Featured Wins
Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.
Featured Wins
Private Settlement
Car Accident Lawyers & Auto Accident Attorneys
$1 Million
Result type
Date of verdicts or settlements
Robinson, Safiya vs. Dowhy, John
Car Accident Lawyers & Auto Accident Attorneys
$1 Million
Result type
Date of verdicts or settlements
Hartley, Fort vs Rooney, Catherine
Car Accident Lawyers & Auto Accident Attorneys
Result type
Date of verdicts or settlements
Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.
Biography Overview
I worked as a bodily injury claims adjuster with one of the largest auto insurers for thirteen years. After graduating law school, I opened a firm with my uncle and practiced for almost six years. I then moved on to one of the largest personal injury firms in Northeast Florida. I relocated to the Orlando area to handle litigation for most of Central Florida for that firm. After a little over ten and a half years with that firm, I decided to come to Morgan and Morgan. Overall, I have been handling bodily injury cases in excess of 30 years.
Recent Wins
Practice Areas
- Florida State University 1991
- Florida Coastal School of Law 2003