Can You File an Insurance Dispute for Mobile Homes?

5 min read time

Mobile homeowners are in a unique legal position. They own their homes but often lease the home's property. This means they are both treated like homeowners and renters. 

This can lead to some unexpected legal interactions. Because they fall into this curious legal crack, mobile homeowners are often unsure of their legal rights.

Thankfully, almost none of this matters when it comes to mobile home insurance. Both renters and homeowners have the right to make claims on their insurance. And when insurance companies don’t offer fair compensation, mobile homeowners have the right to file a dispute.

If you are a mobile homeowner who is being treated unfairly by your insurance company, you need professional support. Use the contact form to contact Morgan & Morgan today to schedule a free case consultation about your insurance dispute for mobile homes.

The Basics of Mobile Home Insurance

Mobile home insurance is quite similar to homeowner insurance for a traditional home. A current policy provides coverage for:

  • Damage to the exterior and interior of the dwelling
  • Damage to adjacent, unconnected structures (usually sheds or garages)
  • Loss of or damage to personal property in or near the dwelling
  • Liability for the homeowner

Assuming you have appropriate coverage limits, this should protect your home and possessions from just about any type of damage. It should also protect you financially if someone else gets injured inside your home.

When Insurance Claims Get Tricky

As previously noted, most mobile homeowners do not own the property where their mobile home is located. This can lead to some tricky insurance claims when it isn’t entirely clear whether your insurance or the property owner's insurance (or possibly both) should cover a claim.

When multiple insurance policies are involved, it is common for insurance companies to try to take advantage of the situation. 

You may find that both insurance companies point the finger at the other, and neither is willing to pay compensation. Or, the insurance companies may try to negotiate a settlement that minimizes what they pay you.

Regardless, don’t surrender your rights to file an insurance dispute for mobile homes, even if your insurance company isn’t the one paying compensation. If you object for any reason, you have the right to dispute.


What Does It Mean to File a Dispute?

Filing a dispute simply means you are objecting to the actions of your insurance company. You can disagree with a finding, contest the compensation offer, or object to the time it takes the insurance company to act.

Whatever the dispute, you need to formally advise the insurance company of your dispute. Usually, this is done through the insurance company’s built-in processes, though you can file a dispute through the courts. 

Regardless of how you are filing a dispute, you should retain a lawyer specializing in insurance disputes as early in the process as possible.

Just as you have a right to file a dispute, you also have a right to have legal representation. Whether you end up negotiating directly with the insurance company, go to mediation, or end up in your court, your lawyer can be by your side throughout the entire process.


What Are The Advantages of Having an Insurance Dispute Lawyer?

Due to decades of lobbying, insurance companies have practically written the laws that regulate the industry. Due to this, insurance companies know all of the loopholes that allow them to pay out as little compensation as possible. The average person simply can’t compete with that.

But insurance dispute lawyers have that knowledge. Experienced lawyers working at law firms with decades of experience have the knowledge and tools to fight the insurance companies on a fair battlefield.

Often insurance companies can bully people simply because they have enough money to delay the process indefinitely. Your lawyer can force the process to move quickly, which is important if you have recently made an insurance claim.


Should You Negotiate Without an Attorney?

Negotiating without a lawyer is never a good idea. The insurance company will try to pressure you to make a bad decision and may scare you with the threat of a long legal process. You may think you can save money by not hiring a lawyer, but you'll always lose without an attorney if you are in a dispute with an insurance company.

At Morgan & Morgan, we ensure that our clients never lose money by retaining our services. We also minimize the time of any legal process and identify bad offers from the insurance company. In short, by retaining our services, you will always be better off than if you try to go it alone. 


How Can You Improve Your Chance of Winning an Insurance Dispute for Mobile Homes?

The most important thing you can do is preserve evidence.

Insurance companies will send an assessor to determine the damage and liability for your mobile home claim. And while most assessors are good at their jobs, they are still employees of the insurance company. 

They are paid to find reasons to minimize compensation. If you rely entirely on the evidence they gather, you will probably be underpaid.

Immediately after making an insurance claim, you should attempt to collect as much evidence as possible. The best evidence to support your claim is:

  • Pictures of any damage from as many angles as possible
  • Documents that prove ownership of lost property
  • Witness testimony
  • Bills received for repairs, replacements, or medical services

When you are involved in an insurance dispute for mobile homes, your insurance company will only provide evidence that supports its position. You need to have evidence that proves your position is correct.

With every day that passes, this evidence gets harder to preserve. Pictures have the most value when taken within hours of any damage. Similarly, memories are most accurate shortly after an event occurs.

Your Morgan & Morgan insurance dispute lawyer will tell you precisely what evidence is most important, how to document it, and what to do to preserve the sanctity of that evidence. We can ensure that you get the full compensation you deserve after an insurance claim with high-quality evidence gathered properly.


Are You Entitled to Speedy Compensation?

The laws regarding the timetable for compensation are different in every state. But regardless of where you live, the insurance company may not maliciously delay the process or your compensation.

Despite this, delays are common, and sometimes delays are a tactic to pressure people into agreeing to unfair compensation. Your Morgan & Morgan attorney will work to ensure you get a speedy recovery. 

If your insurance company is illegally delaying your compensation, we are ready to litigate in court and potentially get you additional awards.


Should You Engage in Mediation?

There is a good chance that your contract with your insurance company requires you to engage in mediation in case of a dispute. But even if that is the case, you have the right to have your Morgan & Morgan attorney negotiate during the mediation.

Our attorneys are very familiar with the mediation process. We will ensure that it is a fair process, protecting your rights while getting the compensation you deserve. 

We may even recommend mediation in disputes with insurance companies that can’t force mediation. Mediation is usually less expensive and quicker while still producing your desired results.

If the mediation process is not fair or infringes on your rights, we are ready to litigate for you. Mediation can be beneficial, but we will never allow it to harm you.


Can You File a Dispute if Your Landlord Disagrees?

In some cases, your landlord's insurance company may be responsible for compensation for damage to your property. Even if your landlord agrees to the compensation offer or liability determination of their insurance company, you are not required to accept that. You can still file a dispute.

In a case like this, we recommend that you let your Morgan & Morgan lawyer take the lead. Our goal will be to get you a fair settlement from the insurance company without upsetting your landlord. Just because you disagree on compensation for your property damage, that shouldn’t ruin your landlord/tenant relationship.


Are There Claims That You Can’t Make?

If your property has been damaged or lost, you can almost always make a claim with either your mobile home insurance company or another party's insurance company. However, you can’t make claims for damage to the property you are renting.

As an example, if you are renting a lot and a few trees fall, ruining your backyard, you can’t make a claim unless your possessions were also damaged. The yard belongs to your landlord.

Your landlord will likely be responsible for making repairs as part of your tenant contract. You may even be eligible for a rent discount if the repairs are not done promptly. But those are not insurance matters. 

Even if you aren’t eligible to make an insurance claim, your Morgan & Morgan lawyer can advise you on what rights you have in situations like this.


Morgan & Morgan — Insurance Dispute Attorneys

Morgan & Morgan is one of the largest civil law firms in the United States of America. We have offices in every single state and Washington D.C. Our team of over 1,000 lawyers has recovered over $25 billion since our firm was founded.

Over the years, we have seen the myriad ways insurance companies try to avoid paying what they owe. 

We’ve seen claims denied under false premises. We’ve seen policyholders abandon claims simply because of countless roadblocks thrown in their way. And we’ve seen plenty of unreasonably low settlement offers that don’t even begin to cover the damage.

We care about our clients and don’t want to see them taken advantage of, particularly after a traumatic event. That is why we take pride in our stellar record of getting the recovery that our clients deserve.

Get the Fair Settlement You Deserve

If an insurance company has denied your mobile home claim, offered you less than you deserve, or is unreasonably postponing the claim process, contact Morgan & Morgan today to get legal representation for an insurance dispute for mobile homes. Simply fill out our online form to schedule a free case evaluation.

This website is meant for general information and not legal advice.

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