims have enough to worry about without managing the complex elements of the legal process.


Calculating the Value of a Burn Injury Claim

Many burn victims wonder what their injury claim will be worth. A personal injury lawyer will be able to help you assess the value of a burn accident claim.
In the context of personal injury law, the payments provided to victims by negligent parties are known as “damages.” There are two primary types of damages in burn injury cases:  Economic and non-economic damages.

Economic Damages

This type of financial compensation is intended to make injury victims financially whole. Economic damages are not meant to provide a monetary profit or make the injured person wealthy.
This category of damages only covers those outcomes from the accident that involve direct monetary losses. Common examples of economic damages include:

  •       Lost wages and income from an inability to work
  •       Medical expenses and bills, such as hospitalization, medications, and surgeries
  •       Cost of repairing or replacing damaged property
  •       Long-term loss of earning potential

Victims can seek compensation for more than their current medical care. They can also seek reimbursement for anticipated future medical treatments.

Non-Economic Damages

Negative consequences from a personal injury don’t always result in a direct monetary loss. In a personal injury case, payments for the intangible negative effects of an accident are called “non-economic” damages.
For instance, suppose that you were injured in a car accident and sustained a back injury. While your medical bills might be extensive, you may also suffer long-term physical discomfort.
How much is it worth if you are unable to walk comfortably? What is the value of never being able to engage in your favorite hobbies and physical activities again?
Typical examples of non-economic damages in burn injury cases include:

  • Physical pain and suffering
  • Mental anguish, like stress, anxiety, and depression
  • Long-term trauma
  • Disfigurement
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • The effects of disability

Non-economic damages are very difficult to calculate. There is no single or universal method for determining the value of non-economic damages in a burn injury case.
Hiring the best fire injury lawyer in the United States will ensure that you receive all of the non-economic damages that are applicable to your case.


Common Types of Fire and Burn Injury Cases

The accomplished burn injury attorneys at Morgan & Morgan can handle any type of fire-related accident case.
Common types of fire injury cases include:

  • Apartment fires
  • Workplace injuries
  • Large truck and tanker explosions and accidents
  • Passenger vehicle collisions
  • Electrical cord burns and fires
  • Locked fire and safety exits
  • Defective and malfunctioning products
  • Scalding water burns
  • Electrical burns and accidents

A knowledgeable injury lawyer can also pursue damages that occurred as the result of a recreational fire. These include fires in or around:

  • Restaurants
  • Hotels
  • Retail stores
  • Nightclubs and bars
  • Other recreational and social spaces

These are only a few of the most common examples of fire accidents and burn injuries. If you have sustained a burn due to another party’s negligence, contact a skilled legal professional right away.


Tips for Hiring the Best Fire Injury Lawyer in the United States

Even if you know that you need legal representation, you may be unsure about how to find the best attorney for your needs. When you are looking for the right lawyer for your case, consider the following tips.

Know What You Are Looking For

Understanding your own priorities can help to guide your search. Without knowing what you want from your personal injury case, you will not be sure that you have found the attorney for you.
Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Am I concerned about the attorney's communication style?
  • Do I only care about the financial outcome?
  • Am I willing to go to court if negotiations fail?
  • How much time would I dedicate to this injury claim?
  • Would I accept less money for a quicker process?

Only you can provide the answers to these questions. Knowing what to look for will help you determine which attorney or firm can best meet your needs.

Do Research

Researching your options is important. Never simply choose the first firm or lawyer that you find from an internet search.
For any firm that you are considering, make sure to read reviews from former clients. Search through many different law firm review sites and third-party sources. Do not rely solely on the selected testimonials on the attorney’s own website.
Look for a law firm that has consistently positive reviews. It is important to remember that even the best attorneys will have a few negative reviews, but as a whole, you should feel confident in the ability of the lawyer to meet your needs.

Schedule a Case Evaluation

Trustworthy personal injury attorneys will provide potential clients with a no-cost initial consultation. During this meeting, you will have the chance to ask and answer questions.
This will help the lawyer understand your case. It will also help you to determine whether you want to work with a particular firm.
When you schedule the first meeting, come prepared with the relevant details about your case and any questions that you have.
Common questions include:

  • How long have you practiced law?
  • Do you have experience with personal injury cases?
  • Have you handled burn injury cases like mine?
  • What will be your negotiation strategy?
  • Do you believe I can win this case?
  • How many cases have you taken to trial?
  • What is your success rate?
  • How does your firm handle the payment of legal fees?

These are only some examples of the types of questions that you should ask. Take time to write down your questions before the meeting. Include any relevant questions or concerns that are specific to your case.


Hire a Firm with Ample Resources

Fire injury cases sometimes involve bringing lawsuits against large organizations. These can include corporations, property management groups, or government entities. If your case requires such a suit, it is crucial to have a legal professional with the resources to fight for you.
Sometimes, the defendant in an accident case will drag out the legal process as long as possible. This is a strategy that’s designed to pressure the claimant to give up. Do not let this happen to you. Make sure to hire a law firm with the resources to pursue your claim as far as is necessary.
Make sure to keep these tips in mind for hiring the best fire injury lawyer in the United States. Do not settle for less than the best!


What Are Contingency Fees?

Most personal injury lawyers are paid through contingency fees. This means that the client and attorney agree upon a percentage of the recovery from the case that will be used to cover the cost of legal services.
When a firm is paid through contingency fees, the injury victim pays nothing unless the attorney settles or wins their case.
At Morgan & Morgan, we understand the financial pressures that injured people face. That is why we do not get paid unless you do.


Can I Be Certain That I Will Win My Case?

There are no guarantees in personal injury law. That is why it is vital to hire the best legal representative available.
When you hire Morgan & Morgan, you are getting the very best. We will fight hard on your behalf.


Is It Important to Hire an Attorney with Trial Experience?

Yes. Hiring a lawyer with plenty of trial experience communicates your seriousness to the opposing side.
You should never be concerned that your legal representative will accept a lowball settlement offer to avoid going to court. Although most injury cases settle before litigation, it is important to be prepared for a trial.


The Team at Morgan & Morgan is On Your Side

Morgan & Morgan is America’s largest injury firm. We have secured over nine billion dollars for our clients. Our attorneys boast more than a million successful settlements and verdicts.
If you or someone you love has sustained a burn or fire injury, do not hesitate. Hiring the best fire injury lawyer in the United States is crucial when you want a positive outcome in your case.
Do not settle. Reach out to the skilled burn injury attorneys at Morgan & Morgan to schedule your no-cost case evaluation. Complete our simple contact form online today!

This website is meant for general information and not legal advice.

Injured? Getting the compensation you deserve starts here.

An illustration of a broken car.