7 Personal Injury Cases You Can’t Believe Are Real

The first civil lawsuit in the United States dates back to colonial times. Since then, hundreds of millions of civil lawsuits have come and gone, with unique cases sprouting up year after year.
Some seem semi-plausible, while others you might not believe were ever actually real. Still, every case requires a good attorney. If you need one after an accident, there’s no better choice than America’s largest personal injury firm – Morgan and Morgan.
Continue reading for some personal injury cases from history that don’t seem real but genuinely happened.
Case #1 – Fear of Fire (Drills)
A man filed a lawsuit against his employer following an unannounced fire drill that led to significant distress and a heart attack. In the end, the court sided with the man, acknowledging the effects of his emotional distress and compensating him for his suffering.
Case #2 – ‘Thumbwhere’ They Shouldn’t Be
A city claim examiner found himself stuck in a restroom without a doorknob while on the job. After noticing his situation, he stuck his thumb into the hole where the doorknob should have been and became stuck.
Suddenly, the restroom door swung open as someone outside attempted to enter. Pulling the door so quickly harmed the city claim examiner’s thumb severely, and he sued the company that owned the building, resulting in $3 million worth of damages.
Case # 3 – Under the Weather
A weather station found itself in the courtroom after a woman filed a case alleging that the weatherman’s incorrect forecast caused her to dress without enough layers for the weather, causing her to get sick.
Yes, this was real, and the woman was awarded $1,000 from the court.
Case #4 – Fear’s Legal Limit
A distressed woman sued a haunted house because the attraction was “too scary.” Although this case was dismissed, it speaks to the variety of personal injury lawsuits filed throughout history.
Case #5 – The Goose Lawsuit
A man sued an amusement park, claiming they didn't “warn” him about the potential safety risks associated with taking a closeup picture with a wild goose. He was injured after taking the picture, but details concerning the outcome are sparse. Regardless, his story serves as a lesson for those who find themselves close to wildlife.
Case #6 – The (Un) Happiest Place on Earth
Following a disappointing family trip to Disney, a visitor of the park sued the company for failing to meet their “satisfaction guaranteed” promise. The outcome of this case is unknown, but a variety of similar cases have been filed against service providers for failing to provide adequate service under outrageous circumstances.
Case #7 – An Unexpected Surprise
A Philadelphia woman filed a lawsuit against the property owners of her apartment building after improper water pressure caused her toilet to explode, sending her flying from the stall. Although the case began in 2007, it remains ongoing today.
Contact Morgan and Morgan After an Accident
Whether your accident case is straightforward, complex, or a bit out of the ordinary, Morgan and Morgan has your back. Since 1988, we’ve recovered over $25 billion advocating for the rights of those wronged by third-party negligence – and we’ve seen it all. Our experience across all our practice areas allows us to build the strongest case possible, significantly increasing the likelihood of a successful outcome.
We’re here to help you understand your legal rights and make a decision that works best for you. Complete our free, no-risk case evaluation to get started.
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