Gas Station Gift Cards

4 min read time

Morgan & Morgan is investigating claims that some major gas station chains are charging credit card prices, and refusing to offer the cash discount, to consumers who pay with gas station gift cards or prepaid gas cards.

These cards, which may not be subject to credit card issuer transaction fees, are treated in all other respects as cash. In many cases, any discount the consumer may have received for purchasing these cards is nearly wiped out by being charged the higher "credit card" price at the pump.

If you or someone you know was charged "credit card" pricing for purchasing gasoline with a gift card or prepaid gas card, fill out ourfree, no obligation form to learn more about your legal rights and find out if you are eligible to join a class action lawsuit.


Gas Stations Charge More for Credit

Many gas stations offer consumers two different pricing options – a lower price per gallon for cash gasoline purchases and a higher price per gallon for gasoline purchases made using credit cards. Most gas stations justify charging higher prices to credit card users on the basis that they themselves are charged a fee by the credit card issuer for credit card transactions. As a result, they offer a discount to consumers to incentivize them to pay with cash rather than plastic.


Do I Have Legal Rights?

Our consumer protection attorneys believe that many prepaid gas cards and gift cards are not subject to the same transaction fees as actual credit cards. As such, we are looking to hear from any consumer who was charged the "credit card" price when buying gas with a gift card or prepaid gas card to determine if legal recourse is available to seek compensation for potential overcharges. Contact us today by completing the free, no obligation case review form on the right to learn more about how a Morgan & Morgan class action attorney may be able to help.

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