Daylight Savings Time Accidents: When to Call a Lawyer

Car driving down a road with a sunset in the background

In the United States, we change the time twice a year, and there is growing evidence that messing with Father Time might not be a good idea.

Daylight Savings Time has ushered in a catchy phrase: “fall back in fall and spring forward in spring.” The primary reason we push our clocks back an hour on the first Sunday in November is for the safety of our kids. Instead of walking or riding the bus in the darkness before dawn, the hour push back provides our kids a safer way for commuting to school in some semblance of daylight.

However, changing the clock twice a year appears to be connected to a series of negative consequences, such as an increase in strokes, suicides, and heart attacks. Another likely adverse side effect of Daylight Savings Time is an increase in auto and workplace accidents. This is especially true in the spring when we lose an hour of sleep.

According to a recent study released by Current Biology, car accidents in the United States increased by six percent during the first week following the transition to Daylight Savings Time. Other statistics demonstrate Daylight Savings Time increases the likelihood of a workplace accident. If you suffered an injury or injuries because of a Daylight Savings Time Accident, you have to know when to call a lawyer.

In fact, if you were injured because of an auto or workplace accident at any point during the year, you should call the experienced workers’ compensation and personal injury attorneys at Morgan & Morgan. Since 1988, we have helped our clients recover more than $20 billion in personal injury cases. Our team of highly-rated workers’ comp lawyers fights for the right of our clients to receive compensation for a workplace accident.

Whether it is the first Sunday in November or a Wednesday afternoon in mid-July, act with a sense of urgency by scheduling a free case evaluation with Morgan & Morgan.


What Do the Numbers Tell Us?

The push to get rid of Daylight Savings Time is motivated by much more than an inconvenience. Research indicates lack of sleep results in a rise in motor vehicle accidents. Drowsy drivers react slower to other vehicles, as well as perform dangerous maneuvers they otherwise would not make. Our kids might enjoy going to school in daylight, but the late afternoon commute in the dark increases the incidence of auto collisions.

In 1999, researchers at John Hopkins and Standford University published a detailed study in which researchers analyzed 21 years of fatal auto accident data. They discovered an increase in auto accident deaths on the first Monday following the switch to Daylight Savings Time in the spring. The first Monday after the switch to Daylight Savings Time registered an average of 83.5 deaths compared to the average of 78.2 fatalities on any other Monday.

Studies conducted on workplace accidents reveal a similar trend. Research released in 2009 demonstrated the Monday after the switch to Daylight Savings Time recorded a nearly six percent increase in the number of workplace injuries. The nearly six percent jump in the number of workplace injuries accounted for 69 percent more workdays lost than the average number of workdays lost on any other Monday. Data for the study came from an analysis performed between 1983 and 2006 by the United States Department of Labor and Mine Safety and Health Administration.


Daylight Savings Time Accident: When to Call a Personal Injury Lawyer After a Car Accident

Regardless of the time of year, dealing with the injuries caused by an auto collision requires you to follow a series of steps. The first thing to do is to pull over your vehicle to a safe location and turn off the engine. Never drive away from the scene of an auto accident.

  • Safety First

After safely maneuvering your vehicle to a safe place, prevent additional crashes by setting up flares and/or keeping your vehicle’s flashers on. If it is dark, gain access to the flashlight you put in your car emergency kit to illuminate the scene of the accident.

  • Call Law Enforcement

Even if you or anyone else did not suffer a serious injury, you should still contact the local police department. The official police report is the most important document you file with your auto insurance claim. Law enforcement also takes care of rerouting traffic and interviewing witnesses.

  • Take Photographs

Although law enforcement takes photos of the accident scene, you should do the same by using your Smartphone. Focus on the damage to your vehicle, as well as the road and weather conditions. If you have to visit the nearest medical center for immediate treatment, the healthcare provider will take photographs of your injuries.

  • Exchange Information

Typically, the responding police officer obtains the contact information for every driver involved in an auto accident. You also should collect the contact information from each driver to speed up the insurance claim process. Law enforcement might not make the official accident report available for days, if not weeks to the insurance companies involved with a claim. Ask to see an insurance card from each driver to get the policy number and the name of the insurance company.

  • Report the Accident to Your Insurance Company

Contact your insurance company as soon as possible after the auto accident. Many auto insurance companies require immediate notification and the full cooperation of the policyholder filing a claim. The quicker you contact your insurance company, the quicker your insurer processes your request for financial assistance. Make sure to determine whether your policy includes financial assistance for medical expenses.

  • Schedule a Free Case Evaluation

Now we come to the answer to the question, “When do I call a lawyer after a motor vehicle accident?” You call an attorney after you notify your insurance company. Do not file your claim until after you meet with a personal injury lawyer. Your attorney can help you file a convincing claim based on strong evidence and the corroborating statements provided by witnesses.

A personal injury lawyer can offer advice on how to receive full compensation, as well as recommend the best healthcare provider for physical therapy, if needed.

  • Organize Your Records

Gather and organize every one of the documents that are related to your claim. Start a file for medical records and a second file that documents the repairs done to your vehicle. The third file consists of all the information pertaining to your claim, such as the claim number and the name of the insurance adjuster handling your auto insurance claim.


Daylight Savings Time Accident: When to Call a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer After a Workplace Accident

The same Daylight Savings Time factors that cause auto accidents also come into play when it involves workplace safety. However, when to call a workers’ compensation attorney after a workplace accident differs from when you call a personal injury lawyer after a car collision. You should contact a workers’ comp attorney right after you notify your employer about the workplace accident.

Working with one of the accomplished workers’ compensation lawyers at Morgan & Morgan ensures you receive the best legal representation.

  • Get Medical Attention

The most important documents filed with your workers’ comp claim are the medical records that explain the extent of your injuries. Getting medical help is the first thing on your workers’ compensation claim to-do list. You receive the results of diagnostics tests, as well as a written statement provided by your doctor that describes when you can return to work.

  • Inform Your Employer

You should report the workplace accident to your employer as soon as you can. Your employer then completes an accident report, which provides its insurance company with information about what happened before, during, and after the workplace accident. Most states give employees 30 days after a workplace accident to file a workers’ compensation claim. Hiring one of our workers’ comp lawyers ensures you file your claim before the deadline.

  • Complete the Claim Form

This is the step that requires the legal expertise of a state-licensed workers’ compensation attorney. Depending on where you live, you might have to report the workplace accident to the state workers’ compensation board. Make sure to complete every section with accurate information, including the day and time of the workplace accident. Provide a detailed account of what happened, as well as what factors you think caused the accident. Your workers’ comp lawyer should conduct an investigation to determine the cause of your injuries.

Attaching persuasive evidence to your workers’ compensation claim is the key to getting your claim approved by your employer’s insurance company. Types of evidence to submit include copies of your medical records, footage shot from a security camera system, and photographs depicting the seriousness of your injuries. List every witness and how your employer’s insurance company can contact them.

Your employer submits your workers’ compensation claim.

  • Insurance Company Investigation

Your employer pays a monthly premium for workers’ compensation. However, an accident in the workplace can increase what your employer pays. This means your employer’s insurance company might not approve your workers’ comp claim. Your attorney should monitor the progress of the investigation conducted by the insurance company, which involves examining evidence and speaking with witnesses. If your employer’s insurance company knows you have legal representation, you stand a much better chance of getting your claim approved.

  • Back to Work

When you get back to work depends largely on the advice provided by your healthcare provider. Do not permit your employer to pressure you into returning to work before you should. Coming back too early might aggravate one or more of your injuries. If you come back to work after recovering from a serious injury, you have the right to request reasonable accommodations that include changing jobs.


Get the Legal Support You Deserve

Experience matters when you vet potential attorneys to handle your case. It also matters that the lawyer you hire has a thorough understanding of state law as it applies to a workers’ compensation or personal injury case. A responsive attorney returns emails and phone calls promptly, listens to your concerns, and answers your questions. Consider legal representation that charges on a contingency fee basis, which means you do not pay upfront legal expenses.

Schedule a free case evaluation today with Morgan & Morgan to start the legal process.