Dos and Don’ts for Case Success

5 min read time
Headshot of Arthur Petrousian, a Los Angeles-based traumatic brain and head injury lawyer at Morgan & Morgan Reviewed by Arthur Petrousian, Trial Attorney at Morgan & Morgan, on September 18, 2024.
Illustration of a triangular warning sign with an exclamation mark, symbolizing important caution and guidance for case success.

While your case team will handle many of the aspects of your claim, there’s a lot you can do to help set it up for success.

Here are a few tips to make sure you’re on track for getting the compensation you deserve. 



  • Document everything at the scene and get the information of others involved or witnesses
  • Go to the doctor and follow their instructions
  • File a claim with your insurance company
  • Keep all of your receipts for repairs and medical bills
  • Keep a journal of how your injury is causing pain and affecting your life
  • Confide in people you trust about your pain and the way your injury has changed your life
  • Hire an attorney that has experience in your case type and the resources to take your case to trial



  • Forget to file an accident or police report within 24 hours
  • Miss a follow-up appointment or physical therapy session
  • File after the time limit set by your state
  • Brush off small expenses as unimportant – everything adds up!
  • Lie about your injuries, pain, property damage, lost wages, or anything else
  • Post on social media about your injuries, activities, or details of your case
  • Pay attorneys fees upfront or before you’ve received payment via a settlement or verdict
This website is meant for general information and not legal advice.

Injured? Getting the compensation you deserve starts here.

An illustration of a broken car.