Before You Go: A Checklist for Your Next Road Trip

Snacks? Check. Music? Check. Directions? Check.
Although you might think your pre-trip checklist is complete, here are a few things you should consider adding to it. Before you head out on the open road, it’s important to make sure that everything is in tip top shape to help avoid car malfunctions, a ticket, or an accident.
Windshield Wipers
Keep a clear view of the horizon ahead by checking those windshield wipers. Keeping windshields clear and clean is one of the most important ways to help drivers on the road. Regularly check your windshield wiper fluid and replace the blades on your wipers every six months or when they no longer clear the windshield properly.
Stay oiled up with sunblock so you don’t get a driver’s tan on that left arm, but also be sure to keep your car oiled up, too. Motor oil helps keep your engine running smoothly and coolants are used to make sure it doesn’t overheat. Check your oil and coolant levels before a long ride and be sure to add some if you’re running low.
Regularly check all lights on your car such as headlights, brake lights, turn signals, and taillights. Replace any burnt-out or broken lights immediately to avoid any accidents or the possibility of receiving a ticket.
Most importantly, the wheels that are getting you there will need to be in good shape. If your tire pressure indicator turns on, fill up your tires as soon as possible. It’s also important to check your tire’s tread if you’ve had them for a few years. This can be done by putting a penny into the tread groove with Lincoln’s head upside down. If you can see all of the head, your tires are worn down and it’s time to replace them.
Papers, Please
Vehicle ownership is heavily regulated in the United States and each state has local requirements for car safety and tracking. Be sure your car is up to date.
For instance, is your registration current? It might be time for a trip to the DMV. All 50 states require trucks and vehicles to be registered every one to two years. A current registration must be in your vehicle at all times and you are required to show it to law enforcement if you are ever stopped.
You also should consider all other inspections your vehicle may need. States such as Massachusetts, New York, and Louisiana require annual safety inspections to check things like brake systems, exhaust, lights, and more. Other states may only require inspections when a vehicle is purchased or in certain metro areas. For details on the inspection requirements in your state, click here.
Make Sure You and Your Car Are on the Same Page
Sometimes you just need to look your car in the headlights and decide if you trust each other.
Today’s cars come with sophisticated equipment, including the ability to connect to the internet and to be constantly aware of nearby hazards.
So while your car isn’t a fully autonomous Knight Rider situation, it can still collect data and send that info to your car’s manufacturer.
Information that might be collected can include your driving habits (like acceleration, swerving, and speed), how you use car tools (like voice commands), or mechanical data (like tire pressure and airbag system status).
To check what the privacy policy information on your vehicle is, check your Vehicle Privacy Report. While this is collected to improve car safety systems and efficiency, it might also be shared with insurance companies. You can always call your auto manufacturer’s customer support to opt out.
If Your Trip Takes a Left Turn, Contact Morgan & Morgan
Even after you do your due diligence, ensure the safety of your car, and keep your eyes on the road, things can go wrong.
If you get injured in an accident due to another driver’s negligence, experience a preventable road hazard, or if you suspect your car is sharing data without your permission, contact the attorneys at Morgan & Morgan.
As the nation’s largest personal injury law firm in America with over 35 years of experience, Morgan & Morgan has recovered over $25 billion for clients—because we hate settling for less than the maximum compensation owed to victims of personal injuries.
Hiring one of our lawyers is easy, and you can get started in minutes with a free case evaluation. If tragedy strikes on your road trip, give us a call.
Injured? Getting the compensation you deserve starts here.