Electric Scooter Accident Lawyers

Electric scooters (or “e-scooters”) have exploded in popularity in recent years; they now dot sidewalks in at least 100 cities. Unfortunately, the same thing that makes e-scooters so appealing — anyone can hop on and start riding — can also make them a menace.

From 2014 to 2018, nearly 3,300 people were hospitalized with scooter-related injuries. These weren’t just scrapes and bruises; many of these patients had broken bones or head trauma. Some of them even died. As lawmakers play catchup, e-scooters will continue to proliferate, leading to even more injuries.

Here is what you need to know about e-scooter injuries, and what you can do if you are hurt in an e-scooter collision.

Common E-Scooter Injuries

The word “scooter” does not typically evoke terror, but there are many reasons for concern when it comes to rentable e-scooters. Many of these vehicles lack basic safety features, and while scooter companies encourage riders to wear helmets, not everyone complies. Moreover, mixing scooters, cyclists, cars, and pedestrians can make for murky traffic laws and hectic, even hazardous interactions.

Here are some of the injuries that can result from an e-scooter crash:

  • Cuts and bruises
  • Broken bones
  • Traumatic head injury
  • Punctured lung
  • Death

It may seem far-fetched, but e-scooters have been linked to at least 11 deaths since January 2018, including that of a five-year-old boy in Oklahoma.

Who Is at Fault in an E-Scooter Accident?

Someone who is injured in an e-scooter incident may be able to hold the driver of the scooter and/or the company who owns it accountable. To do so, they’ll need to prove negligence, which is the legal term for liability or responsibility for an injury. Negligence is comprised of the following criteria:

  • The other party owed you a duty of care, which they breached. They were supposed to operate their vehicle safely, they failed to do so, and as a result, you were harmed.
  • You suffered losses because of their negligence — for example, physical harm, financial losses, emotional distress, property damage, etc.

The above elements form the foundation of a solid personal injury lawsuit. If you’re not sure if your situation meets these criteria, a licensed attorney should be able to help.


Electric Scooter Crash Compensation

Let’s say someone was riding an e-scooter down the sidewalk, they ran into you, knocked you over, and you broke your wrist as you hit the concrete. This sounds like grounds for a lawsuit, but what damages might you be entitled to? In other words, what might the negligent party have to pay for?

  • All medical bills (past, present, and future) related to your injury
  • Physical therapy
  • Lost wages and loss of earning capacity
  • Pain and suffering
  • Any other losses you suffered because of their negligence

Recovering these damages, though, can be tough. Many big companies (such as Lime, Bird, or Uber) are not eager to pay people for their injuries even if they are liable for them. If you think you might be owed money, it’s best to contact an attorney who can handle your case while you focus on healing.


Contact an E-Scooter Accident Lawyer

If you were injured in an e-scooter crash, contact the e-scooter accident lawyers at Morgan & Morgan. Our experienced attorneys can review the facts of your case to determine liability for your injury and give you the best shot at collecting FULL compensation during this difficult time. To date, we have recovered more than $20 billion for our clients.

Best of all, we work on a contingency fee basis, so there’s no cost to get started, and we get paid only if you win. To learn more, schedule a free, no-obligation case evaluation.