Featured Wins
Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.
Featured Wins
Ashley Sweat v. EP Hauling, Inc.
Car Accident Lawyers & Auto Accident Attorneys
Result type
Date of verdicts or settlements
Courtney Campbell v. EP Hauling, Inc.
Car Accident Lawyers & Auto Accident Attorneys
Result type
Date of verdicts or settlements
Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.
Biography Overview
Thomas is an attorney in North Florida offices of Morgan & Morgan. He is a 5th generation Floridian and attended Flagler College, where he double majored in Business Administration and Economics. He then attended Barry University where he received his Juris Doctorate.
Mr. Fichtelman specializes in premise liability and has a diverse background in personal injury cases. He has handled everything from car accidents to tiger bites.
Recent Wins
Practice Areas
- Flagler College, B.S., Business Administration and Economics
- Barry University School of Law, J.D.